The outside world

The next morning Jackson woke up to Jasmine switching her laying pension, Jasmine was sprawled out on his lap with her head leaning off him, touching the floor.

When he tried moving Jasmine, her head shot up looking around with sleepy eyes. "Relax I was trying to get up." He said to comfort her, she turned to him "carry me with you I'll wake up I promise" she said leaning against his chest closing her eyes.

Jackson smiled slightly as he stood up holding Jasmine in his arms like a princess. Walking out the tent Clementine was close behind, he turned to her with a questioning gaze causing her to shrug "I can come to right?"

"That's not a problem" he answered walking toward the back of the Walmart with Jasmine in his arms and Clementine walking next to him.

It was a interesting site to see for the soldiers who guarded the back door. Today it was Rick and Stella, like usual Stella stiffened up saluting while Rick just smiled as Jackson approached them.

"Good morning,let us in" Jackson ordered, they didn't hesitate to open the door stepping out the way. "morning, what's happening today if you don't mind me asking?" Rick asked.

"We'll be packing, so I'm going to be organizing a couple things for everyone to pick from." He answered going into the back room putting Jasmine on her feet as she rubbed her eyes looking around.

Not much changed in the room, it still had a giant pile of junk that nobody sorted through. Jackson walked past the pile going into a side room that had weapon and tools placed neatly around the room.

As Jasmine was about to enter the room he walked past her making her turn in confusion. "What's going on?" He turned to her with a smile "I'm going to organize this pile of shit, can you go into that room and organize everything the comes your way?"

She shrugged "I can't promise that it will be neat but I'll try." Clementine walked over to him "what about me?" Jackson walked over to the pile and started lifting everything he could slowly. "You can help Jasmine or you can grab stuff you like, just stay out of the pile." He answered as he started flouting multiple small knives that were still wrapped in plastic cases toward Jasmine.

Clementine watched as weapons and tools started floating past her into the room with Jasmine, who hastily started grabbing them putting them to the side. As she grabbed something all its wight would return letting her put it to the side.

Clementine couldn't help but watch the weapons glide past her, so close she could reach out and grab one. but nothing looked useful to her until a short knife with a wood handle caught her eye.

Reaching out she was barely able to touch the plastic case before it fell into her hands. Looking at Jackson he was stacking and organizing as he flouted the weapons past her.

She couldn't help but feel amazed and useless at the same time, that's when Jackson called her over handing her a black backpack that was bigger then she was. "This will be your backpack for now on your other one is to small, go ahead and try and find some clothes you like." He said pointing in the direction of flouting cloths being folded neatly into a pile.

She was in constant amazement watching Jackson do so manny things at once. He organized the male and female clothes, folding them in their own pile organized from biggest to smallest.

At the same time he was throwing trash into trash bags, wrapping them up before throwing it in a corner of the room. He also put anything he knew they wouldn't need next to the trash pile organizing them all next to each other.

Jasmine had a easy time organizing everything that came her way so when it stoped she walked out the room seeing the immense difference in the room.

The room that once was just a room with a bunch of junk in a pile, went to a organized room with trash in the corner. Jasmine ran over to him looking around at the pile of clothes and toys in disbelief.

"That was a lot quicker then I thought it was going to be." She muttered getting Jackson to smile a little, "the power of multitasking." He said in a loud heroic tone, kinda sounding like a super hero causing Jasmine and Clementine to laugh a little.

Suddenly the door opened with Rick peaking his head around the corner "breakfast is done" is all he said before closing the door back behind him.

When breakfast was heard Clementines stomach rumbled loud enough for Jasmine and Jackson to here it, causing them turn to her as she blushed a little. "Breakfast sounds good doesn't it?" Clementine asked sheepishly making Jackson and Jasmine laugh a little.

Leaving the back room, entering the main area everyone's had their eyes on them as they walked onto the stage taking their seats casually. Jasmine got used to everyone looking at her, but to Jackson it didn't even faze him, as if they weren't even there.

Clementine had a chair on the stage today for the first time, so she could eat with Jackson and Jasmine. she wasn't ready for everyone's eyes to locked on her giving her a little stage fright before Jackson cold voice entered her ears. "They can stair all they want and it won't change anything."

Clementine looked at him confused but he kept eating without adding to the the topic, looking toward Jasmine she was enjoying her food having a satisfied look on her face.

She sighed and began eating avoiding the gaze of the people below. Jackson turned to the crowd and that's all it took for everyone to look away continuing their meal.

After the meal nobody knew what to do, so they sat in their seat chatting with one another before Jackson walked out onto stage getting everyone's attention immediately.

"Last night everyone should have packed their bags, but if you don't have one or you have nothing to pack I prepared a few items." As he announced this Breckin, Noah, Anthony and Rick walked out carrying blankets over their shoulders, When they placed them on the ground they spread them out revealing the folded clothes with big backpacks next to them.

Everyone got into multiple lines, one had men the next woman, lastly was the children. There were some problems with this but it couldn't be helped. Not everyone could get what they wanted but debate were settled quickly with a spar or a trade.

After a hour or so everyone had bags full of clothes but Jackson wasn't done with a nod to David he had breckin come back out with the same people now bringing out blankets full of weapons without their plastic cases.

"You can pick and take whatever you know how use, if you get a weapon you don't know how to use and get others injured or killed you will be punish. For anyone who doesn't know how to use a weapon ask someone to teach you." After this announcement everyone began talking to each other before getting in line grabbing a weapon.

Jackson inwardly cursed to himself, for not releasing at the very least half of them barely knew how to use a knife much less a sword.

Jasmine walked up next to him looking at the pile of weapons that nobody picked. "What are we going to do with the spars?" Jackson turned his gaze to the pile of short swords and katanas.

Jackson climbed down from the stage looking at each weapon individually noticing all the katanas left behind were dull and everything else was small knifes, Kunai and ninja stars.

He picked up everything but the katanas they were useless to him so he unsheathed the swords with telekinesis before throwing it at a far wall as hard as he could.

With the 65 pounds of force he was able to use with telekinesis and with the momentum from how far he threw it, the blade was stuck into the wall a couple inches. Everyone watched Jackson do it but nobody expected it.

Not long after this everyone was in the back room of the Walmart packing into the 18 wheelers. A 18 wheeler can carry 24 people in the back and 3 in the front and a Jeep can hold 5 people comfortably.

Having two 18 wheelers and two jeeps everyone was able to fit comfortably. The formation they took was jeep in the front and back with the 18 wheelers in the middle and if anyone had a problem all they had to do was honk once.

Jackson took the jeep in the front with Rick as the driver, Stella in the passenger seat and Jackson was in the back window seat with Jasmine next to him with Clementine on the other side of Jasmine.

Rick didn't hesitate to go full throttle and seeing the gate open by itself he couldn't help but smile.

Suddenly a voice was heard from the radio "Rick stop, we have to manny people in the back of the 18 wheelers to keep up. Slow down." David ordered getting a sigh from Rick as he slowed down.

"We also have to make a stop at the opposite end of the city." Jackson added getting another long sigh from Rick.

It didn't take long for them to get to their destination, only a hour pasted as Rick was starring at a sea of cars blocking the road. "Clementine stay in the jeep it won't take to long." Jackson said as he grabbed the radio clicking a button on the side speaking into it "David you know why we're here, get enough hands so this won't take long."

He got out with Jasmine walking toward the jeep David was in letting the drivers of the trucks know they have to turn around while they collect vehicles.

It was eerily quiet but besides that they were able to fill up all their gas's tanks and head out without any trouble. Only taking about 30 minutes.

"Where are we going to go?" Clementine asked looking out the window. Nobody answered for a moment before Jackson spoke up, "nowhere in particular, why?" He asked getting Clementine to look toward him, "I was getting used to the Walmart and how safe it felt." She sighed looking back out the window.

Jackson didn't know what to say but he felt like he had to say something, suddenly Jasmine wrapped her arms around Clementine pulling her close "so your already home sick, don't worry I'm sure your going to like learning about the forest."

Clementine tried pushing her away but she was smiling to hard to get Jasmine off. Jackson couldn't help but smile and be thankful that Jasmine was there to handle the situation.

After another 3 hours of driving they made it to the border of the city, but instead of a sea of cars it was bloody skeletons spread around the streets with military trucks flipped over blocking the road.

Jackson leaned into the front grabbing the radio clicking a button on the side talking into it "we have a roadblock here, let even out to stretch their legs but make sure to tell them to be alert of their surroundings."

When he released the button Davids voice was heard "roger that" with that Jackson got out the jeep with everyone following his lead.

Jackson walked over to the skeletons getting about 3 feet away from it before his masters voice was heard.

[skeleton: level 1]

As the system spoke the skeleton was getting up with its bones clicking and clacking as it got onto its feet with the other 30 or so getting up slowly.

Jackson looked down at the skeleton in front of him and the skeleton began trembling making a clicking sound doing so, within the 3 feet distance he had with the skeleton he easily was able to breathe in the aura of fear the skeleton oozed.

Jackson started laughing causing the other skeletons behind it to tremble. Clementine, Rick and Stella were dumbfounded but Jasmine couldn't help but laugh with him a little.

"Rick and Stella you can handle these weaklings can't you?" As he asked this the skeletons stoped trembling, Rick answered "not a problem" Stella also added "yes sir" giving a short salute.

The skeletons lost all traces of fear as Rick and Stella walked toward them with weapons in hand. Rick preferred using blades so he had two Bowie knifes on his sides, Stella on the other hand pulled out a rapier from thin air confusing Jackson.

Jasmine noticed the confused look on his face so filled him in "everyone has two items they can store in the system, she probably just pulled it out without the sheath." Jackson turned to her in disbelief "why didn't the system tell me?" He asked looking back to Rick and Stella who already wiped out half of the skeletons.

Jasmine shrugged "the system has a couple hidden options if you go looking." Jackson nodded, taking a look into his stats to see a couple tiny boxes next to his name with the letter i on it. Focusing on the box, It opened up into two bigger blank boxes.

Closing his status he looked back to the battle that was already over. "How much experience did a skeleton give?" He asked as Rick approached "nothing, it said your opponent is to weak for you to gain experience."

Jackson laughed a little "no wonder they were trembling in my presence, Let's hurry up and hook this winch up to the truck." Rick immediately went inside the truck pressing a button, losing the winch letting Jackson stretch it to the flipped 18 wheeler before hooking it up to the frame of the truck, giving Rick a thumbs up.

Rick pressed a button tightening the winch flipping the truck back over noticing the tires were slashed opened. Jackson crossed his arms looking at the truck cursing at himself as everyone else approached.

He turned to them as David emerged from the crowd approaching. "Good timing, get Breckin and a couple of the strongest people out here." He ordered and without another word David started calling out names.

In front of Jackson was Breckin, Ralph, Randy, Russell and Jean. Jackson gestured for them to follow him, they follow him to the upright truck getting behind it.

"Everyone get a good grip we have to push this beast out the way." Jackson ordered getting a bewildered look from the group but they did as told.

When everyone got a good grip Jackson started counting down, "3, 2, 1" everyone pushed with all their might moving the truck slowly out the way.

They pushed the truck a total of 6 feet and when they were done the other truck was flipped back over ready to be pushed out the way. Jackson gave the group a little brake before they pushed the other one out the way.

Jasmine took Clementine, Lori and Fred to search a couple of the buildings near by, while they moved the trucks but they couldn't find anything useful.

As for everyone else they sat by watching Jackson and the small group move the trucks.

David and Jackson quickly rounded everyone back into the trucks and they started heading into the dense forest.


After the year 2005 the tree population was reduced to a 3rd with also having a food crisis. when suddenly a new age of technology was born to save the world called the creation tool.

In a sense it did. The human population was growing into the quadrillion, when WW3 happened major city's and states were turned into forest from neighboring states abusing the power of the creation tool, reducing the human population to 30 million.

This new technology was reversed engineered to protect themselves from such a deadly weapon, this new technology was called the shield. but smaller states without the shield or anyone backing them got turned into wildlife. Letting other states grow and any state not claimed by the wildlife flourished with the animal species growing to an all around high.


As Jackson traveled through the dark forest he couldn't help but have a bad feeling in his gut. Even though it was the middle of the day, the trees were so high and had so manny leafs it blocked the sun 80% only letting a little sun through, forcing them to turn on their headlights.

Clementine never left the city so she was shocked to see how beautiful the forest was. "Wow" the words escaped from her hips without her knowing as she stared in awe.

"These are your average oak trees, after ww3 oak trees began growing bigger and stronger producing enormous leaves and acorns the size of your head, throughout the years along with the forest every animal and creature in it grew stronger and more in number." Jackson explained looking out into the forest keeping his senses honed with his domain skill.

"I've also heard of animals growing 3X their original size and fruits from trees growing 5X their original size." Jasmine added watching Clementine gaze out the window.

As they got deeper into the forest their surroundings darken forcing Rick to turn in his brights. Even though Jackson couldn't see into the forest he could sense the movement of small animals running from the road.

Suddenly Jackson felt something above the trees flying directly above them, the size of the thing wingspan was stretching outside his domain distance making him think it was a drone of some kind or a giant bird.

"Don't slow down" is all he said as he rolled down his window climbing onto the roof stunning everyone inside and the drivers behind watching him climb onto the roof, taking a fighting stance to keep his footing as he tried to look past the leafs.

Jackson also grounded his feet with telekinesis to make sure he didn't fall, as he got ready for anything that might try and swoop them up.

Rick trusted Jackson so he didn't slow down, he rolled down his window shouting out to Jackson. "What's going on?!" Jackson was able to here him just fine with his advanced hearing, the truck was also only going 40 mph to make sure not to leave anyone behind, So hearing wasn't a problem.

"Something is flying above us and it's big enough to pick up the jeep, just keep driving!" He ordered not looking away from the leafs above.

Suddenly Bobby's voice was heard though the radio. "Should we be worried?" He asked in a questioning tone clearly in a panic. Rick quickly snatched the radio talking into it "Jackson said keep driving and that's what I'm going to do! Just keep up and turn on your brights." He said before slamming the radio back into its holster.

Stella looked worried, she didn't like the aggravated look on Rick's face but before she could say anything a loud screeching sound was heard, making their ears ring and making the drivers swerve a little.

But everyone was fine so they kept their pace at 40 mph as they drove through the forest. Suddenly Jackson got back into the jeep, "we need to hide, find a clearing in the woods big enough for everyone." He ordered in a calm cold tone getting a grunt from Rick as he scanned the edge of the tree line..

Jasmine turned to him "what is it?" She asked with a calm smile, "this fucker is big, like pick up a 18 wheeler big. I don't know if we should fight moving like this so If we can, we should avoid the fight." He calmly said as he kept track of the flying beast.

Rick found a spot ahead and picked up the radio "we're going to take cover follow me and turn off your lights when you park and stay quiet." He ordered as he turned driving off the road in between a big gap in the trees, turning off the lights with the other vehicles behind him doing the same.

When all the trucks were off, everyone could clearly hear the flapping of giant wings above the trees making them shake a little. The beast flew past them, before circling back a few times before finally flying away.

Everyone sighed in relief before Jackson leaned forward talking into the radio, "let's camp out here tonight we have a long day tomorrow." Everyone in the jeep sighed in relief as they got out into the darkness.

Everyone pulled out flashlights from their bags shining them into the trees surrounding them but to see nothing but bushes and trees.

Jackson was the only one who didn't bring out a flashlight, him being used to the darkness and his domain skill also was enough to get his general soundings, making him able to walk blindfolded without any problems.

"David keep everyone together, I'm going to get fire wood. we don't know what kind of animals are in the forest so I'm going alone, so everyone should stay on high alert with your flashlights off." He ordered walking into the woods leaving everyone in Davids care.

Jackson spent his whole summer in the woods so he got used to navigating through the trees, but this skill was irrelevant at the moment because it only took a couple steps into the woods for him to collect all the wood they would need.

Jackson abused his telekinesis and domain skill to collect all the dead branches and logs with ease, Jackson returned so soon everyone looked at him with expectation.

But seeing him walk out of the woods with his hands in his pockets everyone had mixed emotions. Jasmine was the only one who was actually prepared for his quick return, already having a gas can close by.

Jackson was carrying the logs and sticks high so when everyone saw logs and stick being piled up next to Jasmine, everyone was tired of being shocked all the time by this 18 year old boy.

Jasmine had the fire going in seconds keeping a lowish flame, as everyone gathered around the fire.

"Everyone try and rest, we're heading deep into the forest tomorrow. I'll keep watch tonight." Jackson said leaning against one of the 18 wheelers causing some to turn to him confused, but most of them would follow Jackson's lead out of habit at this point.

"What's deeper in the forest?" Karen asked with a smile, walking toward him. Jackson didn't even turn to her as he answered "there's a lake that we're going to be leveling at for a while."

Everyone got excited hearing about gaining levels but also nervous about the beasts lurking in the wilderness.

"Are we not putting up tents?" She asked stopping a couple feet away. In the past couple days after Jackson put Karan in her place in front of everyone, she's been a lot more passive with her questions.

Jackson walked closer to her "if you want a tent over your head for one night do what you want, but know we're leaving in 7 hours no buts or if's about it." He said looking down on her, he realized everyone wouldn't question him if they had to look up to him. For some reason nobody liked looking up at Jackson's eyes, they always seem to be looking through you instead of at you.

Even though he was looking down on Karen he wasn't paying attention to her, his attention was on the surroundings making sure they wouldn't get attacked.

So when he felt a hand touch his chest and slide down he reflexively jumped back looking at Karen with mixed emotions. "What the fuck do you think your doing?" Jasmine asked in a calm tone appearing next to Jackson without anyone seeing her get there.

"Don't get all hurt about it" Karen said nonchalantly like she did nothing wrong. Jasmine smiled taking a step forward getting within a foot distance from Karen, giggling a little. "I'm actually curious on what you think your doing."

Karan smiled "just wanted to touch a real man." She answered casually glaring at a couple guys in the distance who immediately looked away with shame.

Jasmine smiled "so your just a whore, who's looking to take something that's not yours." Karen looked at her with a scowl "at least I can satisfy the men I get with." She said confidently getting Jasmine to smile a little more.

"That's enough, I'm tired of hearing this already everyone go to sleep already." Jackson's cold tone entered everyone's ear giving them a chill down their spine except for Jasmine and Karen.

"But she started it." Karen said getting closer to Jackson before Jasmine pushed past her hugging Jackson not letting her get close. "And?" He asked looking down on her as he leaned over giving Jasmine a soft kiss on the lips making her smile.

Karen grunted walking away toward the fire sitting down by herself. Jasmine chuckled seeing the defeated Karen "you shouldn't bully people but I could care less to be honest, just don't make me have to kill her." He said in a cold tone getting a pouty face from Jasmine as she looked up at him.

"Was I supposed let it slide? When she touched you like that?" She asked with a little jealousy making Jackson smile, "like I said I could care less about what you do to her but don't make her a enemy." He answered getting a smile out of her as he leaned against the 18 wheeler once more.

"Alright but I'm still not sharing." She said walking away toward Karen sitting next to her and started talking to her casually. Jackson sighed as he kept watch over everyone for the night, he was used to staying up a couple days at a time but he knew his condition wouldn't be the best if he didn't get a little sleep after everyone woke up.

The night passed by quietly with Jackson able to kill a few giant rabbits that stumbled into his domain, he was easily able to kill it with a Kunai and telekinesis.

Jackson skinned the rabbits chopping up their meat tossing it into a pot on the fire with some seasonings a vegetables closing the lid as people started getting up from the smell of the food.

Daphne and Tiffany walked over sleepily "would you like us to finish cooking this for you?" Daphne asked in a kind tone sitting next to him. "Be my guest I'm going to take a short nap before we go." He said getting up walking toward David who was stretching his arms side to side.

"I'm going to bed wake me up in a hour or so." He said walking over to a tree leaning against it sliding down it closing his eyes as he sensed someone approaching. With a short inhale through his nose he smells Jasmines familiar sent.

She sits on his lap leaning into him as he wrapped his arms around her making her giggle a little as she snuggled against him as they fell asleep.

After a hour everyone was done with breakfast and now they were packing everything, David walked over to Jackson waking him and Jasmine up. "It's time to move out." He said getting Jackson to stand holding Jasmine in his arms as he walked over to the jeep getting inside before going back to sleep with Jasmine in his lap leaning against him.

Jackson was leaning against the door resting his face on his knuckles with Jasmine in his lap leaning into his right shoulder. The site made them look like a regular couple, Rick and Stella knew better. They knew if they tried to move or touch them Jackson would react before they got to close.

Clementine didn't feel like being the only one awake so she crawled over laying against Jackson's side. In the rearview mirror Rick could see Jackson casually lift his arm for Clementine with the need to open his eyes, sending a shiver down his spine.

They drove on the dark, desolate roads without any problems. Here and their something would be in the road but it was easy enough for Stella to move.

After another 3 hours of driving in the darkness they made it to a clearing where a cabin (50ft by 50ft with the roof having a slight incline) stood in front of a lake that was bigger then 2 football field next to each other.

As the jeep stoped Jackson opened his eyes looking around popping his neck in the process. The sound his neck made startled Rick and Stella making them look back at him.

Jackson was sitting up straight with Jasmine completely on his lap leaning against his right shoulder with Clementine cuddled up against his left shoulder. "Where are we?" He asked getting Rick to clear his throat before answering "we're at the lake."

Jackson moved both his shoulder a little waking Clementine and Jasmine "it's time to get out" he said opening the door in a soft tone getting Clementine to get up and start stretching.

Jasmine turned around hopping out the door stepping out the way stretching her arm into the air leaning side to side. "This place is beautiful" she said looking around.

Clementine agreed with her as she got out looking around out into the grassland at the lake in the distance. "I've never seen anything like this before" she said in awe of the beauty of the place.

Jackson started walking toward the cabin, everyone seen him so they followed curious on what's inside.

Entering the cabin you could tell it was somebody's home it had a small bed in the corner with a radio in the other, and as you entered their was a stove on the right and a small room for the bathroom on the left.

"What a shit hole" Rick said entering the room looking through the cabin. Jackson turned around walking out seeing everything he needed to see. He walked around back of the cabin with David catching up to him.

"Perfect timing" Jackson said pointing at the roof with his thumb. David nodded crouching down interlocking his fingers placing his hand on his knee. Jackson stepped on his hand jumping as David threw him onto the roof.

The roof was only 10ft tall so it wasn't a far jump so Jackson was able to pull David up with ease. When Jackson helped David up he immediately started stepping around the roof stomping here and pulling up a shingle a little before putting it back down.

"What do you think?" David asked looking into the distance to see if he could see anything but nothing was seen. "This place been here a while but it looks good and sturdy." He said with shrug jumping off the roof with David not far behind.

Jackson walked back around front seeing everyone standing around waiting for him. "This is going to be our humble abode for awhile, so let's clean it out." He said walking into the house throwing everything that was inside, outside.

"What do you want us to do with it?" Karen asked looking at the garage. "Make a burn put" Jackson said nonchalantly like the answer was obvious as he left the shack.

As a couple people left to make a fire close by, everyone sat around not knowing what to do making Jackson sigh. "Ok people it seems you don't get it." As he said this everyone looked at him confused.

"We need to unpack all the tents, preferably not to far away from the campfire. We also need to restock on water and make sure theirs nothing going to come out the lake and eat while we sleep." He ordered making everyone move into action.

The only people left not doing anything was Jasmine, David and Clementine. "Let's get all the food and important items inside so they don't get damaged or misplaced." Jackson ordered walking toward one of the 18 wheelers with Jasmine while Clementine and David got everything out the other.

After a hour of moving back and forth they had the tents set up and all the weapons they weren't using and all the food/accessories inside the cabin.

The cabin was fully stocked with items now, they kept the radio in the corner putting theirs next to it with all the weapons where the bed used to be, with all the food stacked not to far from the stove.

At this time the sun was setting so the fire was blazing brightly with everyone around it eating the leftover rabbit. Suddenly Jackson stomach started to growl and as if she could sense it Daphne walked toward him holding a big plate of rabbit meat mixed with mashed potatoes, green beans and corn.

Jackson was so hungry he stood there eating the food on the spot, getting a shining smile from daphne. Not far behind her was Breckin, Noah and Anthony handing plates to David, Jasmine and Clementine who also stood eating their food.

After eating everyone was relaxing by the fire talking to one another casually. Until Jackson walked over to the fire getting everyone's attention with just his arrival.

"Tonight everyone can rest, tomorrow we will get back to training and showing everyone the safe way to exploring the woods." He said getting everyone to relax talking to one another once more.

Jackson wasn't present when they set up the tents so he was just looking around aimlessly until Karen ran over making him internally sigh. "If your looking for your tent its the one setup against the cabin." She pointed in the direction of the empty tent.

Jackson looked at her with suspicion "thanks" he said walking over into the tent placing his bag against the wall sitting next to it closing his eyes.

Jackson was completely focused on his domain skill when he closed his eyes, this became a habit ever since he got the skill. With so much experience with this skill he was able to get a visual outline of everything around him, so even when his eyes where close he could see clearer then with his eyes open.

So when he seen someone enter he new exactly who it was by their body shape and scent. "What do you want Karen?" He asked in a cold tone getting her to stop in her tracks with a smile. "How'd you know it was me?" She asked getting closer.

But before she could get any closer Jackson put 30 pounds of pressure on her whole body. "Your scent, you smell like a ashtray." He said looking at her with a smile, keeping his eyes closed.

(Jackson wouldn't put the pressure on the persons shoulder but their whole body making even their fingernails heavier)

She didn't like being called a ashtray but she still continued moving forward with the pressure still pressing down on her. "Why do you have to such a dick?" She asked with steady steps making Jackson's smile grow more menacing putting another 10 pounds on her making it 40 pounds on every part of her body.

"We'll that's because it's fun and because I feel like it." He answered casually making Karen frown a little as she pushed through the pressure making Jackson put all 65 pounds on her making her knees buckle.

Now kneeling she asked "why do you have to push me so far away? I want to do is stand next to you, someone strong." She asked with a little anger but sadness leaked into her voice. Jackson released the pressure on her making her breath heavily.

"Because I'm a very picky person and I also already have a woman, so why would I need you next to me?" He asked sensing Jasmine around the corner listening to everything they just said.

Karen chuckled a little "I have to admit she's stronger then me at the moment, but a man as strong as you should be able to have all the women he wants." Now it was Jackson's turn to chuckle "you might be right but doesn't mean I want more."

Jasmine walked into the tent walking past Karen to Jackson seeing his eyes were closed. "I'm guessing you already knew I was here?" She asked standing next to him looking down at Karen who now started to stand. "Of course" he added as Karen got up moving her aching body.

"I guess I'll take my leave." Karen said turning around looking down. Jasmine felt kinda bad so she couldn't help but say "I'm not willing to share him but I wouldn't mind you standing next to him."

Karen stoped for a moment and Jackson could hear her heart beat elevate a little before she kept walking out the tent. "That was nice of you" Jackson said opening his eyes looking at Jasmine's smile. "Don't remind me, Let's go to bed already." She said sitting down on his lap grabbing a blanket from her bag before leaning against his chest covering herself up.

Jackson couldn't help but enjoy the comfort Jasmine gave him, no matter who it was when they seen what he was capable of they always treated him differently, each time he's done something to terrify everyone Jasmine approaches him casually as if everything he's done never fazed her and he couldn't love her more for that.

Jackson woke up in the middle of the night sensing something entertaining his domain. "Its on all fours a big wolf maybe?" He said to himself looking down at the sleeping Jasmine who looked like she was sleeping on a cloud.

Jackson didn't have time to waist so he just carried her with him to see what was approaching the camp. Jackson walked to the edge of the camp looking at the wolf that was low to the ground trying to sneak up.

The wolf was slowly approaching thinking Jackson couldn't see it because how dark it was. The wolf was 4ft tall stretching to 5ft long with pitch black fur to help it blend with the darkness.

Jackson had experience fighting wolfs, so he was expecting more to start approaching but he couldn't sense anymore of them. "Where's your pack" Jackson asked letting his bloodlust seep out toward the wolf making it stop in its tracks.

Jackson wasn't expecting a response from the wolf, He likes to talk to everything as if they were another human, he didn't know why himself but when the wolf spoke, Jackson was very interested in its words. "Eaten alive" the wolf snarled showing its white teeth in the darkness.

Jasmines skin crawled hearing the wolfs deep raspy voice, making her jump out Jackson's arms glaring at the wolf that was only visible because it was showing its shining white teeth.

"That's disappointing to hear" Jackson said calmly causing the wolf's smile to grow more menacing. "Don't be, the weak die and the strong grow"

Jackson couldn't help but smile hearing the wolf speak "would you like to walk with the strong?" Jackson asked getting the wolf to walk a little closer, sniffing the air before it sat down scratching its ear with his leg. "I can smell your weak pack, aren't you scared of your pack being eaten in the night?"

Jackson smile grew menacingly, letting a little malice leak into his words "I wouldn't let that happen" the wolf stood back up in all fours looking up at Jackson "if you can defeat me without using that strange power of yours then I'll join your pack under your leadership."

Jackson looked at the wolf with skepticism "how would you like to begin?" The wolf backed up a few steps "the first to yield to the other gets to decide the losers life." He said showing his teeth once more while crouching down into a lunging pension.

Jackson walked toward the wolf casually making the wolfs hair stand on end, Jackson got into striking distance and the wolf didn't hesitate to lunge at his inner thigh taking a chuck of his thigh before trying to retreat. before the wolf could get far Jackson grabbed him by his snout, lifting the wolf into the air before turning it around putting it into a chokehold while wrapping his legs around the wolf preventing it from struggling.

The wolf was stunned that he got caught so quickly, "I yielded" he said knowing he couldn't get out of the position he was in. Jackson let go of the wolf standing up as the wolf shook itself off "Nothing has ever made me submit in such a manner, my life is in your hands." The wolf said in a low tone.

Jackson smiled at the wolf crouching down petting his head making it flinch "you will be my new companion, the only rule is you can't harm any of my people." Jackson said petting the wolfs head making his tale wag a little.

"As you say leader" the wolf said sitting down enjoying being petted, Jasmine couldn't help but walk over petting the wolfs back feeling it's soft fur, the wolfs tale started wagging faster as they both continuously pet the wolf.

After 5 minutes Jackson stopped petting the wolf gesturing for the wolf to follow. Jasmine couldn't see a thing so when the wolf tried to move she jumped on his back mounting the wolf like a horse, surprising the wolf a little but she was light enough for him so it didn't bother him as he caught up walking side by side with Jackson.

"Is this your mate, leader?" The wolf asked looking up at Jackson, Jackson looked at the wolf with a smile "yes she is, why?"

"I've never seen someone so brazen, to hop onto my back without hesitation." He said turning back to Jasmine who was smiling enjoying the ride.

Jackson just laughed a little as they entered his tent walking to the back wall sitting down leaning against it.

Jasmine walked over sitting on his lap as the wolf sat in front of them not knowing what to do. "What do you want me to do leader?" Jackson patted the ground next to him "rest up, I have plans for tomorrow." The wolf walked over laying down next to them with a slight growl as he closed his eyes and immediately falling to sleep.

The next morning Karen walked into Jackson's tent to see a pitch black wolf laying against his side, she looked at the wolf then Jackson before looking back to the wolf. "What..the..fuck?" She asked getting a smile out of Jackson but he kept his eyes closed.

The wolf sat up looking at Karen like she was nothing more then prey, Jasmine on the other hand gave her a wicked smile "what you don't like our new companion?" She asked petting the wolf behind the ears making the wolf push into her hand for more petting.

Karen sighed looking down in defeat "breakfast is done, that's all I'm here for good bye." She said walking away as Jackson stood up with Jasmine "where's Clem?" He asked as Jasmine pulled a hairbrush out her bag.

"I heard she was sleeping in Jessica's tent" she answered brushing her hair. "Leader can you please get rid of this message it's bothering me." The wolf asked swatting at the air with his paw.

Jackson opened his status screen to see a system messages.

[A void wolf has recognize you as the alpha you may now name the void wolf and make it your familiar]

Jackson didn't know what a familiar was so he was about to ask Jasmine but the system spoke.

[Familiar: A close companion and a contact that can only be broken by death]

Jackson nodded at the convenience of the system. "Shadow" he said aloud and as the words left his mouth a head splinting migraine hit him and shadow. The pain was so immense they lost their hearing and the sense of time, they didn't know if it was 5 seconds or 5 hours before the pain subsided giving both them a message.

[Congratulations you have successfully formed a contract with a void wolf, you now have following bonuses]

[telepathic link: Able to speak to your familiar]

[25% experience share]

[The void wolf may rest inside your shadow]

Jackson and shadow looked at each other with a smile. "It looks like you really are the leader now" shadow said with a chuckle as he stretched his aching body.

Jackson stood up stretching as well, before walking out the tent with Jasmine in his right and shadow on his left.

Everyone couldn't help but stare at Shadow with fear and awe, Shadow enjoyed the look everyone gave him causing him to wag his tail without knowing it.

Jackson walked over to Tiffany and Daphne who was giving out food, "good morning" Daphne said giving him and Jasmine a plate food. "What about me?" Shadow asked sitting down next to Jackson.

"We will go hunting after we eat, unless you would like some of this." Jackson answered bringing a plate of food down toward Shadow letting him examine it more thoroughly.

Shadow sneezed after smelling the food closely "I'll wait for the hunt." He said following Jackson to the campfire that was nothing but ash. Everyone was eating in their tent not having a eating area like the Walmart.

When Jackson stood in front of everyone with Shadow next to him, he got their attention making them stop eating. "As everyone can see we have a new comrade, introduce yourself Shadow." He said gesturing to the wolf making him turn to him confused. Suddenly a link was made with his mind and Shadows voice could be heard, "what would you like me to say?" Jackson shrugged, the wolf not knowing what the gestured meant just scowled as it took a couple steps forward.

"I am Shadow the Bata of this pack and I won't take any orders unless they come from the alpha." He said in a booming voice showing all his menacing teeth getting everyone to look at the wolf in disbelief.

"you can see he isn't just a regular wolf so I would be carful on how you approach him, as for what everyone will be doing today it will be more stance and footwork's training with sparing mixed in, David will instruct everyone." He announced getting everyone to look at David who was sitting down on a chair watching from the side lines.

David seeing everyone attention on him he stood up clearing his throat "everyone can relax for another 40 minutes." He announced getting everyone to continue eating as he walked over to Jackson who was standing up eating while Jasmine was sitting on the back of shadow eating casually.

"What are you going to do master while everyone is training?" He asked as Shadow started laughing "you even have other humans calling you master that's, delightful." Shadow said smiling menacingly, David glared at the wolf for a second before looking at Jackson waiting for his answer.

"We're going out to hunt for a real meal and see what's in the area." Jackson answered nonchalantly as they started to walk away toward the woods.

"Can you get off me now?" Shadow asked Jasmine causing her to make a pouty face before hopping off "what are we hunting anyways?" Jasmine asked casually walking up to Jackson's side as they walked into the forest.

Jackson looked at her with a smile "your the only one hunting today." Jasmine and Shadow both looked at him "what?" They asked at the same time confused.

Jackson chuckled "Jasmine you will be the only one hunting, I want to see your hunting capabilities while me and Shadow watch from the side lines." He said in a sternish tone letting her know there was no way out of this causing her pouty face to return. "Fine" she said walking away into the woods.

Jackson immediately closed his eyes so he could get a better look at his surroundings, Shadow noticing him closing his eyes as he started walking forward. "Do you not need your site to see leader?" He asked getting a wry smile from him "no i don't." He answered getting a short nod from shadow.

"So you can sense your mate from afar, clever" he said as they slowly walked through the woods, "she might be my woman but you should call her by her name." Jackson said opening his eyes looking down on Shadow sending a shiver through his spine "of course leader."

About a hour of silence past before Jasmine found a boar, this wasn't your average one boar. This boar had 3ft tusk's on the side of its face and it stood at 4ft tall and 5ft long with pitch black fur with a little gray here and there.

(Same size as Shadow but a little slimmer)

Jasmine couldn't help but smile, she didn't have to hunt for her prey it came straight to her. "Finally!" She said charging at the boar making Jackson and Shadow face palm. When Jasmine started running, the boar started to charge at her as well. Unfortunately the boar had a clear strength advantage, throwing Jasmine over its head cutting her arm and stomach before she was thrown into a tree.

Shadow was about to leave his spot to help but a hand on his back stoped him "she's fine, let her be". Jackson said through a telepathic link making Shadow sit back down watching Jasmine get up from the grown with her body healed and a scowl on her face.

"Alright let's play" she said walking toward the bore letting it change at her once more, Shadows couldn't help but look away but seeing a smile on Jackson's face made him turn back.

Jasmine caught the boar by both his tusks stoping its charge, after being slid back a little. "Gotcha" she said quickly taking out her screwdriver stabbing it into the bores brain killing it making it fall to the floor. Shadow jumped out the bushes "congratulations pup on your first kill" he said walking over to the bore biting into its leg, ripping its leg off its body with a quick jerk of his jaws.

Jasmine looked the wolf in disbelief "what the hell" but before she could finish her sentence Jackson stoped her "this is just a snack, your real opponent is approaching." He said grabbing the bore and Shadow going into the bushes as something came out a bush behind her.

Jasmine turned around as fast as she possibly could to see a black bear on all fours with the height of 5ft and 8ft long. Jasmine froze seeing the bear and the bear smiled showing its long sharp teeth. "I can smell your fear. it's delicious." The bear spoke with a demonic tone causing a shiver to run down her spine.

Jasmine shook off her fear pulling out a couple 6 inch knifes holding them in her hand as she took her usual fighting stance (a runners position with her hand tucked tight to her chest) with the knifes pointing down.

Shadow was very worried for Jasmine but when he looked at Jackson unworried expression he couldn't help but ask "is she strong enough?"

Jackson was quiet for a second before answering "no" he answered bluntly without giving Shadow a bad feeling.

The bear walked toward Jasmine slowly but Jasmine used every bit of power she could muster into her legs charging at the bear, at a speed she didn't know she had, but the bear was still smiling seeing her charge only using one of his paws to swipe at Jasmine neck.

Unexpectedly Jasmine stoped, the swipe missing by inches. Jasmine used both her knifes into the bears arm before it got to far away but unfortunately the bear didn't even flinch from the pain swiping at Jasmine with his other claw forcing Jasmine to jump back losing her blades.

"Useless. Why don't you climb into my mouth and make your death quick." The bear said with a booming laughter. The bear expected Jasmine to be scared but the look she had was a very angry one.

"Shut your mouth you talking floor rug" Jasmine shouted getting the bear to lose its smile now looking at Jasmine like she was a nuisance.

"Insect" he muttered charging at Jasmine. Jasmine knew her opponent was stronger, faster and far heavier so she as to play it as smart as possible waiting for the bear to swing before she did.

The bear charged at Jasmine stoping 2 feet from her before standing straight up standing at 10ft tall, towering over her. "What will you do now" the bear asked removing the knifes from his arms throwing them at Jasmines feet.

Shadow was now terrified for Jasmines life but looking at Jackson he was unfazed by the situation. "Are we really not going to help her?" He asked showing his teeth a little. "Why do you care?" Jackson shot back making Shadow look back to the fight not answering.

The bear was tiered of waiting so he leaned down trying to bite Jasmine's head off, but she ducked and grabbed her knifes before diving through the bears legs cutting both of them in the process.

Standing up turning around to see the bear in the same position as before, standing 2 feet away from her. "There's nowhere to run little pup" he declared as he tried biting her head off again, same as before she ducked and jumped backwards this time, but the bear was already over her making her fall to the ground under it.

"Like I said nowhere to run" he said again leaning down to bite her head off, suddenly Jasmine heart was beating faster then she's ever felt before and her body felt like a furnace that was only getting hotter.

Jasmine felt like she lost control of her body when her left hand slapped the bottom jaw of the bear making it close its mouth before she grabbed it with a new found straight.

The bears snout was being crushed under the pressure of her grip, before the bear could react Jasmine was standing up straight in front of him with her hand tightening and getting hotter.

The bear felt tremendous fear looking up at Jasmine, she had a disgusted look on her face as her hand sparked into a flame burning the bears snout making it squirm in even more pain.

Jasmine couldn't control how hot her body was getting, every part of her body was covered in flame. every strand of her hair to her tones were on fire giving her body a red glow as her clothes burred away.

"Now look what you've done" she said in a stern tone making the bear tremble. Her body was was moving on its own, so when she lifted the bear making it stand on its back legs as she was burning the bears snout she even amazed herself.

Power flooded her body as the bears snout burned to ash it tried to fall to the floor but Jasmine used all that built up power to slam her fist into the chest of the bear causing a blinding flash of flame sending the bear flying into a distant tree with a whole in its chest.

Jasmine's victory was short lived when pain flooded her body making her fall to her knees with the system speaking to her.

[Congratulations you have killed a level 17 black bear: 4,000 experience earned]

[you have leveled up]

[you have leveled up]

[you have leveled up]

[you have leveled up]

[Congratulations you are level 11 you have 4 free stat points]

[you have killed a beast 10 levels above you, reward rare, you have a new item in your inventory]

[you have unlocked your inner power of the fire element level 1 becomes level 2 Fire Affinity]

[Level 2 Fire Affinity:Your control over fire is rare: you consume less energy using fire]

Jasmine was to excited to see what the rare reward was. she opened inventory raising her hand toward the screen, even though she didn't need to. All the sudden Jasmine was wearing a bear skin clothes that covered her entire body giving her a warm feeling.

(Unlike your average fur clothing the system made this black fur clothing look like it stuck to her skin having a sleek look to it, at the same time not hindering her movements)

Looking around Jasmine realized she was in Jackson's arms again, looking up at him with a smile "I did it" Jackson couldn't help but chuckle but Shadow was dumbfounded "what kind of battle was that it was…the best thing I've ever seen!" Shadow shouted with a booming laugh afterwards getting a shining smile from Jasmine.

"Yah I'm pretty great" she said standing up seeing Jackson checking out her outfit. "You like it? It's a rare reward." She gloated striking different poses getting Jackson to chuckle a little more.

"You did a good job, you wouldn't believe it but Shadow wanted to jump in and help you multiple times." Jackson teased Shadow making him sit down looking away as Jasmine jumped on his back with a smile "I didn't know you liked me so much" she said petting the wolfs back up and down making him melt in her hands.

"let's head back" Jackson said walking over to the bear noticing it was already skinned. "The system is very interesting." Jackson mumbled as he started gutting the bear throwing the inners to the side.

Shadow immediately jumped onto the mound of meat eating it like he was starving. Jasmine walked over to Jackson as he started to cut the bears limbs off before cutting the torso into pieces. "Why are you cutting it up so much?" She asked as Jackson started lifting the body parts off the ground.

"Do you know how much he weighs?" Jackson asked walking back in the direction of the camp. Jasmine couldn't even guess "how much?" She asked as Shadow jumped between her legs making her fall into his back.

"Probably around 15 hundred pounds" he said nonchalantly as he started to run with Shadow able to keep up with ease. Jasmine was shocked for a second before smiling brightly "wow and you can carry all it by yourself how good is that ability!" She asked laying on Shadow relaxing.

The only reason why Jackson could carry such weight is because how small of pieces he chopped the bear into. Jackson was carrying around 30 pieces of meat behind them, it was a bit strenuous but not enough to slow Jackson to much.

It only took 30 minutes before they got back to camp with all the meat following even the boar meat was flouting behind with its hide flouting not to far behind.

(hope you enjoy the long chapters I'll probably dim it down a bit to 5,000 words thank you for reading)