Just another day

After the goblin attack the rest of the night was quiet letting everyone get the rest they needed.

The next morning Jackson got up before sun rise so he left Jasmine to sleep, he wanted to test something. But before all that he realized he got system notifications that began reading to him as he noticed them.

[you have killed 25 hobgoblins experience earned 75,000, bonus reward granted instant skill level ups]

[ telekinesis leveled up to level 2 you can now carry 130 pounds]

[Domain leveled up to level 2 you can now sense up to 40ft away from you]

[You have leveled up 2 times you have 2 new free stat points]

Jackson immediately put his points into Constitution as he nodded at his stats moving them away, leaving his tent walking toward the woods. Jackson could immediately tell there was something new to his skill, when he looked at Jasmine she had a red burning flame around her.

"Shadow" he called out as the wolf appeared from his shadow walking next to him. "What do you need leader?" Jackson leaned down petting the wolf on the head, he stood back up looking into the woods.

"I need to see how far the telepathic link can stretch I want you to keep running in the straightest line you can and tell me if you see any man made structures." Shadow stretched low before taking off into a sprint. "I was getting stuff, so it's the best time for a run anyways."

Jackson watched as shadow maneuvered though the trees with ease as he tried his best to get back into a straight line.

Jackson was only able to watch him for a few seconds before he left his domain, suddenly he remembered that he could sacrifice his stamina for extra strength to his telekinesis so he tried the same with his domain skill.

[Error inefficient sacrifice]

Jackson smiled as he wrapped a belt around his bicep, imagining his hand disappearing and as he did. PAIN flooded his arm as his fingers started to melt away mimicking the pain he was in.

He gritted his teeth as he sacrificed more of his arm making his domain skill grow from 40ft to 80ft, making it were he could see shadow for a second before he past his reach once more.

Jackson released his sacrifice letting his hand and lower arm slowly regenerate. "Not my best idea" he muttered to himself as he looked at his missing hand.

"do you see any human made structures"he asked shadow with his telepathic link. "I do not" he answered bluntly as Jackson could hear tearing flesh as he spoke.

"Let me know when you do and try and keep track of how far you got." Jackson said as he walked back toward the camp, letting him sense the entire camp, realizing that Daphne and Tiffany were up getting breakfast prepared.

Jackson let them continue as he collected a few logs for them putting them next to the fire.

His next destination was Davids tent and unsurprisingly he was already up.

"Good morning master what is it that you need?" David asked trying to lead Jackson away from his tent not knowing Jackson already knew someone else was inside.

"I'm going to step out for a bit, just wanted you to keep a eye on everyone." David smile taking a glance at the girl who left his tent "of course, is that all?"

Jackson turned to him with a smile "what kind of skills do you have?" He asked out of nowhere getting a confused expression from David. "Because I only have two of them and one of them is a secret, but the other Is a skill that's active 24/7 and it leveled up last night. would you like to know what it is?"he asked as he smile grew giving David a shiver down his spine.

"I would" he said with his full attention on his next words. "It's called Domain and everything in a 40ft radius I can see, somewhat it gives me outlines and certain colors."

David nodded understanding "I see, so what have you found" Jackson stoped on the edge of the camp looking out into the distance.

"Theirs dry land underneath the water and with my skill I seen a humanoid thing down there and so did Jasmine. I think theirs mutated people down there or just zombies but regardless I want us to explore the caves and see what we can find"

David nodded turning back to the camp to see everyone getting up leaving their tents "do you think their ready?" He asked trying to read Jackson's facial expression but his poker face was to good as he looked out to the tree line.

"When my skill leveled up I could see colors, this wouldn't effect anything that wasn't living, so I'm guessing theirs a reason everyone has different colors" he stated avoiding the question.

"What colors are you seeing?" David asked closing his eyes taking a deep breath. "Jasmine is a bright shining flame so I'm guessing i can see peoples ability. Yours has a yellowish tent to it " he answered turning to David who was trying to find the power within him. but to no avail.

Suddenly when he opened his eyes Jackson was standing in front of him. "I think you just need a push." He said as Davids noticed the Kunai's in Screwdrivers flouting behind him causing him to sigh longly.

"Alright, let me put these points into Endurance real quick" David said doing so, as Jackson analyze him.

[David: level 13]

[Title: He who walks in Death's shadow]

David looked back up to Jackson with a unpleasant expression knowing of the pain he was about to be in "I haven't used this because how easy it is to kill, so you should try not to die" Jackson warned as he started throwing out his weapon making David start dogging frantically.

"You can't doge, fight back" Jackson ordered with a cold expression as he made the blades move faster causing them to cut David as he started striking the Kunai away, trying to move forward.

"Let's make this more interesting, say you give when you can't handle it" Jackson said walking over to him making him sweat a little. David got into a better fighting stance striking the Kunai as he waited for Jackson to get in striking distance.

David tried his best to doge and hit away the knifes but the ones that got through cut David all over his body but not to cut to deep to cause to much blood loss.

Jackson got into striking distance throwing out jab after jab, making Davids go on the offensive as he dogged knifes and jabs at the same time.

Jackson was relentless with his strikes, he would jab toward his head forcing him to doge into knifes and screwdrivers.

Let's just say David didn't have the ability, speed or regeneration to fight Jackson like this, so he was only able to last 2 minutes or so before he gave up.

"Yah I figured that was a little much, but don't know if you don't try. How about you get some rest, I'm going for that walk I was talking about." Jackson said walking away seeing Jasmine in the distance running toward him.

"Thank you I'll do so." David said back walking toward camp passing Jasmine. "You could have woken me." Jasmine said pouting a little walking next to Jackson.

"Why would I do that? you clearly needed it and besides after we got the system sleep doesn't feel the same" Jasmine looked at him with a little understanding "like you want more of it, but you can't go back to sleep?" She asked getting Jackson to smile.

"I've had that problem my entire life, you get used to it. No the feeling I have is like sleep isn't doing as much as before." He said knowing his answer wasn't a good one.

Suddenly Shadow was heard inside his head "I kept going straight for 20 minutes at full speed and I finally found a man made structure." Jackson was listening very carefully as he continued.

"Its a giant fence, maybe around two trees tall and I'm running around it but it doesn't look like it's stops and I can smell humans." Jackson immediately spoke back "stay away from them, hurry up can get back you did a good job go ahead and hunt for a while." Jackson spoke like iron at the beginning as he continued his tone softened.

"Of course leader, I'll be back soon" Jackson turned to Jasmine "sorry about that I sent Shadow on a mission and he just reported back to me." He apologized noticing he was ignoring her when he was talking to shadow.

"I noticed you weren't there, so it's ok what did he find?" Jackson smiled again as he looked in the direction he told shadow to run "apparently theirs a fence with humans behind it far in that direction." He answered pointing, Jasmine looked at him in disbelief.

"Really? What do you want to do?" She asked as they entered the woods. Jackson shrugged as he gathered fire wood. "We might pay a visit to see if their hostile or not, but besides that everyone needs to train and unlock their ability."

Jasmine nodded with a smile being proud of being one of the first people to get a ability. "Speaking of that, I've got a skill call fire bullet now. Having it as a skill makes it feel like muscle memory when I use it."

Jackson started stretching his arms as they started walking toward the lake. "But you still had to learn how to use it before the system gave you it as a skill." Jasmine nodded understanding where he was getting at, watching Jackson flout the fire wood next to the fire.

"Since we left the Walmart we haven't did our bloodlust residence training, so I think this is the perfect time to kill three birds with one stone." He said as they approached the water.

"What are we doing besides the bloodlust resistance?" She asked as he started stretching. "Winter is not to far away, I thought it would be nice to have some alligator leather to keep us warm. Not to mention the levels, I want to see what happens when I get to level 20." He said with a smile as he started jumping in place a few times.

"Im going all out, you should probably back away around 50 steps or so." He said as he started taking a couple deep breaths as Jasmine started walking backwards, it looked more like she running then walking though.

Suddenly the air started to ripple a little around Jackson as a reddish color replaced it. Jasmine knees started wobbling uncontrollably as the reddish color was now outlining him making it dark red.

Suddenly three 15ft long fat alligators jumped out at him causing him to roll under them, when he rolled he tried killing the alligators immediately with a clean blow to the neck but his weapons couldn't pierce its scales.

Jasmine tried shooting it with a fire bullet but all it did was produce steam before disappearing. "Stay out of this I want all the experience this time. Focus on trying to fight against the bloodlust." Jackson said as he started rounding up the alligators by barley dodging their attacks practically making them land on one another.

"Now suffer" Jackson muttered with a cold expression as he started put all 130 pounds of pressure on the alligators making them crush each other.

But he wasn't done he jumped into the air with a spin striking down hard with a kick, guiding his kick to its target the top alligators spine, breaking it.

Jackson was easily able to finish the alligators off by cutting their softer scales around their throats.

Turning back to Jasmine she was watching with her knees slightly wobbling from some unseen pressure, Jackson relaxed himself and tucked his bloodlust back away letting her recover running over to him.

"That was a lot more intense then before was it because you were fighting?" She asked with a gleam in her eyes, generally curious.

"Sometime you can go beyond what your use to in a fight but no, what I did was release the maximum killing intent as I could." He explained as he pushed the alligators off each other, laying them next to one another and began skinning and gutting them.

Jasmine couldn't help but watch Jackson gut the alligator, Jackson used telekinesis to mimic his movements making it where he could gut all three alligators at once.

Daphne and Tiffany walked over during all this, "is that for breakfast today? or would you like us to finish off what's left from the meat the other day?"

"Let's use the leftovers, I'm going to be turning these ones into jerky." He said nonchalantly as he started separating and flouting everything to the side.

Daphne and Tiffany watched as Jackson carved up the alligator with ease. "You know me and my sister were once clothing designers, it would be nice to have some thick clothes for the winter would you mind us taking the skins?"

Jackson stood up with everything he wanted flouting behind him with the rest buried underground. "Go ahead I got what I needed" he said flouting the skin toward the cabin walking not far behind it, with the elderly woman in front walking behind the skin.

"So how much experience did you get?" Jasmine asked with her and held behind her leaning toward him as he checked the system.

[ Three level 14 Alligators slayed experience earned 10,500 instant level. half way to next level]

[ level 18 one free stat point]

He immediately put his point into constitution before answering Jasmine "10,500 I got a level from them and half way to my next level." Jasmine analyzed him seeing his level. "Your so close to level 20, do you think something will happen when you hit it?"

Jackson let Breckin grab the skin as he started preparing the alligator meant to be dried. "I don't know, but what I do know is that I can start leveling up my Endurance stat again." Jasmine giggled as she watched Jackson cut the meat into strips "that's always nice to be able to level"

Next Jackson salted the meant with some other spices before he started draining the blood out with telekinesis. This acted as a the dehydrating process making the meant turn different color into a darker color and ready to eat.

Jackson handed Jasmine a strip of the jerky "5 minute jerky I don't know how it will taste so don't get your hopes up." Jackson said as he took a big bite looking like a animal in the process, Jasmine started nibbling on it like a bunny.

"Not to bad" Jasmine said taking a bigger bite, struggling to rip it apart. "Could be better but at least it's edible." He added as shadow ran out the woods yelling into the telepathic link "sorry leader but I was followed and I need assistance."

Jackson shot up like a rocket looking around before spotting shadow running toward him with two big green people not far behind.

He immediately started running toward shadow at max speed not saying a word as he practically flew past everyone before passing shadow in a second sending a right hook toward the closest one.

Being so close Jackson released it was a male and his hight was 8ft and every part of his body was pure muscle. So he wasn't surprised to see the orc block his attack with both his hands on top of one another.

The orc smiled as he pulled his hands back speaking in a language he couldn't understand. Nun of that matter to him though they made themselves his enemy when they chased shadow all the way to camp.

Jackson didn't hesitate to follow up his attack, with all the strength he could muster he threw out a jab, that was hard to follow with the naked eye. but the orc blocked it with somewhat ease.

Jackson smiled without knowing it as he swung his leg like a whip toward the orcs side. This attack was to fast for the orc to react in time, the attack made full contact making the orc slide a couple feet causing the orc smile.

The orc turned to his companion that was watching the fight saying something before the spectating orc nodded.

Suddenly the orc Jackson was just facing, reached over his shoulder something made a click sound immediately after a hammer slammed into the ground, sinking into the ground a little.

Jackson was smiling as wide as he could making him look insane in the orcs eyes. Jackson couldn't speak their language but he could tell he told his buddy not to interfere with his fight.

The orc charged in, to Jackson's surprise the orcs hands were up guarding how a boxer would. He might have been surprised but the orcs punches were nowhere near a professionals.

Jackson dodged all of the attacks thinking it would be easy to block one, as he did his bones in his arms creaked making them num.

Jackson's blood started to boil and his body was starting to heat up, and a even bigger smile that looked more demon then human making the orc take a step back.

Unknown to Jackson he was letting his bloodlust leak out and the orcs could sense it and they couldn't help but be cautious.

Jasmine got a update from shadow as she caught up to Jackson, seeing what he was fighting making her stop. (30ft or so away)

The spectating orc seen Jasmine in the distance, just the site of her made him smile. The spectating orc started walking toward Jasmine casually.

Jackson was able to see everything in his domain and seeing the spectating orc move he turned to him to see that smile, he new he had to make this quick.

Jackson rushed the orc in front of him faking a jab to his face but sending a strong swipe to the orc's knee. Jackson also added all 130 pounds of pressure to make his leg, making it swing faster and heavier.

The orc knee crumbled under the pressure but Jackson's shin also broke with so much pressure. He also had a follow up attack with his screwdrivers from the sides of the orc aiming for both his ears with full power telekinesis powering them.

The orc was stunned that his hardened bones were crushed by something so small, so he wasn't expecting the screwdriver to pierce both his ears killing him.

Jackson was standing on one leg as he turned to see the orc approaching Jasmine slowly. looking closer Jasmine was trembling with her finger gun up shaking like a leaf in a storm.

She shot out a fire balls at the orc, but all he did was smile more as the flames hit him before disappearing.

he's never seen her so scared, seeing her in this state he wanted to rip the orc's head off as quick as possible. Suddenly his body started to tremble and every inch of his body felt like it was in a hurricane of glass.

Jackson didn't have time to even check the system before he forced his body to move. His bones in his body creaked as he got into a running position, with his leg still broken he was forced to use his hand to help him run.

Jackson was in so much pain it was almost crippling making him cry tears of blood, he couldn't help but shout a haunting war cry that sounded like a loins roar. Jasmine and the orc turned to him to see him running in all fours without using his broken leg looking like a demon straight from hell.

The orc looked past him to see his companion dead, He shook his head with a little disappointment as he waited for Jackson to get in striking distance before trying to kill him with a axe kick.

The attack was to predicable for Jackson so he was able to doge as he threw and his knifes and screwdrivers at him.

The orc slapped a few away with the others bounced off his hardened skin. The orc continued his assault with kicks that were aiming head hight for a quick kill.

Jackson was able to doge these attacks with rolls and dives but this orc was clearly skilled, his attacks were sharp and heavy. With every attack, wind would brush against him, after a couple of rolls and dives, the orc landed his first attack that Jackson blocked with both his arms sacrificing one to the orc's power.

By this time Jackson's leg was fully regenerated letting him stand. "Jasmine run away. Now" Jackson ordered in a deep, demanding tone that snapped her out of her daze and sent a shiver down the orc's spine.

The orc just wanted to have a little fun and now he was faced with a real monster, so he decided it was time to stop playing games.

The orc reached behind him grabbing a short sword from his back. The blade was 4ft long with a slick black hilt and a grey blade.

Jackson could feel his body changing into something more, his bones creaked, his muscles spasmed, and every inch of his body felt like it was stretching and burning.

Suddenly all the pain was gone and he felt a rush of new power, his body now felt foreign to him now like he was in someone else's body.

Jackson was forced to quickly adjust to his new body because of the orc, he charged in with his short sword over head ready to cut Jackson in half.

Jackson jumped backwards avoiding the slash, but he jump back farther then he thought. This a simple hop backwards he was 5ft away from the orc.

Jackson took this time to stretch his body but nothing he could do made his body feel normal again. The orc didn't give him much time as he charged in, slicing toward his chest.

Jackson was done dogging, he aimed his screwdrivers for his ears forcing the orc to lean back dogging the attack letting Jackson push forward.

Jackson grabbed the blade with his right hand cutting himself in the process as he swung his leg toward the orc's chest making him block the attack with his free arm.

Jackson made sure to put all his power into his kick with the help of telekinesis he was able to break the orc arm. The attack kept going hitting the orc's face causing him to loose his grip on his sword letting Jackson throw it to the side.

The orc recovered quickly giving Jackson a angry look. Jackson waved his hand toward himself begging the orc to charge in once more.

The orc wasn't afraid or scared to charge, throwing his leg out toward Jackson's chest, he ducked under the kick pushing forward trying to uppercut the orc's chin. The orc used the momentum from his kick to throw himself out the way awkwardly but he still landed on his feet.

Jackson smiled as he charged toward the orc who's arm was already regenerated, ready for Jackson's charge.

Jackson did something unexpected to the orc, instead of trying to throw a punch or kick. Jackson tackled him to the ground grabbing the orc by the face lifting his head high enough for his legs to get around his neck putting him into a chokehold.

Everything happened so fast, the orc tried to rip Jackson's legs off him but all he could do was dig into his skin with his claws. Jackson grabbed both the orc's arms removing them from his legs as he tightened his leg muscles with everything he had.

The orc kept moving his body trying to escape even going as far as kicking his legs in the air getting them to move a couple feet, but all this did was make Jackson's grip tighter.

Even though Jackson was using all his physical power he couldn't make the orc stop breathing completely, so he was forced to use telekinesis with his legs to make the orc pass out.

Jackson was a person with very little remorse or pity for his enemy's and besides he couldn't speak their language, he didn't hesitate to brake the orc's neck waiting for a system message but nothing appeared.

Jackson smiled as he got up to stand on the orc's chest. Jackson raised his right fist high into the air sacrificing his left hand up to his forearm, Jackson thought this would be good enough for 200 pounds or so, as he slammed his fist down with full power toward the orc's face.

Jackson wasn't aware of the changes his body over took. He didn't know the crippling pain he was feeling after he killed the first orc was do to the system forcefully making him evolve into something greater.

Jackson's attack was a calamity as his fist connected with the orc with went straight through him like paper hitting the ground causing a explosion of dirt and grass and most of all blood.

Jackson walked away from the orc's body that was nothing but half a torso with legs, toward the lake.

Everyone heard the commotion and ran over to watch the whole fight with the second orc.

Everyone could see the difference in strength between themselves and the orc just by looking at it, and the system message they got only made them want to cry.

[species:Orc :level ??]

[this orc is nothing but a monster compared to you. they will beat you, then eat you and use your bones as toothpicks. You should run]

But seeing Jackson fight it with a smile made everyone remember why they followed him and did everything he said, it was because they were terrified.

Jackson looked like a true monster walking away from the corpse. Both his lower arms we're missing showing the bone as blood poured from them, but what was the most terrifying was his smile. A smile that showed who he truly was a monster born for battle.

Jackson used telekinesis to pick up water from the lake to clean his body and arms as they regenerated. Nobody could move from their spectating position they just stared at Jackson's back from a distance.

The only one able to move was David and his sudden moment made everyone look at him.

David walked over to the orc's body looking down at it before walking back to everyone.

"Everyone should go back to the tents for now and wait for dinner, I'll update everyone when I actually know something." Everyone immediately snapped back to reality hearing his words moving back toward their tents.

Everyone but Jasmine, when she was snapped back into reality she gritted her teeth and wanted to call herself weak, suddenly Jackson hugged her from behind. "Everything is alright"

As if his words were a trigger, she started crying turning around hugging him. "I'm sorry, I was.." but before she could say anymore Jackson hugged her a little tighter cutting her off "you don't need to be sorry about anything."

Jasmine couldn't tell at first but after a second or so she realized he was taller and bigger. "What happened to you?" She asked in a low voice getting him to smile "I haven't let the system speak to me yet but all I know is that I evolved. is it that noticeable?"

"It's very noticeable. I'm glad your alright" she said with her face still buried in his chest. They stood there for a minute before David awkwardly walked over. "When you get a moment everyone would like a update." Is all he said before walking away.

Jackson took this moment to listen to the system messages.

[You have killed a orc without being blooded 3X experience earned 20,000 experience granted]

[Passing level 20 requires the host to evolve

[Evolve complete level: 4]

[You have become blooded. Your body and mind is now honed with the system. welcome]

[Warning your stats will NOT level with you anymore they will always take a stat point to improve. 4 stat points per level]

[you have killed a leader orc 2X experience earned from under level bonus 2 level granted. You are now level 6]

[you have 26 stat points]

Jasmine let him go as they started walking back toward camp. When a couple people seen them approaching they told everyone and it didn't take long for everyone to group up waiting for them.

As they approached they started to realize a couple things, first off his shirt was completely torn off. If Jackson looked like he was carved from stone before now he looked like he was solid steel.

And when he approached everyone immediately released he was 6 inches taller and his face was more muscular and his teeth looked like a beast, all of them sharp ready to rip into anything.

Some of them tried hiding their fear but other were forced to look away, trembling. Jackson took in a deep breath breathing in the red aura he could before speaking. "As everyone seen, I killed a couple beast called orc's, they gave me the levels I needed to level up to 20 where the system forced me to evolve." His voice was commanding like his words possessed their ears forcing them to listen.

"Has anyone noticed since we got here we're fighting every night and the beat are only getting stronger by the day. How long do you think it will be before something comes I can't fight alone?" He question scared them to even think about. Nobody even wanted to spar with him much less fight him and something stronger then him was terrifying.

"To the east is a giant wall that has humans behind it, I'm sure most If not everyone would like to at least check it out. Tomorrow morning we're moving out, pack everything we need to move out." Jackson's words were like a blessing to everyone's ears as they ran back to their tents.

The day went by quietly as everyone packed and not long after that they were eating dinner before going to bed ready for another ride through the dark forest.

(Thank you for reading, sorry for the lack of uploads. I hoped you enjoyed)