Getting ready

(Hello readers here's a long chapter for you 8,000 words, this is more of a build up for the next chapters which I plan on making longer then usual so please enjoy)

Jackson's group of fully blooded was easily able to clear the floors on the way out, letting Jackson and the healers group rest.

Approaching the exit everyone's hopes were shut down, what they seen was half the entrance snowed in with the invisible wall keeping all the snow out. Through the gap at the top they could see the blizzard still swarming like a raging sea.

"it's my turn." Jasmine muttered passing everyone letting her left arm get covered in dense flames, with a smile subconsciously crossed her face as she pulled her arm back, far as she could before using all her power in her new body to slam her fist into the snow with a giant flame leaving a 6ft wide trail in the snow.

Jasmine noticed she was laughing but she didn't feel like stopping enjoying the feeling of real power.

The healers group wasn't scared in the slightest, they were in awe not having anything to say just watching the fire princess laugh maniacally.

"Let's go" Jackson ordered catching up to Jasmine leading the way out the dungeon into the -20 Fahrenheit blizzard.

The new blooded faired a lot better then before but to the healers group it felt like they would get frost bite any second. Unknown to the group the storm only got worse getting below 0 Fahrenheit into the negatives slowly.

Jackson noticed how weak the other group was so he was force to make a plane. Jackson used is telekinesis to divert the wind making it easier to hear "healer get your group as tight as possible then make sure you have the best grip possible to the people around you."

They did as told not even carrying about the plan just following orders. The group was tight together if they were any closer they would be wearing each others clothing.

Everyone in the group was waiting for the rest of the plan before Jackson picked up the group putting them on his upper back and shoulders, leaning a little forward.

"Last one to camp gets to buy dinner, Jasmine get Clem." He announced loudly getting everyone to smile not believing their ears until Jackson took off like a bullet able to jump out the trench Jasmine made with ease.

They started laugh as they all started running as fast as they could following Jackson who was easily able to stay ahead of everyone.

Jackson was using all is power with telekinesis to make a diamond shape in front of him. This blocked the wind and snow from hitting him or the group and made him able to run as fast as he pleased.

The group that Jackson was carrying was having a better time then you would think. They were holding on so tightly they didn't even bounce as he ran and with the wind barrier they were able to warm up enough not to be freezing to death.

Jackson was the first one back to the quest building surprising everyone inside. He didn't acknowledge anyone as he put the group on his back down as gently as possible.

"We're here, so you can relax now." Jackson assured the group getting them to let go of each other with a sigh of relief. "Fucking blizzards I'm staying inside for a week!" The healer cried knocking all the snow off herself before storming over to the counter.

Everyone's eyes were already on the group but after the sudden outburst every was fixated on the group. Jackson followed the healer to see what she was going to do while her group split up going through separate doors.

"My name is Tabitha I went on a dungeon run with my 6 companions and got stuck on the 3rd floor. we sent a rescue request and this man and his team came to save me without any warning of a FUCKING BLIZZARD THAT CAUSED THE ICE AGE!" Her voice increases In volume as she spoke making the receptionist sweat a little.

"I'm very sorry about that mam, I'll get a blooded to help you immediately." The woman said calmly getting a smile out of Tabitha.

Jackson was more focused on a group of men who all had the same color surrounding them. Jackson never seen more then two people with the same color next to each other and if he focused he could find some differences.

But this group of 5 all had the same color no differences no matter how hard he focused on it, it was always the same shade of silver.

Jackson wasn't the shy type so he walked over to the group sitting down at their table. The group was one of the only ones minding their own business so they didn't see Jackson until he sat next to what he thought was the strongest one.

Jackson sat next to the smallest one in the group he was short on the 5.5ft with silvery hair and a slim build. But the color this man produced was 5X greater then the rest at the group.

"Who the fu.." the man who was about to speak was cut off by the short man's hand being raised. "What can I help you with.. Death?" He asked casually looking at Jackson's titles.

Jackson's glanced around at the group getting a feeling in his gut telling him they were nothing but prey to him. Before looking at the short man's title.

[Silver King: Level 6]

[Title: Corrupter]

Jackson could tell he was blooded with a glance just like how he could tell his friends weren't. "I can see you all have the same power, I can also tell your the founder of this power being the strongest in the group." Jackson explained looking the man in his eyes that were also silver.

The group was quite for a moment before the Silver King smiled and everyone in the group started laughing like Jackson just told them the best joke.

Jackson wasn't the type to get angry so easily so he just waited patiently for them to calm down. "Sorry about that we thought you were someone else. Yes you are right, I have the power to grant others my ability until they awaken theirs." He answered casually.

Jackson smiled a little "so what you have the power of silver?" He asked as their skin turned into silver making their chairs creek from the change in weight.

"Very interesting. how useful is it?" He asked as they smiled showing their silver teeth. "We're completely made of silver" one of the non blooded boasted.

Jackson nodded "very usual but my favorite part is that the power can be given and probably taken at will. My last question is dose it use mana?" He asked getting them to look at him blankly besides the blooded man next to him.

"Yes but very little, almost nothing before it regenerates to full." Silver king answered confidently before quickly asking. "What about you? Was it your ability able to tell we all had the same power?"

He asked interested in the man the system named Death. Jackson smiled shrugging his shoulders "it's more then that, it's a detection ability with extra perks added onto it. Like the one you mentioned."

Silver king smiled "that's unique, I would of never guessed someone named Death would have a support ability." He laughed a little at its irony as the others laughed mockingly.

Jackson was unfazed by their laughter "unlike like you Silver king, I was granted my name and title the day the system spoke to me." His words made them stop laughing with a slight cold chill going down their spine.

Silver king kept his smile. "That means your truly are Death" he said chuckling again before standing up "it was good meeting you but my client is here. I hope we will be seeing each other." He added before walking over to a person with his men following close behind leaving Jackson alone at the table.

Suddenly Jasmine walked through the door not having a spec of snow on her with Clementine on her back. She immediately put her down looking for Jackson who promptly waved them over.

"The others aren't far behind." Jasmine assured as Stella and Rick busted through the door painting covered in snow, looking around they spotted Jackson waving them over.

"Damn it's cold out there" Stella mutters rubbing her arms as they sat down. "Fred and Lori should be here any second." Rick assured as the metaphoric devils slammed the door open with Fred shaking himself off like a wet dog.

Everyone was getting tired of the cold air coming in so someone was about to say something as Breckin walked up with Anthony and Noah right behind them as Jackson waved them over.

After everyone seen Breckin they decided to stay quiet. Breckin looked like the juggernaut himself not to mention his blooded status making him look like a true monster.

Jackson's table was quickly getting filled up so when David and Tom came into the building they sat a close by table with the rest quickly behind him.

The last few were Mark, Jean, Logan, Karen and coming in last place Bobby. As they sat down the healer walked over with the biggest smile they've seen in a long time, with a man next her that looked like someone shit on his breakfast.

The man walked over to Jackson reading his title changing his entire mood. "Thank you for your hard work, we've doubled your rewards also giving you a level 1 pass." He spoke only looking at Jackson not bothering to look around or to speak to anyone else.

"Level one pass?" He asked getting them man to smile a little more. "It allows you to buy items that can not be sold to anyone and you can also use it as a get out of jail free card, but only for small crimes" he answered putting emphasis on the last part not to confuse anyone.

Jackson thanked him as a system message spoke to him. [Rescue quest successfully complete, doubled reward: 600 credits earned subtract 325 credits/ total credits 275 ] Jackson's wasn't very happy about the price of the clothes but what could he do about it now.

The man walked away leaving the healer. "Double was the best I could get, thank you for your assistance and I hope we can meet on better terms next time." She explained before walking away toward a door before disappearing though it.

"I think we deserve a meal, Bobby what's on the menu?" Jackson asked getting everyone to turn to him trying to hold back their laughter. Bobby couldn't believe his ears "wait what?! I thought you were just messing with us." He winded as someone placed food menus in front of them.

It was a woman wearing a pink apron with her long black hair in a bun with a notebook on a clipboard. "What would the drinks be? We have beer, liquor and also most common sodas." She asked politely getting them to look at her in disbelief.

"We're aloud to order alcohol?" Fred asked getting everyone to look at him like he just told the teacher she forgot about the homework.

The waitress giggled a little. "Of course one of the perks of the new world" everyone got the most common beer on the menu but Jackson and Clementine settled with a Mountain Dew before she left to leave them with the menu.

"Fred next time don't ask questions" Lori said almost face palming at the fact they almost misted out. Fred smiled as he scratched the back of his head before looking back at the menu interested in the wide variety.

The menu was just the meals name with its ingredients. What the menu contained was something you couldn't imagine, from fast food to the fanciest restaurants food they've ever seen with the price rising as they kept reading.

"Everyone keep your order reasonable, don't go past page 2" Jackson ordered getting Bobby to start crying with joy. Everyone got the same amount of credits, but the menu was nothing to scoff at on page 3 the meals got into the 200 credits and it only got worse.

Everyone still got the most expensive thing they could, most got the biggest burger with fries and their toppings and choice. Others like Jackson settled with a cheep steak with a couple sides.

Bobby's wallet was at a sold 50 credits after everyone ordered. Unlike how it used to be he was forced to pay before they got their meal. But they quickly understood why when their food came out only minutes after they ordered.

Everyone got the feeling of nostalgia from going out to eat with their families. Everyone besides Jackson and Fred who just ate without a word just enjoying their meal.

Bobby was terrified when he saw Breckin ordering seconds "don't worry, i wouldn't use anymore of your money." He said as he gave his order to the waitress making her bow a little from the meal he ordered.

Jackson still had the menu close like everyone, he went to what breckin ordered to not believe his eyes. Breckin ordered a entire roasted pig that was stuffed with a long list of ingredients, lastly he looked at the price which was a whopping 320 credits.

"Holy shit Breckin 320 credits" Rick whispered getting everyone to look at him in disbelief. "This is for everyone but I get the biggest piece" he said laughing getting everyone's attention but not carrying.

Bobby felt like the weight lifted from his shoulders hearing Breckin letting him actually enjoy his meal before two waitresses can over hold a plan that was 5ft long and 2 foot wide with a giant lid on it covering the so called pick.

Everyone helped them clear the table to fit the giant platter. One of the waitresses let out a long breath before saying "please enjoy your meal" revealing a giant pig cut into pieces with greens here and their to make it look less like a carcass.

Despite how gruesome it looked it smelled like heaven, Breckin didn't hesitate to grab the biggest piece with the one next to it. Everyone felt like that was the sign to dig in so they grabbed a piece as fast as possible.

Jackson got his, Jasmine's and Clementine a piece before they took it all for themselves. Clementine never wanted a piece but after Jackson went through the trouble of getting it she took a bite and before she knew it she eaten the entire piece.

The meal didn't last long in the slightest, everyone clearing their plates in 5 minutes. "I have a couple more places to be let's go" Jackson ordered standing up with the others following close behind. Everyone kept the drinks to a minimum

enough not to hider their ability.

Nobody hesitated or even thought about about what they wanted. They follow Jackson blindly and they knew it, but just knowing he was leading the way they never had a doubt he would pick the best path and become the strongest while doing it.

Jackson walked through the same door they came from going back to where they were before. Jackson lead the way back to the counter finding the same man as before.

It was hard not to remember someone with a scar as large as this man's, from the top of his right eyebrow to the top of lip barely missing his noses.

"Welcome back, With a full squad of fully blooded very nice. What will it be today?" He asked with a smile that made him look more menacing then friendly.

"I was wandering if I could get anything for this" he asked pulling out the Rank 2 Rattch's head out his inventory. Using telekinesis to keep all its liquids together letting it hover slightly off the counter.

The man's smile left his face replacing it with a worried one with a audible gulp leaving the man. He sent a couple system messages so fast he hoped he spelled everything correctly.

A couple silent seconds went by before someone came out from a door behind the counter walking up behind the scared man looking over his shoulder at the head.

This man was 8ft tall having to slouch most places he went with blonde hair and chiseled facial features. He was wearing a hot pink fest with nothing under it wearing tight blue jeans.

Jackson's body was covered in goosebumps with his heart slightly thumping in his ears. His battle instinct told him this man was a real predator able to swallow him whole if he let him.

The man whistled seeing the head before looking up at Jackson to see his icy gaze and see how ready he was for a fight to the death if need be.

The man chuckled seeing Jackson, unknown to Jackson with their heightened sense everyone could feel the tension in the air making them step back a few steps.

"This is a great find, a rank 2 Rattch are very rare and with its head fully intact is very uncommon. I'll personally give you 2 thousand credits, I have a buyer already in mind." The man said casually like Jackson wasn't ready to rip his head off any second.

"5 thousand" Jackson answered blankly getting the man to smile showing his teeth that looked like he could rip a chunk out of a rhinos thick hide, having canines longer than usual and his teeth that looked 3X as thick as a regular humans.

He grabbed the head letting Jackson release his telekinesis on it making it drip continuously but the sight only made the man smile more as he transferred to credits. "Have a good day Death"

Jackson analyze him as he walked away.

[Conqueror: Level 70]

[Titles: Dungeon clearer: Merchant whisperer]

Jackson's couldn't help but to think about what would of happen if they fought there, would he win? when he asked himself that question his body shivered slightly making him smile.

He turned to see everyone unfazed "did anyone look at his level?" He asked curiously without any hints on how he felt about the matter. Nobody said anything just smiled sheepishly with some shaking their heads.

"I usually don't, but I got a feeling so I checked and realized how far behind we are." They looked at him in confused letting him continue. "The name the system gave him was Conqueror. With the level of 70, titles of dungeon clearer and merchant whisperer."

They're face fell like they just heard the worst news of their life's. "70 are you fucking for real?" Karen asked in disbelief with everyone feeling the same.

"Dead serious, that's why I'm going to be pushing a lot harder to see what this world truly has to offer." He stated turning around to the counter looking at the scared man "I want to clear the ice ark dungeon."

The man flinched with a nervous smile giving Jackson the quest to clear the ice ark dungeon.

Everyone in the room stood up at the same time in disbelief when their quest for said dungeon were canceled.

A couple of them approached the group with malice and blood lust seeping from them. Before Jackson's group could react he swiftly moved to the back of the group, letting all his pent up blood lust flow from him like a river making the air colder and everyone to stand perfectly still.

Jackson walked slowly through everyone to the door stopping before leaving, turning off his blood lust. Letting everyone breath not knowing they stopped, "let's go, stop just standing around" he said with a smile toward his group who snapped out of it with a chuckle catching up.

Leaving the building they couldn't believe the activity on the streets. All they could see was truck behind truck lined up on the street leaving and entering from the manny gates.

"I thought traffic before was terrible." Fred joked trying to get a couple laughs but all he got was a elbow in the he ribs from Lori.

"This changes nothing just wait a moment." Jackson explained as Rose walked over with a smile. "Hello again, what do you need assistance with." She asked with a motherly like tone.

"I need to know where the weapons store is and where to get food and spices" he asked in his usual dead pan tone getting Rose to smile.

"Please follow me I know just the places." Rose answered without a change of attitude leading the way down the sidewalk.

Jackson quickly followed her with everyone behind him. Jasmine ran up beside him like usual "dungeon clearing huh? What's the rush?" She asked with her hands locked behind her.

"You know, if that guy wanted to kill us all he probably could just with a flick of his wrist. I don't like being in the ants position, so I'm going to get stronger and that's it." He answered nonchalantly catching the ear of Rose.

"Dungeon clearing? And what's this talk about being in the ants position? If you don't mind me asking." She asked like a scolding mother then returned into her usual voice.

Jackson just kept walking silently not indulging in Roses question. Jasmine on the other hand was looking at him for permission to answer her question. Jackson smiled in response getting her to smile.

"We so happened to run into a level 70, realizing how weak we are so we're going to be clearing the ice ark dungeon. You have any tips for us?" Jasmine explained and asked in a casual tone.

Rose was shocked stopping in her tracks, she knew it was barely their first day and their about to attempt to clear a dungeon. She turned around looking Jackson in his cold eyes, "Your mad aren't you? A dungeon is nothing to trifle with." Jackson didn't change his expression making her sigh in defeat.

"I know of a couple things your going to need" she sighed turning around leading the way at a jogging speed.

Nobody minded the speed they really just wanted to see what the new world stores looked like. After a 5 minute walk they walked into a store not paying attention to any of the banners on the side.

"Lady Rose welcome back what can I do for youuu." A 5ft bold headed man with a mustache that only went to the edges of his lips, asked in unusual deep voice that bothered most of the woman.

"Hello again Jeffery Im here for a inventory upgrade, a porta potty rescue beacon." Rose responded casually but Jackson quickly stepped up beside her. "No rescue beacon it's a waist of money and a insult to my ability's." Jackson stated harshly letting them know not is non negotiable.

Rose's eyebrow twitched but she quickly let it go. The man behind the counter liked Jackson's answer "I'll give you a bigger discount then usual I like this one who is he?" He asked almost seductively giving a couple people a unpleasant chill down their spine.

Rose was visibly pleased by the discount "This is Death he is a new arrival, he's about to go on a dungeon clearing." Jeffery was visibly shocked but quickly smiled after.

"I'll give you a extras on the house, and I'll also introduce you to something new." He assured placing two glowing squares on the counter with two tiny blue rectangles before running away leaving Rose bewildered. "How much are these and what do they do exactly?" Jackson asked picking one of each up looking at it closely.

"The square turns your 2 inventory slots into 15, all you have to do is eat it and the other is a porta potty. It's 500 credits the other is 100 but I'll let you pay me after you clear the dungeon." Jackson liked her answer immediately eating the square.

"I don't care who gets the other one." He said looking back at everyone letting them know it was their decision as he put the rectangles in his inventory. Fred stepped forward "I think we should give it to someone who could lead a group if we have to split up."

Everyone liked Fred's reasoning but they already knew who that would be. Everyone turned to David who couldn't help but smile "Thanks, I'll accept this but if you guys need something that you can't carry I'll gladly store it for you."

Nobody could complain after his response making them feel like David was the best choice. Suddenly Jeffery came back out holding a box putting it on the counter.

"This is something I've been tampering with but it's still going so cost ya." He said the last part sternly opening the box revealing a par of black bracelets.

Jackson wasn't much for asking a million questions he rather try it on and figure it out. Putting one on did nothing but when he put the other on a pair of gloves formed.

They had a silky look to them but felt like leather. "I have the feeling your the punchy,punchy type so your the best guinea pig. I designed them to enhance your ability and protect your fist from something at least a sword slash or two before you have to put mana into it to regenerate it." He explained fluently letting Jackson know everything he needed.

"How much?" Jackson asked putting both of the bracelets in his inventory with a thought. "For you baby 250 credits and a promise you'll come back" he answered seductively, grossing out everyone.

"Deal, but only if you never call me that again" he answered nonchalantly as 250 credits were removed automatically. Jeffery pouted as he waved them away "alright get on with it I'm sure your as busy as I am."

Nobody hesitated to leave to building following Rose to their next decision. "So what exactly is mana" Jackson asked jogging next to Rose getting her to look at him in disbelief. "Well mana is like a secondary source of energy for your ability and magic, why do you ask?" Rose was increasingly curious about Jackson and his motives.

"Well I'm the highest level with the first to get a ability and I still don't have a mana bar in my inventory." Jackson answered casually but with a somewhat annoyed edge to his voice.

Everyone stopped making Jackson stop and stare at them blankly. "That's not possible If you have a ability you should automatically appear. Unless the system doesn't see your ability as a ability, it's probably something that has its own limits like a new arm that can only be pushed so far!" She explained like a mad scientist on the edge of a new discovery.

"So that means I can still get a ability" Jackson muttered to himself with a smile, only thinking how much power he would get.

Rose snapped out of it leading they way to a weapons store. "Welcome back Rose bringing me some more costumers" a old man looking in his 80 with white hair and a white beard, that coved most of his face wearing overalls asked with a horse laugh followed by a couple coughs.

"Hay grandpa their just going to look around for a bit" Rose said politely getting the old man to nod rocking back and forth on his rocking chair.

Jackson immediately walked up to the counter putting his long sword on it getting the old man to smile, picking up the blade with one hand shocking most in the room.

He examined it thoroughly, pointing it down at the grown checking how straight the blade was to even swinging it a few times. "What a perfect blade, what are you trying to do with it?" He asked with a business like tone. "Sell it if possible"

The old man smiled "I can't do anything over 1000 credits, how dose that sound?" He asked with a smile but Jackson just shrugged just wanting to get a couple extra credits.

The transfer was made with the old man smiling and Jackson getting a notification collecting a 1000 credits. Making his total 6275

Everyone in the group did the same after hearing about how much it was letting everyone get a more flexible budget.

Bobby stumbled on something that got everyone's attention, it was a slick black guard with a adjustable blade. With the max length of 5ft, 1ft wide with the shortest being 1ft, 6 inches wide without it being in its compact state.

The blade was surprisingly affordable being 700 credits. Everyone eventually got one not finding anything else, but Jackson he was stuck staring at a giant blade on the wall.

The guard itself was a 1ft 1/2 long with a point at the bottom. The blade was a different story it was 4ft wide with a monster length of 8ft long.

The old man noticed, walking over to Jackson without anyone noticing. "My brother made this himself, he always used to tell me how he always wanted someone to slay a dragon with it so he could call it the dragon slayer." He explained with another horse laugh and a chuckle after he was done.

"How much? I'm not going to brake my wallet for it" Jackson stated bluntly getting the old man to smile. "If you can swing it properly I'll give it to you for a 1000 credits."

Jackson reached for the blade with one hand getting everyone to look at him in disbelief. He grabbed the middle of the hilt, everyone could see the veins and muscles bulge as the blade lifted slowly off the rack bring it down to his shoulder using his best telekinesis barrier to hold the blade from touching him.

"Where to?" Jackson asked getting the old man to smile wildly with a little blood lust leaking from him that made everyone who hasn't experienced it before sweat a little, he cleared his throat making the feeling disappear. "Sorry about that, follow me."

Jackson didn't hesitate with Jasmine hot on his heels but everyone else hesitated for a second after the feeling they just felt. "Please don't take that personally he doesn't get excited often and his hard to control past urges." Rose explained softly following the group with Clementine running past her catching up with Jackson.

Everyone quickly followed behind, quickly realized that they walked into a paternoster, a elevator that continually kept moving having enough space for 4 people on at a time.

Jackson, Jasmine and Clementine were with the old man who couldn't help but laugh after noticing Clementine level. "Your making a true monster aren't you." He asked looking at Jackson who just smiled in response.

Jasmine didn't say anything because she agreed, Clementine was no average girl anymore. Being blooded at a young age she can only grow stronger and with more time at her disposal then anyone else.

"How old are you young one?" The old man asked softly and nicely as he could but Clementine still pushed her way behind Jasmine. "I was 8 when it started, I don't know how long past, maybe 9?" She answered softly not really knowing herself.

The man smiled wildly like before but able to keep his blood lust from seeping out. "We're here get ready to hop off." He warned as he walked off the elevator with the rest right behind him. They waited for everyone to get off the elevator before walking out the closet like room.

Walking into a giant open room in a box shape with the roof being 20ft high with the width of 30 foot with the room going 50 foot forward.

"Let's see what you got" the old man taunted making Jackson walk forward a little to have some room. He was now about 10 feet in front of everyone taking his usual stance holding the sword with his left hand at the bottom of the hilt and his right at the top.

Jackson took a deep breath as he rose the sword slowly. Jackson wasn't a swordsmen, but he would give it his all regardless of the circumstance.

He held the sword above his head for a second. before suddenly using all his strength to swing the blade down making it a blur, at the last second stoping the blade before it it connected with the ground.

With so much power behind the swing it made a giant gust of air, in the dirty room it caused a could of dust to block everyone's vision. Suddenly the dust was turned into small pebbles falling on everyone making them flinch, covering their heads.

Jackson stopped the rest pebbles throwing them to the side with telekinesis. "Is that your ability? Or do you know magic?" The old man asked with a smile walking over to Jackson.

"I don't know what magic is. what you seen was my will and nothing more." Jackson answered back with a smile when he seen the man flinch a little bit but never losing his smile.

The old man put his hand together with his fingers pointing up, before he made them face polar opposite directions as me moved them like a snake into a dance of sort before slamming his fist into the ground making it pulse.

The pulse went toward both walls before stopping about 20 feet away making bleachers appear on both sides. "How about another bet? If you can beat me in a match I'll make that sword 500 credits. What do you say?" The old man asked with that wicked grin they seen when Jackson picked up the sword.

Jackson shrugged "If that's what you want. but know I don't lose." Jackson asserted with blood lust seeping from him like thick miasma.

Nobody but the old man noticed because everyone knew Jackson wouldn't say no to a challenge, so they were already moving over to the bleachers.

"Deal! give me some space to transform" the old man asked with Jackson giving him room subconsciously realizing what he said.

"Wait transform?" Everyone but Rose said in unison as black mist covered the old man making him grown in every way. The cloud of mist around him tuned to smoke making it impossible for to see his transform.

The smoke started getting sucked in by his body showing his transform. He was now 8ft tall with the build of a bear with a dragons head, arms and legs with a long 8ft tale. "This is my ability transformation. I'm a dragon bear." He stated proudly.

"Why not just a dragon?" Jackson asked getting the dragon bear to scratch his head. "To big of a transformation and I had to have a foundation before I could change any of the parts" he explained with a sigh.

"That's a impressive ability, now how about we get started. Jasmine can shoot a fire bullet between us to start the match?" He asked out of courtesy. Jasmine smiled as she pointed her finger pistol shooting a bigger fire bullet then usual.

As it hit the ground they both charged at each other. Jackson raised the sword over head as the dragon bear was ready to swipe it and Jackson away with its arm.

With they clashed the dragon bear quickly realized Jackson's strength when they were stuck at a stalemate. The dragon bear roared using his body weight to throw Jackson 6ft into the air and 8ft away.

"Do you know what happens when a flightless bird tries to fly?" The dragon bear mocked almost with a growl as it approached Jackson's landing spot.

He ignored dragon bear as he spun throwing the sword at its head making the dragon bear jump back. Jackson put multiple telekinesis pads behind him to slow himself down, and below himself to slow his decent.

Nether hesitated to charge back at each other but this time Jackson was stuck without a blade. The dragon bear tried grabbing Jackson with both of its giant claws, Jackson escaped his grasp by a hair by jumping toward his head preforming multiple spinning kicks with the help of telekinesis to make his attacks deadlier.

He targeted the eyes nose and ears stunning the dragon bear temporarily. Jackson didn't get out unscathed he broke his left leg and foot in multiple places, this prevented him to land properly so the best he could do was roll breaking a couple ribs in the process.

Fortunately enough he was stoped by his sword that was a foot or so in the ground. He got up with one leg holding the sword for leverage, noticing the dragon bear was still stunned by his attack he smiled with blood seeping through his teeth.

He lunged with all his power and the help of telekinesis, before hitting the ground. he would slam his sword first like a third leg letting him leap once more.

The dragon bear heard the noise turning around to see Jackson spinning in the air holding the sword with both hands slamming it on his back.

The sword only connected to hard scales under the fur making a loud metal on metal noise causing a vibration through the blade making Jackson's arms num an the dragon bear to fall on its face.

All this happened within a span of a minute leaving everyone's mouth wide open. "So what. Your just going to lay there?" Jackson asked getting up and starting to get feeling in his left leg again.

The dragon bear grumbled as it got up facing Jackson. "In such a short exchange I can tell the winner. But I have to ask is that the Kritanta?" He asked getting Jackson to smile wildly. "Of course it is. But how do you know it?"

"We'll that's because he's a old friend of mine. He told me that he would never have a disciple, but here you are. Dose that mean you killed him?" He asked the last part in a deep tone like if he didn't like Jackson answer there would be consequences.

"Of course it dose." He answered back nonchalantly getting everyone to look at him in disbelief. "Good" the dragon bear sighed in relief as he exhaled a cloud of smoke that circled him returning back to normal.

"So how was the last fight?" The old man asked walking over to Jackson who was fully healed already. "Terrifying. Would you like me to show you?" He asked casually like what he was about to show him was nothing to fear.

"Yes I would but maybe we should get some more distance from the others." He said looking over at the group of high schoolers and Clementine.

"No they should see it. Jasmine cover Clementine's ears as best as possible and watch closely." Jackson announced loud enough for their ears ring a little.

Jackson turned around putting the sword down letting it sink a little ground before taking a deep breath turning around slowly. Everyone felt as if the room dropped several degrees as Jackson looked like he grew a couple feet with his eyes glowing like a bright flame.

By the time he tuned around he looked like a different person like a beast in human form. His muscles looked like they could pop any second with the veins that lined his body. With a smile that could give demons nightmares.

"I'm the one and only Kritanta." His voice sounded like multiple people screaming his words making everyone tremble. The old man seen something different then everyone being so close.

Jackson's body was like a pitch black obsidian that moved across his body with his only facial features being his glowing red eyes and his smile that was also the same shade of red making him look like a real monster.

Suddenly everything was gone, like everything they just seen was a illusion. Nobody noticed but they stopped breathing making them breath heavily.

The old man was silent looking at the ground walking over to Jackson slowly as he could. "I'm sorry for what he did to you, you must have truly suffered to get this far. The blade is yours, on the house." He said in his usual voice as he walked past Jackson going to the elevator.

Jackson had plenty of things to add but he just stayed silent looking over toward his group who were getting off the bleachers.

Clementine was the first to approach Jackson with Jasmine not far behind. "That's a cool sword! I didn't think it would be cool in action." She barked out excitingly looking up at the blade.

Jackson patted her on the head with his free hand as he put the dragon slayer into his inventory. "We still have one more spot to hit before we can rest. Let's get moving."

Everyone quickly followed him toward the elevator gathering back in the main room with the old man. "Please come again" he said casually with a smile.

"i definitely will, I have a couple things to ask you but I'll wait till tomorrow" Jackson answered back getting the old man to nod keeping his smile.

Rose suddenly took the lead again as they left the building "Food is your next destination isn't it?" Rose asked leading them to a produce stand with a store across the way with any kind of meat you could imagine.

Nobody in the group but Jackson knew how to cook so they just followed him as he gathered everything they would need. "The average rate of dungeon clearing a dungeon is 8 weeks. 40 floors in your case." Rose commented as she watched the group follow Jackson.

Jackson got enough food for the group to last 9 weeks, by stacking food it made them one item in his inventory. Making his 6275 credits 5400.

"Lastly somewhere to sleep before we're forced to sleep in the dungeon for the next 8 weeks." Jackson sighed with the group making Rose giggle a little leading the way, "I know of somewhere cheep with a shower in the room, which isn't common."

Everyone in the group wanted to kiss Rose after mentioning a shower so they followed her like their life's depended on it.

They entered a building with a bed and a beer mug as its banner. "What is up my adventures?" A 6ft man with dreadlocks walked over with a sleepy smile and half closed eyes. "Are you high?" Jasmine blurted out without thinking making the man smile even more.

"Of course it's the apocalypse why not man, anyways enough about me what brings you by?" He asked never losing his smile getting the group to smile a little seeing how relaxed he was.

"I need a room with a shower for one night" Jackson stated blackly, getting the man to look away for a slit second at his system before pulling out a key from his inventory. "Here you go man enjoy, theirs already soup's in the bathroom you pay for them with the shower."

Jackson grabbed the key as a message told him 150 credits were removed. "Everyone go ahead and sleep in and take some time for yourselves, we're not leaving for the dungeon till afternoon time." Jackson assured walking toward his room with his arm around Jasmine with Clementine walking in front.

Nobody hesitated to start drinking and getting more food. Jackson was already in his room sitting down leaning against a wall with a sigh. "Hay Clem why don't you shower first." Jasmine suggested getting Clementine to smile brightly. "Gladly"

Jasmine smiled at her, watching her run to the bathroom. Turning around she noticed Jackson wasn't focused on anything guessing he was looking at his system.

She was right the second Jackson entered the room he started letting the system give him experience messages as he looked at his stats.

[You've killed 10, level 15 Rattch. 27,560 experience earned/ level up you are now level 7]

[killed Level 32 Rank 2 Rattch]

[Error!? Experience… Error. Under leveled, double experience. Error, tripled under level bonus. Experience earned [450,000] with a new skill [Abominable presents] you are now level 40 with 194 free attribute points]

Jackson was smiling subconsciously as Jasmine sat down next to him. "So?" She asked looking at his level above his head in disbelief. "I have 194 free stat points." He answered casually as he visibly seen her flinch. "Yah I have 120 and I'm sure Clementine has a bunch… I'm scared what they will do when I use them."

Jackson looked at her with a smile seeing her level.

Deaths lover level 30

Title: fire princess

"Theirs nothing to be afraid of, pain will always be there. What you do with it that matters, it can make you stronger or you can let It break you. It's as simple as that." He stated bluntly turning to her to see her staring at him intensely.

She let out a sigh as she leaned against him. "I'm going to use half my stat points tonight and the other half in the morning. Can you help me?" She asked sheepishly.

He smiled again putting his arm around her "of course, but I'm going all out with my points so don't be surprised if I look different." He answered casually getting her to smile looking up at him. "Of course you are." She chuckled at the comment.

Jackson could feel her temperature rising with slight popping and cracking sounds leaving her body, she started crying softly with her skin tightening and her muscles getting bigger and denser.

Jackson held her closer as she continued to cry as the popping sounds got louder before they suddenly stop making her shiver.

Jackson could immediately tell the difference, she grew several inches with her weight increased and her skin tighter giving her finger a better look making her body stand out more.

"That sucked and it was only half" she commented as she held onto him tighter as he distributed all his points. Jackson's transformation was clearly going to much greater do to how his body literally vibrated making Jasmine let go.

She watched as it looked like his skin tried to strangle him and his muscles tried escaping from his flesh. Even Jackson's eyes started to shrink and expand making her look away.

Suddenly the loudest popping and cracking sounds she's ever heard, turning back slowly as the sounds continued she seen his shoulders and arms get shorter before longer. "It's breaking down the weak points making them stronger from scratch. Interesting." Jackson muttered casually without any hint of pain to his voice getting Jasmine to tremble a little.

She gritted her teeth mocking herself for her weakness, she almost broke down from just half her points. But Jackson was using tripling what she felt without even batting a eye and even smiling through it. "How can you do it l?" She asked with tears leaving her eyes.

A loud cracking sound was heard as he answered "this is nothing compared to what I've been through, it's about experience honestly." He answered casually again making her clench her fist in anger.

She knew Jackson wasn't someone she should compare herself to but all she could imagine was how weak she was in comparison. He hugged her tightly as his transformation continued making her look at him in disbelief. "Let's take a shower" he said standing up moving toward the bathroom as Clementine left it.

"Sorry I took so long, it felt so good." She said with a smile as she dried her hair. "No worries get some sleep Clem the beds all yours." He assured getting Clementine to look at the queen size bed with a big smile before jumping on it rolling back and forth before falling asleep.

Jackson and Jasmine took a long shower together before they went to sleep, with Jackson's back against the door just in case.

(Thank you for reading hoped you enjoyed the long chapter)