Dungeon day

Jackson woke up early, literally feeling like a different person. Little did he know his bones kept destroying and rebuilding themselves as he slept, waking up Jasmine a couple times throughout the process.

He didn't put much thought into his stats, he told the system to distribute his points evenly before taking a shower, then going to sleep. So he decided to see what it looked like.

Jackson Bruce

Title: God of Death

Level: 40 Blooded

Weight: 300 pounds



Heath/ Stamina per minute: 2,500

[5 points available]

[You are Death incarcerate and death has his own army, those who are worthy of following you will claim the title Deaths follower]

[Deaths follows bonus: while under your command your followers have bonus experience, also gaining quests if the task is a difficult one]


Telekinesis: limit 130 pounds with a range of 40ft

Abominable presents: Transform into your true form. A monster to never be forgotten, a nightmare to haunt your enemies.[Deaths followers are 90% resistant to this skill][Last as long as you want] Penalty one day cool down]

Fear eater: level 1 [20ft radius]



Domain: within the area of your telekinesis your Perception is impenetrable [40ft] [turn off and on at will]

Body of Mine: you chose to push your body until it breaks and then you keep pushing [this perk doubles your Heath and stamina] Permanent]


Strength:53 [maximum speed and physical power]

Endurance:57 [Increases regeneration of stamina, health, and their totals]

Constitution:52 [Increases the hardness, density, and weight of your body]

Dexterity:52 [Increases ease of movement, flexibility, and reflexes]

Perception:57 [Increases comprehension, the five senses, and awareness]

Intelligence:55 [Increases memory and critical thinking]

Charisma:51 [Increases likeability and persuasion]



Shadow: level 20

Title: [Deaths loyal familiar]

[telepathic link: Able to speak to your familiar]

[25% experience share]

[The void wolf may rest inside your shadow]

Quests: [travel the world and kill stronger foes]

Permanent Quest [Clear the ice Ark dungeon]

His quests was the most interesting thing next to his new skill Abominable presents, it looked promising. And one of his quest confused him, was he not in a big city? Or dose the system mean abandon city's that have been completely overrun?

Suddenly Jasmine looked up at him rubbing her eyes "what time is it?" He chuckled as he shrugged "the only way I would know is to look for the sun or moon."

She smiled getting up looking around remembering where they were. "Are you getting up?" He nodded getting her to stand and stretch "I guess I'll get up to." She said while in the middle of her long stretch.

"I need to talk with that old man, maybe he can teach me that magic he used." Jackson explained standing up realizing how much taller he was, he now stood at 7ft tall making Jasmine look up in disbelief. "Wow uhhh your… tall"

He chuckled, checking out Jasmine noticing her differences. "It looks like you grew in different places." Jasmine looked at him confused before she looked down noticing her C cup chest with her body having significant changes in thickness.

What Jackson didn't know was Jasmine used her remaining points in the middle of the night making these changes possible.

Jackson laughed a little at Jasmine checking herself out as he sent Clementine a system message telling her where they were going and what she should do, to see if she would wake up from it. Unsurprisingly she didn't wake up, so they walked out the room being greeted by the man from before.

He immediately noticed them turning to them, his dreads were coving his eyes only showing his smile "good morning, wow you guys are up early." He said looking at his wristwatch. "What time is it?" Jasmine asked almost sounding desperate for the information.

He looked at them checking out their gear, but to them he was definitely checking them out. "It's 4:30 in the morning, if you need stuff like this you should check out the forgotten item store." He advised with a smile.

"Shit, will any store's be open at this hour?" Jackson asked getting the man to laugh a little. "Your definitely new around here. When you get your endurance hits 100 you literally can't sleep anymore. Some call it a curse, and some call it a blessing." He explained with a shrug practically forcing them to look at his level.

[Innkeeper level 111]

[Tittles: a man of manny names [solo dungeon clearer]

Jasmine started shaking seeing his level and title but Jackson stood their like a rock In a river without any emotion on his face. "So you seen my level huh? Yah it tends to frighten most. But I'm not the one who dose all the killing, it's the other guy." He assured with a shiver as he coward a little.

Jasmine fear was immediately replaced with confusion. "Oh ahhh since you guys got a room here I'll tell you. I'm Jonny, the night keeper, I watch and clean the inn while the day guy Ronny rests inside." He explained taping his temple.

"Multiple personality disorder." Jackson blurred out calmly but out of nowhere getting Jonny to shrug. "That's what my doctors called it. Long story short I'm the nicest and the weakest one out of the group."

Jackson smiled as his eyes looked back up at his level. "Then who do I have to worry about?" He asked letting out a little bloodlust getting Jonny so look frightened for a moment before he suddenly stopped looking at the ground.

His body grew at a impossible rate, ripping his shirt to shreds, growing up to 7ft tall with muscles that put Breckin's to shame. "That would be me Ezekiel. I like you and your name, the system never gave me a name like that." He spoke in a deep voice almost sounding like a real demon, with a smile to match that went ear to ear. with glowing red eyes, glowing through his dreadlocks.

Jackson felt it again, the feeling he was the prey and the hunter stood in front of him with his jaws ready to take his head. He wasn't scared more like ecstatic, his heart was beating so loudly it was all he could hear.

Ezekiel could hear Jackson's heart as clear as day. but for the first time he felt frightened, by the fact he wasn't scared but excited was disturbing not to mention Jackson's smile was a mirror image of the one he had.

"I look forward in seeing you again death" he said in his deep voice before he started trembling. "Why did you have to do that! Ezekiel is so scary!" Jonny shouted as he put his hands on his head shaking in anger and fear as his body returned to normal.

Jackson looked toward Jasmine realizing she was behind him, waiting for him to transform back. "Jonny's back. Sorry about that." He apologized knowing he could of at least warned her. She peeked around him to see Jonny back to normal pacing around the room while cleaning up his torn clothing.

She sighed in relief smiling grabbing Jackson's arm pulling him toward the door. "It was nice meeting you Jonny, but we have business to take care of see you later." By the time she was done with her sentence they already left the building.

"Jeez is every other person a monster of some kind!?" Jasmine sighed as they walked down the dimly lit sidewalks. Jackson thought the comment was ironic because some would consider them the monsters.

"Do you want to get anything before the dungeon?" He asked trying to change the topic. Jasmine tried to think about something she would need, but she just shook her head. "Unless there's a portable shower I don't know about, I'm good."

"That would be a good idea. Maybe we should stop by that bold guys shop to see if he has one." He said seriously getting Jasmine to laugh a little as they approached the old man's shop to see him waiting behind the counter reading a magazine while rocking in his rocking chair.

The old man seen the couple approaching so he put his magazine in his inventory and greeted them with a smile. "Welcome back, so what will it be today"

"I actually wanted to know about that magic you used and if you can tell me anything about getting a ability." Jackson asked getting straight to the point.

The man stroked his white beard as he looked at Jackson's blank expression. "Did your master teach you that poker face to?" He asked laughing a little. "Actually it's a natural talent of mine." He answered with a slight smile.

"Why don't you take a seat. magic isn't something you explain in a few seconds, so that's why I'm going to tell you about abilities first." He laughed again as he pulled out two wooden foldout chairs from his inventory putting them next to each other as his rocking chair moved by itself behind him.

They sat in a chair as the old man continued. "Unfortunately ability's aren't for everyone, some people are born with them, others awaken them. Lastly the ones who don't have a ability at all, but worry not. Some people sell ability books, but when you learn a ability theirs no going back."

He explained as he looked between them trying to get a reaction. But he didn't, Jasmine loved her ability and Jackson wasn't worried about it.

The old man sighed before continuing. "Now on to magic. Magic is the will of the earth, the moon, the sun and the wind. Without knowing this magic will be impossible for you, because if you don't know which's "will" your coming into contact with you could injure your body or soul." He explained as the two listened very carefully not to miss any detail.

"Now since you know the elements, you should know everyone had their own affinity. For example I'm a earth bender." He demonstrated by throwing up his right hand up, as the ground below it turn into a spike.

They both watched as the spike turned from hard as a rock then turn into mud becoming level with the ground before turning back into stone. "Theirs a easy way to tell your affinity." He assured as he pulled out a piece of paper from his inventory.

"This is a special paper made from a tree that collects world mana, if your blood comes in contact with this paper it will show your affinity and how manny you may specialize in." He added giving them both a small finger nail size piece.

Jackson had no hesitation biting into his thumb letting the paper get soaked in blood. The paper started vibrating before becoming a pitch back circle surrounded by a clear ring, that was almost invisible.

The old man started laughing hysterically with his ragged laugh making him have a coughing fit shortly after. "What's it mean?" Jackson asked calmly getting the old man to calm down. "Theirs two elements I didn't mention because how rare they are. The first is yin better known as Destruction magic or purification magic and yang better know as healing magic or the will of blessing." Jackson smiled wildly looking at the paper.

"I know what your thinking, yes it's a powerful magic but it can also destroy and corrupt the user if not careful." He warned but Jackson just kept smiling as Jasmine took out a knife giving herself a slight cut in her finger letting the paper soak it in.

The paper vibrated once more, turning into a bright red circle surrounded by green. "That's not surprising coming from the fire princess but also having a earth affinity? Not bad." The old man nodded multiple times.

"What about the clear ring?" Jackson asked making the man look back at his paper in shock "my apologies, my eyes must be going out on me. You also have the affinity for air magic one of my favorites." He answered with a smile and a chuckle.

"Can you tech us?" Jackson asked once more getting the old man to smile wildly "of course I can! You two will be my last disciples." He assured walking over to the elevator with Jackson and Jasmine following him eager to learn real magic.

Entering the giant room once more the old man made his way to the center of the room gesturing then to follow. "I know you're going on a dungeon clearing run so I'll teach you only fist tear magic today. but don't be disappointed first tear isn't the weakest like it sounds." He assured as he demonstrated making a wall of stone appear around them with spikes pointed toward them.

"First magic can be casted silently, when you fully understand the spell you're casting of course." He explained with a smile making the stone wall disappear.

"So dose this mean we're going to have to learn a different language or something?" Jasmine asked curiosity. The old man laughed for a moment before answering "definitely not, but you will have to lean some hand sighs and learn how to make action words, watch closely."

The old man advised as he put his hands together like he was praying before using his finger to create two invisible circles with both hands as he practically shouted. "Cast!" Two stone 4ft builders appeared behind them.

"A action word can be anything you want, you can also change it when you want. The most important part to remember is always remaining calm, if you attempt to cast magic while being flooded by any emotion the spell will backfire." He explained with a sternish tone.

The two listened the best they could before suddenly the old man sighed. "Now this next part will tell you if your talented or not." He said as he pulled out a fist size stone from his inventory giving one to each.

"Now this stone will glow when you attempt to use your element, Jasmine can you demonstrate with you're fire." He asked getting Jasmine to smile as she put her fire into the stone making it glow bright red. "This was a obvious outcome, now attempt to use your earth element. And Jackson attempt to use ether of your affinity's" he introduced as he made a seat for himself.

Jasmine was having trouble trying to change the color of her stone. Jackson was in the same boat just staring at his stone as he tried grabbing at a unfeelable feeling.

The old man laughed at their attempts getting them to look toward him. "Why don't you two try imagining the rock was a bucket and you as the river, just fill up the bucket." He mocked getting both of them to look back toward their stone.

After 5 minutes or so Jasmine was able to get her stone to glow green slightly. Jackson looked over to see her smile at him "try and think of a memory that makes you feel neutral, if that makes sense."

Jackson looked back at his stone, spinning it in his palm a couple times before he closed his eyes. He tried to keep his mind blank to see what memory would pop up.

Suddenly a persons face appeared in his mind, it was a face he couldn't forget. It was the first person he killed under his masters guidance. The memory replayed in his mind with his masters voice screaming. "Kill him Jackson! KILL HIM!" His eyes shoot open with adrenaline flowing through his vanes.

Looking at the stone, it was shrouded in a dark flames that was a foot tall blazing like a inferno, just without the heat. Jasmine and the old man had their mouths wide open looking into the black flame.

"You're incredible" the old man stated as he started laugh raggedly before it turned into a coughing fit. "And here I thought I had more talent" Jasmine joked getting Jackson to look toward her smiling while playing with the dark flame. "I'm sure you'll be more efficient with your magic." He assured as he made the dark flame disappear.

Jasmine giggled before the old man continued "now since you can feel the "Will" of your affinity you will now need to think of a activation word and hand signals to guide the mana making it do what you want." He explained slowly but smoothly so they could understand everything he was saying.

"I recommend you learning sign language, you can make your action word flow with your hand signs that way. Or you can make up your own." He added with a shrug, as Jasmine sighed loudly.

Before she suddenly remembered Jackson knew sign language, she shot up turning to him to see him walking away making space between them.

Jackson walked past them, so they were behind him. He stood still for a moment concentrating on the he two new feelings instead him.

One felt like pure power and adrenaline and the other felt like a cool breeze.

He decided to focus his air affinity making it flow through his body. Suddenly he hand sighed {Tornado} as he said "Storm"

Two gusts of winds pushed through the space before they suddenly turned into small tornados of dust and dirt.

The old man and Jasmine watched in disbelief before Jackson did something unpredictable. He hand sighed {Combine} as he said "Consume"

Darkness left Jackson's body being sucked in by the tornadoes turning them into complete darkness before he hand sighed {Collapse} as he said "disappear" making the tornadoes vanish from sight leaving the old man and Jasmine dumbfounded.

"Your turn" he said looking at Jasmine who still couldn't believe her eyes. The old man laughed a little "you shouldn't tease her like that" the old man scolded getting Jackson to laugh a little as Jasmine started walking toward him.

"Thanks for the demonstration" she said as she walked past making distance between them, she put her hands together, interlocking her fingers before separating them as she threw her arms in the air "Dome".

A dome of stone appeared that was 6 foot high. She smiled as she ran over to the stone punching it letting her first enter the dome.

She didn't bother using hand sighs as she fill the dome with flames making it red hot. She pulled her hand out the dome with fire following her, turning around walking away from the dome as It crumbled.

Jackson started clapping with a smile "I knew you had it in you." Jasmine smiled she ran to him as the old man nodded a couple times.

"You two have extraordinary potential. I know you two are about to be going on a dungeon clear. it's tempting to use a new power but I'm warning you try and keep your magic to a minimum when you're in our group." He practically lectured them as he gestured for them to follow him.

They followed him back into the main shop. "It's closing time, so I'll see you when you get back from your dungeon adventure." He stated with a smile confusing the two. "So that's it?" Jasmine asked taking the words out Jackson's mouth.

"Yes I need to rest, I'll be seeing you my disciples." He answered as metal shutters closed in front of them. "I guess he really needed to rest" Jasmine commented as they started walking away from the shop.

Jackson got what he wanted from the old man so he wasn't worried about being kicked out. "Let's see what these shops have to offer." Jasmine smile as she nodded grabbing his hand "it's finally time to go shopping!" She cheered pulling him along going into a store with a Picture of a shirt and pants.

After exploring the entire store the shop owner went up to them letting them know these weren't ordinary clothes. These clothes can repair and clean themselves if given mana.

With this being said they both got a pair of clothes.

Jackson was wearing black jeans with a black shirt and a black leather tench coat. Jasmine also followed the black them with black jeans, but she decided to have a red long sleeve shirt with 5ich high boots.

"Are those boots big enough?" Jackson commented checking her out. Jasmine scoffed "Says the guy who's dressed to go to a funeral."

They both laughed for a second before a shop caught Jackson's eye. This shop has a big sign with big letters Old World.

They walked into the store to see old game systems, computers and much more. Practically everything a regular person would use on a daily basis was here, including the wrist watch he never thought he would need.

Jasmine also got one and as they purchased them the shop owner asked if they wanted to upgrade the watches into mana powered watches making last forever for a little extra credits of course.

They both payed 50 credits for the watches realizing they been out for 3 hours now, what confirmed the watches were working wad the raising sun in the distance.

"I think I'm ready, what about you?" Jackson asked eager to get back to the dungeon. Jasmine turned to him with a smile, "I'm ready".

With that being said they started heading back to the inn before they were stoped by Rose.

Rose called out to then from behind making them turn to see her out of breath. "I… forgot to… warn you about…. The hunters." She tried to explain as she caught her breath.

The couple waited for Rose to fully catch her breath before they asked anything. "When you accepted the dungeon clearing quest, hunters can kill you and remove your quest from the system letting everyone back into the dungeon."

They smiled at her causing her to make a confused expression. "So, your not worried about the hunters?" Rose asked to confirm her suspicions. "Of course not." Jackson answered bluntly with a smile.

Rose didn't like they way he smiled so she exudes herself "well if you can handle it I'll be in my way." Jackson and Jasmine watched Rose walk away before they headed to the inn.

Entering the inn everyone was downstairs eating whatever Ronny put on the table. "It looks like we missed the feast." Jackson joked putting his arm around Jasmine as they walked to a vacant table.

Everyone noticed them entering but they continued eating until they were spoke to. Clementine was the only accession, when she spotted the couple she darted to their table. "Did you have fun?"

They smiled at her making her smile even more "we got to learn something new, so I say we did." Jasmine answered patting Clementine on the head.

Suddenly Ronny was at their table with a pen and notebook "we're serving breakfast and dinner which do you prefer?" He asked nicely in a little deeper tone then before.

Jackson smiled at Ronny "I would like a medium rare steak with a lamb chop, green beans, mashed potatoes and some potato wedges." Jasmine looked at him with a smile as she ordered the same thing but with regular french fries instead of potato wedges.

Everyone but Jackson are like starving animals not caring about how messy they got or how other people seen them.

After about 10 minutes everyone was done eating, washed up and packed ready to head out. "We'll probably be coming back after our clear. So we will be seeing ya later" Jackson assured exiting the inn leaving Ronny smiling ear to ear, glad not everyone was afraid of him.

They went back to the guild from before walking through the portal, landing inside another guild house, already feeling the freezing air that was tolerable now do to all of them being blooded.

Everyone in the bar like room looked toward them with scowls and it ugly looks, Jackson smiled making some look away as he lead his group out the building.

Exiting the building they stepped into a snowstorm, nothing like the last but still cold and dark as it could be.

"Everyone stay close to one another" he ordered as he turned to Jasmine "let's keep the snow off everyone." He added getting Jasmine to smile with a nod. the air got significantly warmer and the snow started flowing around them like they were a rock in a river.

Everyone sighed in relief feeling the change in temperature and with the snow not constantly all over them, they could see their group with ease making it difficult to get separated.

They moved quickly though the snowstorm getting within 40ft of the dungeon in 10 minutes letting Jackson sense the hunters waiting for them.

"Listen up" Jackson suddenly stopped and announced getting their full attention. "We have about 20 or so people waiting at the dungeon to take our heads for trying to clear this dungeon. You have a choice join me or wait for me to return." He explained as he walked away with the barrier he made for the snow going with him.

The group hesitated after understanding what he meant. "He can handle this himself against 20, I'll be here for anyone who doesn't follow him." David assured making a couple sigh in relief but a few only felt weak for even hesitating.

Jasmine was the first to follow Jacksons silhouette with the thought "I'll run through fire and brimstone to stand next to him." Clementine also followed close behind as she thought "I'm so tired of getting left behind."

A couple other people wanted to follow but then they started hearing screams of agony making them shiver and stay close to David. Everyone but Tom of course who was just staring into the direction of the screams.

Jackson approached the dungeon to see all 20 people sitting outside with campfires to keep them warm. "Finally their here. guys get up!" A man shouted getting everyone to stand walking toward Jackson.

Jackson could tell this group was just random party's grouped together making their teamwork probably nonexistent.

"Surrounded him" one of the bigger men ordered as everyone started separating surrounding Jackson while holding their swords and spears out ready to kill.

Jackson smiled as they inched closer, "the first to take a step toward me will get their leg torn off." He taunted getting them to think about what he said. One man in particular thought "torn off? Not ripped or cut?" He thought with a smile as he stood in his spot.

"I'm not here for the same reasons as these cave men. My name is Wyne and I came here because I have a quest for you." The 6,8 man stated as a message suddenly started speaking to him.

[Quest received from Eater of monsters]

[Assist in killing hordes of the dead and monsters while the builders build another wall around their base.]

Jackson smiled a little more reading the quest, "I'll definitely help you after my clear, but you'll have to wait till then." He answered bluntly getting Wyne to smile nodding "of course. thank you for your time,

Have fun with the slaughter." He said walking away into the woods out of sight in seconds.

Suddenly a man charged at Jackson from behind silently, right before the man's dagger was about to pierce Jacksons skin he took a step to the side dogging the attack by centimeters.

Jackson put his max power in telekinesis making a telekinetic hand grab the legs of the man making him fall over.

But before his face could hit the ground, Jackson caught his leg slamming his foot on the man's head making a dent into the ground. suddenly Jackson tore his leg from his body making the man scream in agony.

Nobody dared to make a move as their ears were filled with screams from the man. "O shut it" Jackson muttered as he crushed the man's neck killing him making it so quiet, all they could hear was the wind blowing around Jackson's bubble.

"Nobody told us this guy was this brutal" a boy around Jackson's age said under his voice but everyone heard him clearly.

"I'll let three of you walk away, if you drop your weapons and leave." Jackson stated with a smile making everyone feel like they were the hostages in the situation.

Two of the youngest ones practically threw their weapons at Jackson's feet as they fled with all the speed they could muster. The other 17 looked at each other to see who would be the third.

Suddenly a woman's voice was heard "if this isn't going to be a cake walk, I'm going home." She stated throwing her staff at Jackson's feet before walking away.

"The rest of you will die here." Jackson confidently stated as he pulled out his dragon slayer sword from his inventory swinging it to the side killing 5 men at once by cutting them in half.

"11 left" he muttered as clattering sounds were heard from behind by a couple of trembling people wearing full body armor.

Jackson approached the 4 in front of him swinging his sword to the left this time. Two of the men had shields so they hoped they could stop the blade if they brought up their shields, but unfortunately all it did was slow they blade a little as it shredded though the 4 men like a axe through wood.

"7" Jackson's voice was so calm if someone heard his voice without seeing his situation they wouldn't be able to tell he was in the middle of slaughtering his fellow man.

Jasmine and Clementine approached at this point seeing the blood bath that was unfolding. But before they could step in Jackson cut another 3 men down who charged toward him.

The last 4 kneeled on the ground not believing their eyes. "Theirs no more room for surrender pick up your swords and die like men." Jackson coldly stated as one of them started taking off their amor, revealing it was a woman. "What if I'm not a man?" she shakily asked as she dropped her helmet.

"Man, woman, monster What's the difference? You came here to kill but can't accept being killed yourself?" He asked with a sinister smile as he approached them making the armor rattle even more.

"We were promised credits for just appearing we weren't going to hurt anyone." She stated still shaking like a leaf in the wind.

Jackson feed himself with their fear before replaying. "Then why weren't you one of the three I let get away?" He asked as one of the other 4 darted into the woods.

The other three waited for Jackson to turn away so they could do the same but he didn't break eye contact with the woman as he pulled a Kunai from his inventory throwing it at the man guiding it with telekinesis to his head killing him without a sound.

The other three were on the verge of pissing themselves, Jackson could also hear their heart beating about to burst out their chest making him sigh. "Drop all your weapons and leave. You have three seconds before I change my mind." He ordered as a long sword in its sheath flouted toward him.

They immediately did as told and ran for their life's. Jackson suddenly put two fingers in his mouth whistling loudly as he walked over to Jasmine and Clementine who couldn't help but stare at Jackson.

"You don't even have a drop of blood on you" Jasmine noticed as she stared at Jackson like he was a mountain she would never be able to climb.

Jackson looked down brushing off some snow as he smiled "their just weak, be impressed when I kill the dungeon boss." He nonchalantly said shrugging his shoulders as the rest of the group approached wide eyed looking at the corpses.

David subconsciously smiled at the gore "I knew you could handle it with ease." He muttered but everyone heard him clearly. After examining the corpses they looked at Jackson noticing he didn't have a drop of blood on him but his sword that rested on his shoulder was dripping constantly.

"We don't have all day, get what you want from the corpses" Jackson ordered walking into the dungeon to get a notification from the system.

[Quest dungeon cleaning has been activated]

[You can not leave the dungeon unless cleared or death] Rewards???]

Jackson smiled seeing the slime in the distance "David handle the first 4 floors" Jackson ordered uninterested in the week monsters on the lower floors.

David immediately stepped up. "Rick, Breckin, mark on the front lines with me. Lori, Fred, Logan and Jean stay close and kill anything we pass." Nobody complained moving into formation, everyone who wasn't call followed close behind the group just to support.

With this formation the ice slimes and ice wisps didn't stand a chance, only when they encountered the Rattch did the group slow a little.

Entering the 5th floor Jackson took the lead with Jasmine next to him. "We'll handle rest until we reach a safe zone." Jackson assured looking back to the group as they put away their weapons ready to watch the show.

Jasmine looked up at him "what's the plan?" He smiled as he looked down to her "I'll be your shield, go all out and have fun." Jasmine eyes shined as she smiled "my kinda plan"

With this being said she ran forward in a sprinters position quickly approaching a group of 12 Rattch. They shot out ice cycles but Jackson quickly swatted them away with his dragon slayer sword.

Jasmine suddenly jumped into the air spinning and as she landed she stomped on the ground saying "Skewer" Stone spikes appeared from the floor killing over half and crippling the rest.

Jasmine quickly finishing off the rest of the crippled Rattch's with fire bullets that were bigger then normal.

Everyone behind had no idea what just happened. They knew of the fire ability Jasmine had but they never seen her use earth before. Clementine was the only one who wasn't surprised do to Jackson's message telling her what they went out for.

Clementine stayed closer to Jackson and Jasmine then anyone, she watch closely as Jasmine approached another group of 20 Rattch.

Jasmine smiled as she approached the group that readied their weapons and shot out ice cycles. Jackson swatted the ice cycles with his dragon slayer sword letting Jasmine push forward.

She suddenly spun again but quickly flipped through the air when she landed, she stretched her arms wide as she capped making the sound echo through the cave as she said. "Enclose"

The roof, floor and walls suddenly shook as spikes shot out skewering the 20 Rattch from all sides killing them. But she wasn't finished she spun once more throwing out her left fist at the spikes as she said "explode". Bright blue flames flew from her fist melting the spikes blocking the path with all the Rattch stuck to them.

She wanted to laugh but she felt immense pain in her left hand. Looking down at it she realized all her fingers were melted together in a fist.

Jackson looked over her shoulder at her hand. "Do you need help with that?" He asked getting her to look at him confused. "If you don't get your hand open, the system will probably heal it as is." Jasmine face immediately turned into a worried one.

"Just relax look away and let the doctor work." Jackson joked getting her to smile again as she looked away. Jackson pulled out his cleanest and sharpest knife from his inventory, that so happened to be a kitchen knife.

"Deep breath" Jasmine did as told as Jackson surgery cut in between her fingers as he used telekinesis to open her hand, he separated the skin and cut away the dead or burned skin.

Jasmine could barely contain her screams through the process but it was far quicker then she thought. She looked down at her hand that was pink in most places with some cuts so deep it showed her muscles.

Jackson put the knife back in his inventory as he asked "Do you still want to lead?" He asked noticed she cleared the floor already. Jasmine watched her hand heal back to new as she answered, "One more floor, then you can take the lead."

Not long after they found a group of 11 Rattch at the staircase. Jasmine wasted no time shooing off fire bullets like a machine gun quickly killing the group.

Walking down the stairs the group immediately remembered the mini boss Jackson killed making them shiver.

Everyone but Fred who ran to the front to Jackson making him turn to him. "Can I fight with you" Fred asked with a look in his eyes making Jackson raise a eyebrow. "Of course, but this floor is Jasmines we'll take the next ones as she covers us."

Fred nodded with a grin as they approached a group of 20 Rattch with clubs and 9 Rattch with staffs casting a ice cycle each that was the size of your average arm.

Jackson ran forward on Jasmines right with Fred on her left, Jackson destroyed 5 cycles leaving the other 4 to Fred who handled them better then anyone would have thought.

Jasmine took a deep breath as Jackson and Fred fell back. Suddenly she put both her arms forward shooting out bright orange flames from both hands, burning the group alive without one able to get away from the flames that seemed to seek them like starving beasts.

The screams were like music to her ears but to spar the others she shot small fire bullets at the more resilient ones making the room deadly quite.

A since of déjà vu washed over them as a loud roar was heard from down the cave. "No fucking way" a couple people said at once as the monster Jackson killed the day before approached them with his foot steps echoing thought the cave.

Jackson already had his dragon slayer on his shoulder ready for the beast to approach. The Rattch looked exactly the same as before, like a 8ft buff gorilla with a giant rats head.

But this time he had no necklace of heads and no weapons on his back. The giant Rattch clicked its tongue several times before it spoke in a creepy deep and crackly voice, "Clearers are worthy, follow me." It immediately turned his back to the group walking the way it came.

Everyone was speechless bit believing their ears or eyes. "Let's move" Jackson's cold tone snapped them back into reality as they followed behind the Rattch.

Jackson got curious running next to the Rattch walking side by side with it. The Rattch turn to Jackson with a blank expression, Jackson smiled as he asked "do you remember me?"

The Rattch visibly shivered "No. but I have memory's that I haven't made with you in them" Jackson smiled a little more menacingly "good, now tell me what you know or I'll recreate those memories" he threatened as he let his blood seep out making the Rattch jump to the side making clicking noises again.

"No aloud to fight, I'll answer questions." It screeched as it shook its head making drool leave its mouth. Jackson tilted his head a little in confusion "who's stopping you from fighting me"

It screeched before answering "words in head, pain. PAIN!!!" It road as it shook itself off like it was covered in water. Jackson sighed "Run to where your taking us we'll keep up." The Rattch immediately started running on all fours down the cave.

Everyone quickly started running forming a group behind Jackson "so what was that about?" Tom asked getting Jackson to raise a eyebrow seeing how the old man was easily keeping pace with him.

"The system or maybe the dungeon is controlling the monster to lead us on the right path to clear the dungeon."

Everyone looked at him in disbelief as they seen the Rattch slamming his fist on a faint door making it start to crack. Jackson ran forward jumping on the Rattch's back as he slammed the dragon slayer into the door shattering it into pieces.

"Yes, YES!" The Rattch screeched "go head, words no let, me pass" it creaked out as it started foaming out the mouth making everyone want to get far away as possible from it.

Jackson on the other hand walked over to the Rattch patting it the head "would you like me to end your suffering even if it's for a moment?" He asked with a deadpan expression like it didn't matter to him one way or another.

"Yes… it hurts" the Rattch looked as if it was about to collapse as it trembled from the pain it's body was in.

Suddenly the system spoke to him.

[killing this Rattch will have a penalty of -5 levels]

Jackson didn't hesitate even after hearing the system. He rose the dragon slayer high into the air as he brought it down with all his might and the power of telekinesis to behead the Rattch killing him painlessly.

[ 5 levels have been removed you are now level 35 stats has not changed, next 5 skill points will not be added to system]

Jackson walked away from the copse of the Rattch as it disappeared. Jackson retook the lead heading deeper into the cave sensing something enter his domain.

It was short on all fours like a dog but bigger, as it got closer everyone got a better look at it. It was 4ft tall and 5ft long with a long 6ft tail, the system analyzed it for them.

[Frostbite hounds: Level 30]

[with a simple bite from these hounds will give you the highest level of frostbite, also having the heightened senses of a hound and a tail that can be controlled like a whip.]

Jasmine shot out several fire bullets at the hounds head, to their surprise the hounds tail swiped forward covered in ice letting it cut through the flames making them disappear.

Nobody could behave their eyes but Fred quickly stepped forward approaching the beast cautiously, Fred had a sword in his hand that was 6ft long and 6inches thick.

The hound made a weird barking noise before it approached Fred, accepting the challenge Fred presented.

Fred step closer and closer until the hound swiped out toward him, Fred slashed toward the said making a sound of metal on metal. Fred could barely see the slash but was still able to block it barely as he stomped on the hounds head.

The hound didn't expect Fred to withstand its slash so when a stomp was planted on its head it was suppressed and angered. It quickly got out from underneath fed foot lunging toward Fred's stomach.

"Predictable" fed muttered with a smile as he stabbed his sword into the hounds head killing it, before it knew what happened.

Jackson walked up as Fred pulled out the sword from the hounds head. "How strong do you think the tail was?" He asked getting Fred to look up toward him "it was sharp and quick not really strong". He answered with a smile as he put his sword on his shoulder much like how Jackson dose.

Suddenly a howl was heard from deeper in the dungeon, following by a bunch of foot steps. Jackson sense them entering his domain "we have a group of 15 or so, Jasmine cover us and don't let any pass." Jackson stated as he walked forward with Fred smiling ear to ear, and Jasmine following close behind as the group watched from afar.

Jackson linked with shadow "do you want to see is dungeon monsters are edible?" Shadow perked up his ears in a pitch black room. "Can I go all out? it's been a while since I could go wild." He asked not leaving his laying position.

Jackson smiled as they seen the group of hounds "of course" with this being said the wolf walked out his shadow standing next to him. "Shit man could at at least warned me" Fred jumped to the side bit, not expecting a 4ft tall and a 5ft long wolf so be standing next to him.

"Relax pup, I'm here to hunt" Shadow stated as he casually walked between them as the hounds quickly approached, now only 10 feet or so away letting them see it was a group of 20 hounds.

"Shadow im going to throw my sword follow its shadow and tear into them, Fred, Jasmine well make sure nothing even scratches him" Jackson assured as he arched his arm back throwing the dragon slayer with all the help from telekinesis he could muster.

The sword flew like a helicopter blade as it spit 6 hounds in half with Shadow right behind it killing two hounds by ripping out their throats.

Jasmine killed the 3 closest to shadow using fire bullets, Fred blocked tail swipes for Jackson letting him recover his sword. With another swing of Jackson's sword 3 more were cut down as Fred flacked the remaining hounds easily able to cut their tail making them easy prey.

Shadow was seen gorging himself on the hounds inners before they disappeared. "A strange taste but definitely edible." He assured with a laughter making some laugh and some about to vomit.

[Your familiar has eaten a dungeon beast stats granted]

[Void wolf now has frost bite fangs]

[Void wolf is now level 22]

Jackson and Shadow swiped at the air getting rid of the system message looking at one another with a tooth grin.

"Let's keep moving" Jackson ordered walking forward with Jasmine on his left and Shadow and Fred on his right with the rest close behind watching closely.

As they continued walking they found a staircase so they quickly made their way to the 7th floor. Where they found a circular room with nothing in it but a crystal for light and a door on the other side.

"I guess this is what they call a safe zone" Fred said putting his sword away. "This is connected to the 7th floor and the last save zone was on the 3rd floor so the next should be on the 12th." Jackson was muttering to himself as David walked over to him.

"Are we resting or continuing?" He asked before he would get comfortable. Jackson didn't answer him as he turned to everyone. "We have two options. The first being rest up fully or we push to the next safe zone that I think is located on the 12th floor."

Everyone looked between each other looking for signs of fatigue. After a moment of silence everyone decided to push forward getting Jackson to smile. "Let the blood shed continue"

(Everyone's level after getting this far)

Jackson level 40 [after the penalty]

Jasmine level 40

Clementine level 15

David level 27

Fred level 26

Lori level 20

Rick level 24

Stella level 21

Breckin level 25

Noah level 23

Anthony level 22

Tom level 21

Logan level 28

Jean level 24

Karen level 22

Bobby level 23

(I hope you enjoyed and sorry it took so long)