Dungeon heart

Jasmine woke up after 20 minute, jumping to her feet ready to test her new power. She pointed her hand out like her usual finger pistol but it was different.

The tip of Jasmine's finger was glowing immensely with a small flame in the shape of a perfect circle. The wind in the cave hissed as the heat rose, Jasmine's laughter began echoing as she shot the fire ball.

It was completely different from her fire bullet that she usually used, this shot a bright beam of flame in a straight line. Kinda like a laser.

She jumped around with joy turning to Jackson who stood their quietly with a smile. "New skill fire beam acquired" she smiled even more.

"Very nice, let's get going" Jackson complemented pointing his thumb over his shoulder. Jasmine took a quick look at her stats to see if her investments payed off.

Jasmine Conner

Level 152 Blooded titles: Deaths lover: fire princess

Free points nun

Heath: 22,300


Heath/ Stamina regeneration per minute: 7,100

Mana: 3,200

Mana regeneration per minute: 800

Perk/mana bleeder: you enhance you're mind and mana regenerationthere for you bleed mana and share you're knowledge. Mana and critical thinking improved.

Perk/ Body bound: your Heath and stamina doubled decreasing your time to regenerate by 10 seconds

Strength:100 (maximum speed and physical power)

Endurance:100 (Increases regeneration of stamina, health, and their totals)

Constitution:100 (Increases the hardness, density, and weight of your body)

Dexterity:100 (Increases ease of movement, flexibility, and reflexes)

Perception:100 (Increases comprehension, the five senses, and awareness)

Intelligence:145(Increases memory and critical thinking and mana regeneration)

Charisma:100 (Increases likeability and persuasion)


[Level 2 Fire Affinity:Your control over fire is rare: you consume less energy using fire]

[Fire bullet level 1: a ball of flame that can be shot for ranged combat]

[fire beam level 1: shoot a concentrated beam of fire that can melt even steel]

She couldn't help but smile at her stats finally feeling like she's getting closer to Jackson's power. "So anything interesting?" Jackson asked snapping her back with a even bigger smile, "you'll just have to wait and see." She teased walking toward the staircase leading to the 10th floor.

"Last time this was a dungeon boss, so just watch my back" Jackson stated lifting her 10ft into the air directly above him, as he walked into the open area to see the the Minotaur Rattch, but it was different.

[Minotaur Rattch tear 8 level 150]

[title: Silark/ heart keeper]

"Welcome death and his lover, my name is Silark." The Minotaur spoke like a intelligent demon sending a shiver down Jasmines spine.

"So it's you again, this shouldn't be to difficult." Jackson muttered this but Jasmine and Silark heard every word.

"You shouldn't look down on me, I was being held back before. Now I'm at my full power." Silark boasted as it covered itself with ice and created two ice swords at 6ft long and 3ft wide.

"Held back you say?" Jackson asked as Silark swiped his swords in their direction, causing a ice storm with a 100 ice crystals inside.

Jackson stabbed the dragon slayer into the ground info front of him using it as a shield. Jasmine was pushed higher into the air by telekinesis letting her get a good shot with her new skill, fire beam.

The beam of fire connected with the armor of ice, instantly filling the room with steam so thick nobody could see.

Jackson on the other hand didn't need his eyes to see, so he cleared the sight for Jasmine to see as he flanked Silark.

With Jackson clearing the sight for Jasmine he also did the same for Silark allowing them to fire at each other once more.

Jasmine was able to make a barrier with her flames last second as Silark jumped into the steam, into Jackson's slash making the monster do a backflip before landing on its feet.

Jackson hand sighed "seek" as he muttered "devour" darkness leaked from him as it shot out through the mist seeking out Silark.

Unexpectedly the monster laughing as it suddenly incased the room in a blizzard stopping the darkness and filling the room with ice and snow.

"You know magic do you? That makes things more interesting." Jackson muttered with a growing smile.

Jasmine incased herself in fire protecting herself from the blizzard gaining a new skill.

[Fire barrier: level 1/ creates a wall of flame that protects from anything with enough mana]

Jackson however had his left hand frozen to the dragon slayer, he used it as a shield causing frostbite from his hand to his elbow.

He pulled out the short sword from his inventory cutting his arm off, a little above the frostbite to remove the effects and help him heal faster.

He then chopped his frozen limb from the dragon slayer putting the short sword into his inventory before grabbing the dragon slayer.

"My magic can stop explosions but not some snow?" Jackson thought to himself before it suddenly clicked in his mind. He pulled Jasmine from across the room to his side so she could easily hear what he found out.

"I think he has anti magic or something that removes the effects of my magic. Your magic is also you're ability so it's works against it, that's why you were able to stop the snow and I couldn't." He explained quickly getting Jasmine to get a smile a little more menacing then she meant to.

"So you're saying, it's up to me this time to get through the hard part?" She asked with a smile from ear to ear, getting Jackson to smile, "that's exactly what I'm saying". He answered back with a smile as his arm slowly regenerated.

Jasmine wanted to smile more but her face literally couldn't let her, she laughed a little before turning around to face Silark.

The fire in jasmine lit up even her eyes so when turning to the monster, her terrifying smile and her bright flaming eyes actually made him feel fear.

She moved like lightning with fire coating her feet, within seconds she traveled across the room throwing out a fist of fire towards Silark's head.

The monster wasn't afraid of her small fist with flames on it, but his instincts told him to dodge.

He dogged slightly avoiding the fist but what followed made his body shiver.

The fist caused a tsunami of flames behind Silark causing him to roll to the side avoiding his armor from melting. This is the moment when he realizes he wasn't the predator anymore but pry.

Silark was so fixed on jasmine, he completely forgot about Jackson who was waiting for him with the dragon slayer, binging it down on his head.

The dragon slayer cracked the ice armor around the neck making Silrark roll again trying to make some distance.

Unfortunately for him jasmine already repositioned, she stood 10ft behind him with her hand out. Suddenly as Silark finished his roll a stream of flame left jasmines palm slamming into Silark's back.

The ice immediately melted causing the room to fill with steam once more but Jasmine didn't stop her flames.

Jackson used his telekinesis to keep the steam in one area making Silark look like he was in a ball of steam.

With all the heat piling up on each other Silarks ice armor was melting by the second making him use all his power just to keep himself from burning alive.

But unfortunately for Silark Jackson wasn't just sitting around. With the cloud of thick steam the monster couldn't see the human size blade heading for his neck.

With the ice armor so thin the blade broke through with ease letting the blade sink half way into Silarks neck. The monster grab the blade with his hand stopped the blade from removing his head.

Jasmine closed in from his blind stop with a fiery fist that connected with the monsters head turning it into mush, then ash.

The body of Silark still had a thin layer of ice on it, but as the monster fell, the ice shattered on the ground like glass.

"Was that all he had?" Jasmine asked not knowing she was out of breath, almost on the verge of hyperventilating.

Jackson walked over putting a hand on her shoulder. "I believe so, go ahead and check you're system." Jackson answered softly already getting a message to continue to the next floor.

Jasmine got a different message or messages.

[you have slain Minotaur Rattch tear 8 level 150

titles Silark the heart keeper] [levels earned 2]

[Now level 154, 8 skill points available]

[New skill learned [Fire cloak] protects you from any low level attacks and keeps you warm.

[this skill requires no mana Permanent unless turned off]

Jasmine looked around at the room made into a battlefield. Ice and sword marks littered the room with big ice crystals here and there.

Suddenly she looked down noticing she was naked, she immediately turned off the skill putting on her back up pair of bear skin clothes.

Jackson was on the other side of the room at the staircase "you ready?" He asked getting her to smile. "Let's do this" she answered returning the smile running over to him.

Jasmine subconsciously made it across the room in a second showing how much the levels were really paying off.

They looked at each other for a moment with a smile before they ran down the staircase. Down the staircase they found a open room with what looked like a giant human heart on hanging from the ceiling.

Jackson was the first to approach with Jasmine looking around the room for moment. The heart was beating like a human heart, it sat at chest level. Jackson reached out to touch it, getting a system message.

[The dungeon heart allows you to claim it]

[Yes or No]

Jackson immediately said "yes" getting the heart to beat faster making the dungeon quake. "What's happening?!" Jasmine asked panicking.

"I don't know but stay close l, I have a feeling we're going to be fine." Jackson assured as he watched the heart beat get faster and faster before it suddenly stopped.

The dungeon also was still, everything was so quit, to quit they would say. Suddenly the heart opened like a flower blooming revealing a smaller palm size heart, Jackson immediately grabbed it.

[Leave dungeon immediately]

They both got this message at the same time. Turning to each other before turning around, realizing they were on the first floor able to see the sun outside.

They ran for the exit able to leave the dungeon in a few seconds as it closed behind them, looking like it was never there.

Jackson was immediately able to tell they were being watched from every direction. "Stay on my side." He ordered in a demanding tone causing jasmine to flinch, getting closer to him.

A group of 10 jumped out the tree line charging at Jackson and Jasmine, suddenly they were all killed by his followers.

The 13 of them hopped out the tree line behind the group in their blind spot able to kill them without even being noticed.

"Welcome back you guys." Fred greeted standing over the man he just killed. David approached Jackson with a curious look getting Jackson to smile a little. "I've got what I came for, get their shit and let's move out."

Jackson deactivated Abominable presence making himself look normal again, as he started jogging off getting everyone to follow close behind. "Where to next?" Jasmine asked running next to him and still full of excitement after the fight.

He kept his eyes forward as he answered back "I need to find a spot to research this dungeon heart safety." Jasmine nodded as she began looking around to see nothing.

After a minute or so of running through the dead icy forest Jackson suddenly turned stopping in his tracks. Suddenly he raised his arm before slamming his fist into the ground.

The ground broke open revealing a small cave entrance that lead deeper into the ground. "Everyone get in" Jackson ordered getting everyone to jump in the hole.

He jumped in last putting packed in dirt behind him closing the entrance. "Jasmine can we get some light?" Jackson asked getting her to make a small fire ball.

Jackson suddenly made a hole leading to the outside getting everyone to look at him "it's for oxygen just in case. Anyways I got this." He added pulling out the dungeon heart that looks a lot like a human heart.

Everyone stared at the heart in disbelief then suddenly he swallowed it, of course following the system's introductions.

He sat crisscrossed as he focused. As soon as he swallowed the heart, heat flooded his system with pain and hunger. All these feelings at once made him take the situation seriously.

He started sweating so he took off his shirt as he let the process continue. Jackson's body got so hot steam started to fill the cave warming everyone up.

Everyone watched as Jackson sat there breathing in a rhythm with steam oozing from him. "Are you ok?" Clementine asked worried, never seeing something like this before.

"He's fine Clem, he's just getting stronger again" Jasmine assured hugging Clementine easing her worries.

After 15 to 20 minutes the cave was full of steam making everyone sweat, suddenly the steam stopped and a almost haunting feeling crept over everyone.

[Ability gained [Necromancer] able to raise the dead as you're undying servants. Only able to revive after 24 hours. This skill is more then it seems beware]

Jackson only had one thought after reading this he message "Interesting" he muttered as everyone stared at him.

"Who's next?" He asked looking back at everyone who looked disgusted at the idea of swallowing what looked like a human heart.

Fred stepped forward with a wild grin on his face "how bad did it hurt?" He asked jokingly. This made Jackson smile "enough, just be prepared." They laughed as Jackson gave Fred the dungeon heart that appeared in his inventory after the process was done.

Fred swallowed the heart like giant bad tasting pill as he sat down. "Wow this feels weird" Fred commented as he started swaying back and forth grabbing his head.

"Is he going to be alright?" Lori asked worried. "He should be fine" Jackson assured getting everyone to stay quite watching the process.

Fred body started to twitch and his breath sped up and his eyes chained colors. "What's happening?" He asked as he looked at his hands, when doing so his hand's deformed into a blob and it looked like he was melting.

Jackson kept calm as he put his telekinesis over Fred keeping him together and from melting anymore. "What the fuck is happening!?!" Karen shouted in shock.

"I'm fine" Fred assured but his voice sounded deformed like his body not reassuring anyone. "That not reassuring Fred! Just go back to normal please!." Lori pleaded in worry.

Fred took a deep breath as he started to go back to normal, it looked like someone was reversed a video of a ice cream cone melting.

After a few minutes Fred was back to normal with a sigh of relief "that was weird as fuck man" everyone chuckled as Lori jumped at him hugging him while she cried a little.

"So you're a blob monster?" Jackson asked jokingly. Fred smiled brightly as he said "body morphing" everyone looked at him in disbelief and awe with a little jealousy.

"That's cool, are you good to walk?" Jackson asked getting him to stand and smile "yea not a problem." He answered giving Jackson the dungeon heart back.

With that said and done they hopped out the small cave making their way back to turn in their dungeon clearing quest.

Everyone stayed close to Jackson as they moved, worried a beast or a monster might be around any corner.

They ran at a good speed so they weren't expecting Jackson to stop on a dime, it looked like he chopped the air but in truth he knocked a blow dart to the side.

He did this with the help of domain.

Everyone stopped getting into their fighting stances circling Clementine, Jackson could sense everything around him in a 40ft radius and he still couldn't sense another human or beast nearby.

"Their at least 40ft away be carful and stay close." Jackson ordered getting everyone to move in closer with Clementine stuck in the middle.

Jackson stood on high alert waiting for the next attack, suddenly he sensed something enter his domain. Just one person walking towards them.

The only thing Jackson could see was a tall person, around 7ft with a red glow to him. "He's approaching everyone be ready." Jackson informed getting everyone to sweat a little.

The man got within sight, he's 7ft tall with pure white hair that shined in the night, looking in his late 60s but had a body of pure muscle, wearing a nice pare of black leather clothes. "Relax I'm not here to hurt you" His voice was crisp but deep and easy on the ears, like a wise grandfather.

Jackson smiled "So you killed the blow dart guy?" He asked seeing the blood on his fingertips. Everyone noticed the blood when looking closer.

He raised his hands that had fresh blood dripping from them. "i suddenly heard a noise, when looking over I seen the god of death in the flesh, I couldn't help myself. Oh by the way the name is Arthur, Sir." He introduced himself with a bow.

Everyone looked at him with mixed emotions, some fear and the other's confusion. "What do you want?" Jackson asked breaking the brief silence.

Arthur smiled wickedly hearing Jackson's question "isn't it obvious? I wish to walk with death instead of letting it consume me." He finished his words with a short laugh "HA HAA HAAA"

Everyone looked at him like he had two heads before looking over to Jackson who was smiling slightly. "To walk with death one must be worthy" everyone's mouth was open in disbelief at this point.

"I await the test" Arthur stated confidently. Everyone immediately knew what this meant. Jackson approached Arthur casually sticking out his hand for a handshake.

Arthur looked at the hand and smiled and grabbed it with all his might, but Jackson didn't move or flinch. He stood still like a statue looking at Arthur "is that all?" Jackson's voice felt like a mountain on Arthur's shoulders.

Jackson gripped his hand making Arthur's bones scream and his legs buckle, causing him to kneel.

"You're strong and I'm sure you're experience is priceless, but that doesn't matter to me if you can't follow orders or be trusted."

Everyone stared at the two, as Arthur stood shakily "name what you want and I'll done." He stated confidently as he stood without shaking.

"Show me you're status screen and tell me how far you've traveled." Jackson ordered casually still holding onto Arthur's hand with a death grip.

Arthur immediately started to speak. "I'm 68, I begin traveling since the age of 10. Death has always lingered over me, wether starvation or dehydration, I've lived through it all so that I could meet you here today. To take you're test a be a loyal follower, just like you're master always wanted."

His words left everyone lost for words even Jackson who had no idea who this man was. "You knew my master?" He asked releasing Arthur's hand. Arthur laughed at this question "of course I knew him, he was my big brother."

Jackson felt like a gunshot went off next to his ear, making both his ears ring. "Brother? He never." Jackson muttered not believing him.

"He wouldn't because…. I killed our mother." Everyone was silent, not a sound to be heard inside the forest.

Jackson suddenly smiled wickedly before he laughed like a demon. "Yes I do remember something like that now, don't worry about the details. Let's get moving." Nobody could believe the outcome of the situation but they followed regulations trying to wrap their heads around it.

"I thank you, Ha haa haaa" Arthur's laugh made them on edge but Jackson didn't hesitate when running so they had to keep up or they would be left behind.

Lori was extremely uncomfortable with letting this guy in the group, she trailed behind a little while she vented to Fred. "Do you think letting this guy into our group is such a good idea, I don't know what Jackson is thinking?"

Fred turned to her confused about the question "you think Jackson was thinking? I thought he did most things by instinct. He gives me that type of vibe." Fred's answer surprised Lori for moments making her think about it.

"You might be right." She muttered getting Fred to turn to her slightly once more. "But regardless I don't like this decision." She muttered just loud enough for Fred to hear.

He raised a eyebrow "then voice them, Jackson said he would listen but he also said he doesn't know if he'll do anything about it." Lori liked Fred but the words he said sometimes bothered her. "No it's not that, I'm just creeped out by the guy"

Fred chuckled getting Bobby and Karen to slow down butting in on the conversation, "what going on guys?" Bobby asked hoping to here a good joke.

"And what do you think about the new guy?" Karen added not looking back to ask. Fred smiled as he answered "he seams strong" nobody denied this.

Bobby shook his head "that guys kinda creepy" Lori jumped in happy someone shared her thoughts "like haunted house butler creepy"

They chuckled able to see what she meant. "He seams strong, dose he not" Fred asked getting them to look at Arthur who was easily keeping pace with Jackson at the front.

"And Arthur also said he was related to his master so I can see why he gave him a chance, he didn't even care to see his status after he mentioned it." Bobby added getting them more comfortable with his presence.

They arrived at the bar looking tavern seeing the room fill to the brim with low level people all looking at the group in fear awe.

Jackson payed them no mind, walking through the portal leading back to Edith. The room was rowdy and nobody payed them any mind, they walked right over to the receptionist being a different person then last.

This time it was a thin man only 5ft tall and white hair and a black uniform with a silver name tag Mik. They all literally had to look down at him besides Clementine. "We're here to turn in a dungeon clearing quest" Jackson stated casually getting the rowdy room to go quite.

Mik shook like a leaf in the wind as he mentally sent messages rapidly to his superiors. Suddenly a bold headed man standing at 7ft with a robe walked out a door behind rushing over.

"I'm sorry for the wait sir please come with me to collect you're reward." The bold man said letting them through a door letting them behind the counter then through another door.

Walking through it opened into a giant waiting room with pictures of monsters and beats in the walls with bones and weapons in cases all around.

"Are we in a museum or something?" Jasmine asked stunned at the sudden change. "Not quite but close enough, this place is a library with more pictures and displays." The bold headed man said speed walking with everyone following close behind.

The man lead them into a room with a man sitting at a desk. This was no ordinary man, his presence demanded attention. He stood at 9ft tall able to keep eye level while sitting, he has golden hair with shining blue eyes that showed he wasn't human.

"Hello dungeon clearers, I've been waiting for you. My name is Vincent, please introduce yourself" he greeted while looking at Jackson, capturing everyone attention the second he spoke.

Jackson smiled subconsciously sensing his power, "I'm the god of death it's nice to meet you Vincent. I've already met Victor." Vincent's face scrunched up hearing Victors name.

"That upright ass. Well anyways" he smiled "what would you like for you're dungeon clearing reward? If you don't know what you can receive I can give a few examples." Vincent explained/ asked.

Jackson shrugged "enlightened me." Vincent began to explain, "I can grant you a guild, money, housing, shops, titles, skills, abilities, guidance and probably anything else you can imagine but it has to be equal to the difficulty of the dungeon."

Everyone stood in silence as they tried to comprehend the knowledge, while Vincent sat with a pleased smile on his face.

Jackson suddenly brought out his dragon slayer holding it with one hand pointing it at Vincent. "I want another one and I want them better." He bluntly stated getting Vincent to chuckle before smiling brightly showing his white, large teeth.

He walked over to the dragon slayer putting his left hand on it as he raised his right hand creating another dragon slayer before their eyes.

Nobody could believe their eyes but Jason could only smile, a demonic kinda smile that would make you're flesh crawl. Vincent handed him the dragon slayer, Jason grabbed it as Vincent suddenly put two fingers on Jackson's head.

Jackson immediately got a system message [Dragon Slayer: Durability 500,000 [Sharpening]

[Dragon Slayer: Durability 500,000 [Sharpening]

[Sharpening: Sharpening is a blade skill, it allows the blade to sharpen its self with the blood of its prey]

The smile on Jackson's face was more like a mad mans now. "Thank you that's exactly what I was looking for."

Everyone got the jest of what he meant now so Fred ran up "I want full competition of my ability"

Vincent smirked "ok" he walked up to Fred putting two fingers in his forehead.

It looked like Fred's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he comprehended the knowledge. Vincent stepped back as Fred's body rapidly chained form. His skin went to scales like a snake to fur like a bear, his body suddenly changed looking like a ogre then to like a gorilla.

Suddenly his body stopped changing, settling into one form. This was a new Fred, he stood at 6'7ft with his black hair growing past his shoulders but hair wouldn't be the right word it was more like a think pelt with little razors throughout it.

His body was built like a ogre big and bulky but in a small package, he also used scales to cover his neck and half his chest and on his legs that also resembled a ogre but slimmer and more muscular.

Vincent smiled warmly "good you're a strong one" he muttered to Fred as he walked past to Clementine, who he seemed to be interested in. "How about you little one what do you want?"

Clementine looked up at him in awe not being able to think of anything on the spot. Then suddenly she looked at Jackson "I.. want to be always able to find him." She said pointing at Jackson.

Nobody could believe what they heard but as they thought about it it wasn't a bad thing to ask for. Vincent kneeled but he was still towering over Clementine "is this you're only wish?" He asked putting her on the spot but she nodded confidently.

He smiled warmly as he put two fingers in her head but suddenly he swiped his arm pointing it at Jackson's head.

Nobody seen anything happen, nobody but Clementine who seen a bright line of light pierced Jackson's brain.

She felt a feeling in her head like their was another thought she could tap into. Thinking on it she could see Jackson glowing bright green like a stare, she couldn't help but think "pretty"

But thinking that another voice entered her mind "are you in my head Clem?" Jackson voice was clear as day as if he spoke into her ear.

She yelped from surprise getting Vincent to chuckle "as you seen I also gave you telepathy, but you are the maker and destroyer of the link."

Everyone thought that was extremely helpful for Clementine knowing she'll never get lost and if she did it wouldn't be for long. Vincent walked to the closest person who so happened to be jasmine.

She didn't need him to asked already knowing what she wanted. "I want my fire ability to stop burning my clothes and can I get a bigger inventory please?" She asked with a smile getting Vincent to scoff putting two fingers on her head.

She got a skill called [fire resistance clothes] and went from two inventory slots to 20. She was satisfied with this even is she for scoffed at.

Tom wanted to test the waters with his request "can you make me 20 years younger?" He asked getting everyone to look at him in disbelief.

Vincent smiled, pleased with the request "of course but know it will be painful." He warned as he put two fingers on Tom's forehead. Tom grunted as his skin got smoother and less wrinkles and his skin tightened and finally his hair was a brighter shade of red matching Jasmine's.

Next was Lori, she hesitated for a moment before asking "can you give me a strong killing ability without any drawbacks?" Vincent looked at her confused. "How would I know how you want to fight? Example, If I let you turn you're arms into swords that can cut anything would that suit you?"

She looked down getting what he meant before getting a great idea "I want the ice element as my ability with cold resistance and the mana to use it."

Vincent smiled touching her forehead, her eyes rolled in the back of her head as a slight chill entered the air.

Vincent walked past to mark, mark smiled. A smile that no one's ever seen him use, it was almost scary "I want the power of all the elements" he asked confidentially.

Vincent smiled like a villain after capturing the hero "tisk tisk, you're greedy, maybe a level 10 dungeon but not a 5, you're punishment is only awakening you're inner ability." Mark froze in place as Vincent grabbed him by the head before letting go walking to the next person.

Next was David, who approached him knowing what he wanted "I want my ability awaked with competition of the ability and no drawbacks."

Vincent smiled softly "of course" he put two fingers on his forehead as David went through the process of competing.

Next was Breckin "I want the same as him, it sounds like the safest option." He stated with a chuckle as Vincent nodded giving him what he wanted walking to the next who was Noah and Anthony who also got the same reward.

Next was Bobby who had a different look in his eye then usual. "I want a summing ability, not resurrection. Or like a taming ability but I want to be able to hide my tamed beasts." He said looking into Vincent's inhuman blue eyes.

Vincent out his hand in his chin before nodding "oh yes something like this?" He asked putting two fingers on Bobby's forehead, making his eyes roll in the back of his head.

Next was Rick who was smiling ear to ear "I want the ability to control any type of metal, as in if I choose I could dig my way through steel or anything like that." Vincent gave him what he wanted walking to Stella.

Stella was intimidated by Vincent but she still asked "can I a strong whip with a skill to use it?" She asked shyly but Vincent just put his fingers on her forehead before walking to the next person who was Logon.

"I just want my senses heightened to the best the dungeon allows but I want to be able to control them." He stated getting Vincent to put his fingers in his head moving to the next person who was Jean.

Jean looked into his eyes "can you give me something that would give me a big discount at stores?" Everyone looked at her in disbelief, Vincent on the other hand chucked a little.

"Humans greed has no bounds" he muttered with a smile as he put his fingers on her head giving her a skill.

[Master trader: get a base discount of 30% can go up to 60 with the help of charisma and knowing what you're purchasing]

She smiled more then happy with her choice. Lastly was Karan who looked like she was pouting. "I don't care just give me something useful" nobody was surprised with her answer everyone already used to her.

Vincent looked at her confused before shrugging "ok" with those words he put his fingers on her forehead giving her something special.

Suddenly Jackson asked a question "do you give out hight tear quests?" Vincent turned to him with a sinister smile "of course which would you like?" He asked as his smile faded to a casual one waiting for a answer.

Jackson got the system messages.

[Ogre King bounty: tear 6 reward: request from Vincent]

[Snakeman King bounty: tear 6 reward: requests from Vincent]

[Plague Goblin King bounty: tear 7 reward: request from Vincent]

[This quest requires you to protect builders from the oncoming attacks as they build roads and defenses reward: tear 5 request from Vincent]

Jackson read them before asking "can I clam them all?" Vincent smile grew sinister once more, asking "would you like to be a guild master?"

Jackson shrugged "what's the benefits and drawbacks?" Vincent calmed himself as he explained "having a guild is just like having a title, like titles they give you the privilege to do more then others without one. With a guild you can claim up to 10 quests, without one you can only claim 2."

Jackson nodded "ok make me a guild leader then I'll claim all the quests." Jackson said nonchalantly getting Vincent to touch his forehead making him get a system message.

[guild has been made what would you like to name you're guild?]

Jackson thought about it before he smiled.

[Congratulations you are now the guild master of The Living plague]

Vincent wicked smile returned seeing the name of the guild and seeing Jackson take every quest. "Good luck out there, I have others to see." he added gesturing for them to leave.

They left the room, some with visible changes to their appearance and some looking he same as they walked in.

Jackson looked the same but he had two dragon slayers in his inventory.

Jasmine also look the same but gaining a the [skill fire resistance clothes] and gaining 20 inventory slots.

Clementine looked the same as well also gained the ability to track and talk to Jackson at any time with full control over the telepathic connection.

David looked completely different his black hair got longer almost looking spiky but with a smooth look, his eyes went from orange ish brown to bright orange making him look inhuman. His teeth and fingers nails also grew in length and thickness with the hight of 7ft. If you couldn't guess his ability turned him into a werewolf with a beast from and no drawbacks like he asked.

Tom got 20 years younger returning him to his prime 25 years old. Brighting his hair and thanks to the system his muscles where greatly improved.

Fred looked completely different 6'7ft with his black hair growing past his shoulders but hair wouldn't be the right word it was more like a think pelt with little razors throughout it. And a ogre like body. With full compassion of his ability.

Lori got a ice element without any drawbacks so she could use it at will. With extra mana to go along with it.

Mark got greedy trying to control all the elements getting some what of a punishment, he awakened his inner ability that so happened to be the explosive ability called gas's bomb. Gas's leaks from his body and he can cause a spark with his back teeth, that turned into flint and steel. It sounds good but he knew that the explosion would start point blank with him possibly killing him.

Bobby had no physical changes but he got a special ability called [Monster Tamer] with a side ability called [Beast domain] allowing him to store his tamed beast out of sight. Little to say he was satisfied with what he got.

Breckin awaked his ability with full competition. He didn't look any different because the ability he got was [Absorption] the more damage he takes the stronger he gets. Eventually able to reach a special mode called [Berserker] improves damage by 60 percent, last's 10 minutes.

Noah got a… strange ability, his ability was called [Spike Bullet] this came with two skills

[Spike spear] and [Spike Cocoon] it didn't make him look different but he felt different.

Anthony looked normal with nothing out of place but his ability was anything but normal. [Fazer] [Allows you to Faze through any solid objects]

He was very happy with his ability.

Rick got the ability to control all types of metal called [metal manipulator] No matter how strong the metal it will flow like liquid at you're touch.

Logon got his 5 senses Enhanced with the proper ability to control them.

Stella chose a whip with a skill to use it [whip master] but this was no ordinary whip.

[Diamond star] tear 5 weapon with 500,000 durability with a skill called [Seeking] [this skill seeks out its enemies cutting them in two]

Jean got the skill called [Master trader: get a base discount of 30% can go up to 60 with the help of charisma and knowing what you're purchasing]

Karen got something special, without giving a proper request Vincent improvised giving her a permit better map. A map that had a bunch of yellow dots on it for every living thing inside the compound. She was happy enough with it given her personality.

Everyone looked at each other and staring at the changes most had. Everyone mainly was looking at Fred and David who had the obvious changes.

Fred smiled as he started striking poses, kinda like joe joe. A couple laughed at the poses as the others looked away from contact embarrassment.

David turned to Jackson with a toothy grin "what do you say master, time for a spar?" Jackson smiled back wildly "do you think you can handle it?" He asked getting David to raise his hands in defense "I don't think I can beat you or anything like that, just want to see where I stand".

Jackson approved of that answer as he turned noticing Vincent opened the door behind them. "If you intend on sparing in my city I recommend going to the arena, you get rewarded from doing so as well." He commented as he closed the door without another word.

They looked at each other with a smiles before the group headed out the room back into the library/ museum.

Looking around more thoroughly this time they noticed a monsters head inside a glass case. It had a head full of small spikes with two giant dead lifeless eyes with a mouth full of shark teeth. Literally had teeth like a shark, with the head itself bing 3ft tall and wide.

Everyone took a good look at the monsters head reminding themselves that there's real monsters in the world.

(I'm so sorry about not uploading but I'll try and do better thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy)