Dawn of Scarlett

Elizabeth sits gazing out the window watching the sun set in the distance. She ponders wiether he is the one for her. Despite this is an arranged marriage. She decides wither or not that he can give her all the riches in the world like he claims He can. She is afterall a free spirit," she thinks as her corset is tightly pulled.

" ow, can you please be a little bit more careful"? She replies to mammy Her robust and large cocoa skinned house slave that has taken care of her since the death of her mother. " isa sorry miss I mean you no harm I will be more careful," she replied. " What is on yo mind miss you seems more distracted than normal."

" You have been a loyal friend and mother figure since mother has passed and I see you like family and value your opinion. Do you think this is right.?" Elizabeth asks. " I appreciate it miss but this decision is you and you father. If he says then I's do. Sos do you. Yous have to find happiness where yous can find it." she replies.

A loud knock at the door interrupts the conversation. And mammy turns and opens the door. On the other side is a young slave girl that goes by prissy. " what you want you, stupid girl? Do you know we busy getting ready for miss special dinna." asked mammy angrily. " I nose mam but the Mista ask me to give this to the missus," she replies. Prissy hands a box and a letter to mammy that is addressed to Elizabeth from her father.

My dearest Elizabeth,

I am sorry my darling daughter I had to leave because I may have found a cure for your poor sister who lays ill with the same horrible sickness that took your dear mother from us. I hoped to be there in time for your wonderful dinner party but if you are reading this then I have yet to return I am so sorry and hope that you would accept this necklace that I was going to bestow on you. It is a family heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation from your ancestors in the green isles. I hope you wear this as you celebrate your wonderful new life. Ahead. I miss you and forever wish your forgiveness,

Your father,


Elizabeth starts to cry when she opens the locket and finds an inscription

may our love protect you

Love mom and dad.

She sits down and continues to cry as mammy tries to cheer her up. " is ok missus you about to start your journey with that fine man miser butler. You a hurry up now we gotta make you all purty for this here party. She wipes her tears and continues getting ready.

The arrival

The sounds of the guests arriving to enter the dining room fill the air and drift up to her room. The sounds of music float up through the air and reach under the door lightning her heart and making her smile. "I love a good Tune," She thinks. heading down the stairs in her yellow ball gown.

Reaching the door she pauses as a shiver creeps up her spine. A Stillness fills the air hidden under the joyful music.

The red curls on the back of her neck stiffens and feels like it rises up filling her with an uneasy feeling. She pauses deciding against entering and turns back toward the stairs leading to her room. The door opens and someone steps out.

"My dear Elizabeth you aren't leaving before you get to speak with our guests. I would feel a little insulted if you do not at least say hello. We are after all going to be married and would like it if you could be the belle that I know you can be. You are after all a woman after your mother's heart. Are you not," asks Ashford.

"And what do you know of my mother kind sir she passed before our meeting, Elizabeth replies with daggers in her voice.

" I could see how you would think that but I have met your mother in the past," we have a mutual acquaintance in your father just a few years ago. I am here because of an invitation that has long been overdue, he replies with a charming smile."

our pairing has been long overdue. He replies with an eerie almost supernatural smile. If you be so pleased as to come join our guests for your wonderful present.

But first if you please close your eyes. Your gift is somewhat of a surprise and I don't want you to spoil it, " he replies with a smile on his face. She reluctantly covers her eyes as she is lead into the room by his arm followed by her mammy. The music erupts from the room as the doors open and it is soothing enough that she lets her uneasiness float away.

She hears the doors close in the darkness and starts to get excited unaware that other than the music the room is almost dead silent with the exception of a few sounds of people eating.

"now my dear you may open your eyes to your wonderful gift," Ashford says in a sing-song tone.

She smiles as she uncovers her eyes to the sight that falls in front of her. Her smile fades into a scream of terror as she takes in the horror that is In the room.

All of the guests at the table have been horribly mutilated in some fashion or another. Her wonderful aunt Sabrina sits at the table with a sickening grin on her face. Her half-malled face and torn dress look as if she was malled by a rabid dog. Her cousin mable lays facedown on her plate with a pool of blood that flows under her and drips off of the table. One of her guests is missing half his neck causing his head to hang by the few tendons that he has left making his head dangle on the back of his chair bloodstains on the roof from the spray and splatter above and behind him with it arch spraying to the far wall causing it to drip down the window putting out the candles lit near it. The shock is too much to bare and she turns to flee.

she is frozen in fear as she realizes that the music was coming from an undead band of corpses. They continue to play as slaves and guests are devouring them, Prissy turns from eating on the fiddle player and smiles with blood dripping from her lips. Normally quiet and mousey this creature turns to her and smiles with bits of flesh and blood pouring from her mouth as she speaks. " well well the master is here now the fun can really begin," she says viciously. " now that I can drop the act of this stupid slave girl I can really give you a piece of my mind." she screams as she reaches into the fiddle players head and rips a part of his brain. Throwing it at Elizabeth's shocked filled face.

Mammy turns to prissy and begins to strike her unknown of the strength of this monster. " fuck no bitch I have had about enough of you and your uppity shit," replies prissy catching breaking her arms then reaching into her chest ripping out her heart.

Elizabeth turns to run only to freeze in place. Slowly she turns to face Ashford. He smiles as he pushes her grandfather William's rotting flesh from the chair at the head of the table. He smiles at the corpse and sits in its place. " Dear old granddad, I did not much like this prick this time or the last time when our paths crossed.

I just wish the crazy old coot was aware of my return. Fucker ruined all my fun during the war. But he got his. The son of a bitch caused me to find a small little rat hole that I was buried in until this fine fellow', he stands and points to its body." happens to rob and kill a family near my hidy hole I could sense the evil in him as he butchered this family and raped the dead carcas of the women.

He really went to town on the girl no more than 3 and made her mom watch as he butchered and raped her using the kid's blood like lube. I tell ya this asshole was a demented fuck. But doing so with the killing an innocent.

The blood seeped into the ground and hit the remains of my previous hosts skull. Which inturn woke me up and here I am. " I gave the sick fuck a terrible fright when I pop up in her body and screamed MORE. The sound of hell releasing from this little body was wonderful .

The guy trips and falls landing on his own blade saving me the trouble of killing him.," And did I have fun with the last victim, Hell yeah I did."

Like a child about 6 years of age he lay there whimpering and crying no please mommy, " his screaming alerted some passersby making me lose out on some much-needed fun.

He stands up and spins around picking the demented old man's corpse from the ground. Throwing him on the table he laughs letting out an otherworldly sound that sends chills through even prissy body making her stop her feeding frenzy and shiver.

Turning her attention to the show. " Thinking back about that twisted fellow he imitates as if he were here.

He would do this," Ashford replies with a demonic smile. He snatches the clothes off of the dead man and begins to rape every orifice of his body making Elizabeth watch. Even going so far as pulling the sockets from the old man's eyes and using the sockets as well.

Elizabeth stands frozen in absolute horror. The terror and anger begin to boil her allowing her to scream and to break free of her trance.

Making a dash for the door catching both prissy and Ashford off guard. Ashford flicks his wrist with a smile signaling prissy to grab her.

Bending her right arm in pain she makes Elizabeth freeze in her tracks and falls back in line.

Prissy then forces her to move toward the end of the table where the macabre show continues. He stands up and throws the pile of meat to the ground. " well that was quite unexpected. How did you manage to break free of my little spell? Prissy pushes her to the ground at his feet causing the locket to fall loose from her dress." aww he replies so the old man left a little present for you before he left.

Ashford goes to take it when his hand begins to burn. Pulling back in anguish he lets out a scream allowing his evil form to show through." That's very nice," he screams angrily. Smacking Elizabeth. Prissy be a dear and remove that from her. Prissy pulls a knife from the table and cuts the neckless causing it to fall to the floor. "Now then he replies. Where were we?

Ah my dear bride have a seat.", he says with a mocking tone. " what type of gentleman would I be if I did not pull out a chair for my future bride." He pulls the chair out he was previously sitting in.

Forcefully she may take his seat." Now then my betrothed we have a small matter to attend to. You have one more gift from yours truly. I have saved the best for last. He claps his hands which causes the remaining ghouls and monsters in the room to snap to position. " Now will you all have a seat, our most distinguished guests," Ashford giggles. Moving the ghoulish guests to take their places.

He claps again and looks at prissy. My dear, it is time for your present. Prissy turns to her and leans close so that Elizabeth can have a closer look. "

"my dear miss," she mocks in her timid slave voice." Isa don knows if you can handle this." Elizabeth hears subtle chanting behind her head and sees the woman she once took in and protected turn into a grotesque beast shifting into various creatures before it shifts back to prissy. Her teeth begin to grow into a set of fangs as she shifts into a vampire and bites Elizabeth.

A shriek of pain actually escapes Elizabeth's lips.

" wow twice you have broken my hold you should be fun to break you have some spunk left.

Let's see what we can do about that," replies Ashford.

Commence the feast," he yells to his grisly dinner party. Chaos erupts as they begin to devour one another. Blood and flesh fly through the air as the undead band begins to play again, this time a violent and horrid tune.

The hours seem to stretch into eternity as Elizabeth watches the macabre dinner show. The smell of death and rot floods into her nostrils. And burns her from the inside out. The pain of her transition mixed with the smells causes her to convulse and shake. "ladies and gentleman please cease and desist my dear fiance is ready to receive her final gift," he bellows.

"Prissy bring the gift." Prissy jumps up and claps excitedly and runs from the room. A few minutes later she returns with a silver platter. And places it in front of Elizabeth. "tadaa yells the creature as she opens the platter. Revealing Elizabeth's one-year-old little brother sleeping under the lid. " awake child", Ashford yells.

Oliver awakes and begins to cry and scream.

Elizabeth begins to cry because he is so close and she wants to grab him and protect him. And tell him it is ok. But her hands and body are still frozen by Ashford's spell.

"Oh, my dear I am to assume you wish to hold your little brother and tell him everything is going to be ok. I guess I can release you so that you can comfort him, he waves a hand releasing her, releasing her arms and head leaving the rest of her body frozen in place. She grabs Oliver and begins to coo him attempting to get him to calm down. Holding him close she shushes him getting him to finally calm down. Kissing the baby's head she inhales the sweet aroma. The sweet scent of his purity fills her with excitement. This smell of perfection makes her lick her lips. " He smells so wonderful she thinks as she kisses him again. " ahhhh seems as though things are about to get more interesting," replies Ashford as he rises from his seat waiting with anticipation for the inevitable.

All creatures turn silently and face her as she sits kissing the baby's head. The dining room becomes quiet as a tomb waiting for the inevitable. She holds him up and looks at the now happy baby. It smiles at her and she smiles at him. The tender moment hangs in the air between them when all of a sudden her face shifts into a horrible beast with long pointed fangs. She buries he teeth into the baby and begins to tear and rip it to shreds like a dog who has not had a meal in weeks.

" Yes, screams Ashford. That's the spirit, my beloved new bride, give in to your hunger he bellows as his voice and features begin to change. Realizing what she has just done she drops what remains of the child in front of her and screams of both physical and mental anguish. " what have I done, " she screams breaking the rest of the hold on her. She leaps from her chair catching Ashford off guard. He jumps back and begins to laugh returning to his original form.

The fun has truly begun,' he replies. Snapping his fingers the ghouls begin to attack her. One by one they are torn to shreds by Elizabeth's newfound strength and abilities mixed with the hatred for what she has done. One by one the corpse is destroyed until there is only Ashford and Elizabeth left. She begins to attack him using every available thing at her disposal.

As they fight destroying the room she takes the bones from one of her guests and pins him to the table by extremely damaging the body. She climbs above him and begins to shred him piece by piece little by little. Ripping various parts from his body she throws them to the floor landing in the large pile that has amassed around the table. Her rage and blood lust consume her like a rabid animal.

Ashford laughs maniacally as his body is being shredded. He attempts to snap his fingers but fails. She grips them between her teeth and rips them from his hand. Spitting them on the floor. All that is left is that of the laughing head. Just as she is about to destroy it with her fists she is stopped as an iron shackle is slapped around her neck causing her to freeze in place. Prissy appears over her shoulder and begins to laugh a garbled vicious laugh. " I think it's time for a break my dear missus, she replies snaps her neck causing her to fall limp her head the only thing able to move.

Falling to the middle of the table she watches as the laughing skull smiles well this body was fun," it replies.

"come prissy and bring my new body." prissy opens the door to reveal the new body Which is that of Her childhood sweetheart. William E. Lee nephew of the great general Robert E. Lee. William's lifeless body lays on the floor as prissy drags it to the table. She picks it up effortlessly and drops it on the table like a bag of potatoes.

The head begins to shimmer and shake as the eyes erupt into a dark void that rises into the air and shifts to stretch into the size of young William's cold corpse. It lowers itself onto the body and begins to absorb itself into all the pores and openings of the cold flesh laying on the table. The body begins to shake violently then quits almost as soon as it started. The body then sits up and turns its head toward Elizabeth breaking the rigor mortis as it moves.

"Well my love what do you think," the body askes with its gravelly voice. " The milky white of its eyes begins to fade back into the emerald eyes of Elizabeth's first love. "screams of anger and pain flow through her body as he begins to laugh. The dried sound of death escapes its lips as it slowly begins to laugh as it slowly comes to life. " Prissy my dear Faithful servant. Come I need your help.

Prissy helps him up. steadying him so that it does not fall. Prissy then grabs Elizabeth from the table and stands her up. Now my dear you are about to find a little discomfort but will be right as rain when I am finished. " He begins to chant in an unknown Erie language Grabbing her by the neck he lifts her into the air. The sounds of hell itself begin to circle the room like a tornado cycling a drain. When he is finished Elisabeth opens her eyes to reveal the light shimmer and fade. She begins to smile. Prissy unlocks the shackle and lets it fall to the floor. " What shall we do with you my dear Elisabeth," replies Ashford. " I prefer Scarlett," She replies. "It's fitting my dear," Ashford replies.