Testing New Powers

  The Collector allowed the goblin swarm a brief moment of time to say their farewells, for it had been advised by the elder that such things would aid in strengthening the mental fortitude of them swarm overall.

Goromir and Kandak split off half of one of their tusks and left it behind with Thragg's conquering force. This, the twin elites stated, was what all those who were of the elite blood did when they had resolved themselves of potential death and went forth to war.

Thokk, observing this, scrambled to match the elites and did the same.

And Thragg, taking the three tusk shards, returned the gesture, stating that he and his swarm were not merely resting, that they too were going forth in the Collector's name to battle and make its name known.

With that, the final exchange was made, and the swarm split into two as the Collector had intended.

The conquering force under Thragg and his fourteen champions strong.