White Voice

The Collector boosted its contractile muscle tissues supporting the glands in its bilespitter sac with concentrations of chaotic mana, thus increasing the muscular pressure unleashed and accelerating the acid delivery several times fold.

The main weakness of the Bilespitter was that compared to the Collector's Spine Spitters, the acid projectile was quite slow. However, with the assistance and incorporation of mana, this weakness could be subverted somewhat.

The acid shot forth in a line of bright green which splashed on the draconid's crossed arms. The draconid's magical energy, yellow in color it seemed to represent the mana affinity of Root, flared up, intensifying the [Guard] dramatically, mana particles infusing each and every muscle fiber until it was no longer the consistency of flesh but pure metallic ore.

To double down on a stationary defense was simply foolishness, however.