Chapter 10: Work In Palawan 3  [Final Palawan Part]

"Congratulations on our job well done!" Michelle who was overjoyed with the outcome of the renovation.

"Group hug!" She added, so we hugged in a group. We looks like teenagers who are excited about the school project that we had just finished. It was an awesome feeling!

"And because of that, let's celebrate!" That's Gab. I was also surprised when he held my hand then he kissed me furtively on the cheek. I was stunned for a moment. I was also stuck in my stand because I didn't expect him to do so.

The formerly happy and noisy Michelle gradually faded the smiles on her lips. Maybe because she's shocked too? I don't know. But I feel it seems like ... she's hurt.

"T-thank you for the inspiration." He said shyly. It's embarrassing when I get angry to him. Maybe he was just got carried away because of the excitement he feels, so I just smiled.

"It's okay... but don't do it next time without my permission." I said and he nodded.

"Let's get ready, Sydney? Let's go swimming." Michelle broke the sudden silence in our group. She smiled. But that wasn't her real smile. I know its a fake smile.

Its been three months since we arrived here. I'm glad because the project is finally over as well, meaning to say, we can go home. I can be with my daughter again. I missed her so bad.

Nothing much happened. Andrew never talks to me either. I mean, he only talks to me when it's about work.

Only Michelle and Gab have always talked to me about things for three months.

Honestly, the closeness of the three of us is different. Especially Michelle, she didn't like when I called her miss Michelle, she just wanted Michelle. The same goes for architect Robles, I call him too formal. So, I call him Gab, now.

"Are you okay Mich?" I asked her when we got to our room. She nodded but her eyes said otherwise. I approached her and held her two hands.

"Is there a problem? I know there is, come on, what it is?" I repeated.

"Syd...what if I tell you a secret? Will you forgive me ... or will you hate me?" I was confused by what she said. She looks frustrated and misserable.

"Depends on the situation? Why?" I asked confused.

"Ugh! Nothing... nevermind." She smiled.

"It's not the right time to feel miserable, let's enjoy our last day here!" I laughed at the sheer speed of her mood change. I just shook my head and followed her.

Earlier I was going back and forth here on the beach to find where Michelle was, but I couldn't find her.

I was isolated because Andrew and I were the only two at the table. At the table they prepared for the celebration of the four of us as a team.

Later tonight, a big gathering will be held for all the employees and members of Paradise Island Resort.

"If I were you, I would sit down and just wait." Andrew seemed annoyed. I just frowned him and continued to look after Michelle.

"Where did your wife go?" I asked him worriedly.

"What?" He seemed shocked.

"Michelle, your wife where did she go?" I was annoyed again with my question. It looks like he doesn't get it. Slow tsk!

"Are you out of your mind?" His forehead was furrowed. Why, what is so surprising about my question?

"Why? Aren't you concerned about her? She's been gone for half an hour!" I almost raised my voice. Is Andrew crazy? No concern for his wife, right? I'm just a friend of Michelle's but I'm worried.

"She's not my wife! Holly fucking crap!" He shouted frustrated.

"Then why are you shouting? She's not your wife? Why? Are you still in the engaged part? God!"

"Are you even aware of what you're saying, Sydney?" He asked seriously.

"W-why? Is there something wrong with what I'm saying?" I raised an eyebrow to him.

"Everything that comes out from your mouth is so wrong!" He said that almost out loud again.

"I'm just in front of you Drew! Maybe you want to calm that scream of yours?" I glared at him.

"You're so impossible!" He sounds so annoyed. He suddenly stood up and left me.

"What's his problem?" I asked myself.

"I thought it was a celebration for the four of us? Why am I the only one here?"

Because of the annoyance I feel, I decided to just drink. Just as I was about to pour the wine into my glass a memory I had made six years ago suddenly came back.

Aunt Fely scolded me then so what I did was I got drunk. When I was drunk I called Andrew ... and then, yes, I don't remember anything as long as I found out after three months that I was pregnant. I immediately stopped my proper pouring of the wine into the glass.

Maybe later I'll be able to do something else. But it's a different situation and I was still young at that time, right? So, maybe it's not bad if I try to drink again today? Right! I will drink, at least two shots.

"You won't drink." I almost jumped in shock when Andrew suddenly appeared in front of me. He quickly took the glass I had poured from the wine.

"Just one try." I said but he didn't really consent. Instead he drank it.

"Sydney..." I turned to Andrew. He looks drunk because his ear is already red.


"Do you still love me?" I was dumbfounded by his question. Really? Why the sudden question?

"Why did you ask?" I asked him, I even raised an eyebrow.

"Because I still love much." I laughed because of what he said.

"You know Drew? You're just drunk, it's enough from drinking." I said and snatched the glass from his hand. He no longer struggled, he let me take it in his hand.

"I am not." He refuses.

"You are." I'm disgusted to say. I also glared at him.

"I still love you so much Sydney..."

"Drew, you're married already." I said without affecting what he was saying. I know he's drunk so he tells something like this. Then when he is no longer drunk he will just forget the words he left out. Like when we first met, at their company party.

"I don't have a wife Sydney! I only promised one woman...and I will only marry her."

"You're drunk Drew. Stay here, I'll just call your wife." I stood up to look for Michelle again. It was three o'clock in the afternoon and Gab and Michelle were still gone.

Where did those two go?

"Michelle isn't my fucking wife! Why are you so naughty?" I heard him shout but I did not listen to him. I continued looking for Michelle. Andrew needs her now because he no longer knows what he is talking about.

My search took me to a small cottage. I don't know why I ended up here ... as far as I know, I just saw Michelle go on this road.

I slowly walked into the cottage, but just as I was at the door I was stopped by two arguing voices I heard.

"Gab I love you! I've loved you ever since!" Michelle's voice was crying. I covered my mouth at what I heard. Is this real? Michelle has another lover so she doesn't want to be considered Andrew's wife? But why then? Oh my God!

"I know Mich...but I only consider you a sister. I'm sorry..." Gab's voice was calm and full of concern.

"What about Sydney? D-do you like her?" For a moment there was silence between the two of them because of Michelle's question.

"I love her. I know it's impossible Mich, but I just saw her for the first time ... I know that she's the one. She captured my attention during that welcome party that you prepared." Gab's voice seemed to tremble as he told Michelle how he liked me.

"I could easily read the emotion she has. She has a pure and loving heart. That's why even though she always insults me ... I still can't stop my heart from loving her."

"But Gab... Sydney is my friend. Please, it's different! Don't be Sydney ... because I don't want to ruin our friendship just because of you! I want Sydney, she's my bestfriend Gab! Please don't be her! " Michelle pleads, her voice was in so much pain pleading Gab.

"Why Mich? Do you think you can do anything to stop how I feel about Sydney? She's your friend, yes, your friend but I love her! I love her!"

Gab's voice was rising. It's scary to listen to. I wonder what Michelle's reaction is now because of the sudden change in the tone of Gab's voice.

"Please don't be her, don't be Sydney, she's my bestfriend." Michelle's voice was still pleading.

"Why Michelle? Is it because you're going to get hurt? You're so selfish!"

"Call me selfish if that's how you see me, Gab! But my brother loves her! Brother Andrew loves her so much! I also love my brother...and I don't want to hurt him. Brother Andrew is your friend, isn't he?"

"...If he is really your friend please, don't be Sydney. It's okay that I'm not the one you love Gab, just don't be Sydney. It's different..."

I couldn't breathe because of what I heard. I was shocked! They are siblings? But how did that happen? Is this what she says, a secret? Is this Michelle?

According to my knowledge Andrew is an only child. I quickly wiped away the tears that flowed down my cheek.

Why I am crying? I don't know either. All I know now is that I was very surprised by what I heard.

I immediately left that cottage, where Michelle and Gab were. I just found myself walking back to where I left Andrew.

A lot of questions is on my mind right now. The amount I wanted to ask... and I knew only Andrew could answer all the questions that bothered my mind after what I heard.

What I did wrong was listening to the conversation of the person in question. But if I didn't do that I wouldn't be clear.

Andrew seems to be in the right mood when I get back to where he is.

"What are you and Michelle?" First question that came out of my mouth when I got close to him.

"Why did you ask?" His voice is cold. This is what annoys him. It is when he is drunk he has the courage to say words that are annoying to listen to and then when he gets over from drunk he acts indifferent.

"Just answer my question!" I'm cold too.

"She's my half-sister. Daddy's daughter to another woman." He answer without looking at me.

"Is it true you still love me?" My next question.

"If I answered you yes, would you believe?" He replied which annoyed me.

"No!" My bold answer.

"Then, no." He had no lifeless response.

"So, you're playing with me Andrew?" I'm disgusted.

"I'm old enough for playing Sydney." Argh! Why is he in trouble?

"Six years ago..." he looked at me. Suddenly the emotion he was showing in his eyes was replaced by sadness and regret.

" said, you're Michelle's fiancee aren't you? Why?"

There was no trace of sadness in my tone. Instead, it is full of anger. All I could think was, I had forgiven him for hurting me before, but now that I knew something it seemed like anger suddenly flared up in my heart.

"Did you do that to hurt me? To crashed me? Why Drew, what did I do to you?"

"I didn't mean—"

"No!" I suddenly cut off what he was going to say by shouting at him loudly. I am mad. Not just angry, but furious!

"You didn't mean to hurt me? Of course you meant it! You meant it! Because if you didn't ... I hope you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"So don't ever excuse me now that you didn't mean it!"

I have so much more to say and rebuke him now. But because of my treacherous tears, my speech was cut off.

"These tears?" I pointed to my face that is now wet with my treacherous tears.

"It's not because I'm hurting! It's beacuse of my anger! Also, don't expect me to believe in you anymore, Drew!"

After what I said, I found myself running away from him. I was so stupid for making myself believe that I already forgive him—because of the pain that he caused six years ago.