I'am Normal

The Universe is so large for anyone to know the end of it. No one knows what lies ahead of them, but one thing is for sure. Life has its way to improve, you just need to know the path that is meant for you.

The world I live in is different from the past, the world before was full of uncertainties and dead ends. People cannot find its way to the end, they are stuck in the path of the old.

The life of every living being across the known universe was only going in circles never moving forward, never uncovering the unknown and never learning the mysteries waiting to be learned.

That situation didn't last for long, as 1000 years ago a genius scientist who devoted his life in search for a way for the body of every living intelligent being to reach beyond its limit was finally uncovered by him and it was called the Genecoding that enables one to alter his genes to his desired traits unhindered as long as he finds a way to combine it with his body and has a lot of knowledge about Runes and Genes.

It was believed that the genes of every being are made up of tons of Runes that work together to make life and it became the inspiration of Jack Geist to imbed Runes to the genes. It was only unlucky that the knowledge of Runes by the whole universe was limited until to what they know the Ancient Runes.

Runes are classified by their complexities, these complexities was divided into five categories namely: Normal, Earth, Heaven, Ancient and Origin. People may say that Ancient Runes are more than enough to help them improve until the end, but what they didn't know is that the gap between the Ancient Runes and the Origin Runes are galaxies apart. If Ancient Runes can extend life, Origin Runes can give life on its own, they are the laws governing the whole universe and make its structure to function. If anyone can code their genes with Origin Runes, they will be like existence living together with the Universe itself.


"Hey Gab, come here for a second. You need to light every torch around the camp as it will be evening soon and the whole camp needed a light. Do you understand? Oh, while your at it, light the bonfire so that we can cook our meal. Now off you go." The chief with pointed nose keep on giving orders to a boy with rugged clothes and thin stature. The boy seems to be in his teens barely reaching 16 but his body was too short for his age as he only stands at a height of 133 cm shorter than anyone with his age and gender.

The boy was called Gab by all the adults around their camp as it was easier to say and quicker. He was the one responsible for lighting up the torches and firewood in their camp as it was his powers. Using his Normal Rune Burn embedded in his genes, he can burn things that are only combustible so he was not so helpful when it comes to hunting their prey with bodies that can wipe away the fire effect of his Burn ability. That was the reason he was only ordered around by these drunkard hunters.

The stars started twinkling in the sky when Gab was done with his work and he started to rest for a bit before dinner as they will be hunting tomorrow and his role was to carry some tools for the hunters.

Gab was an orphan, his parents died because of a monster invasion when he was 10 years old. His parents hid him and protected him with their lives so he survived that tragedy. The authorities later found him unconscious, they sent him to an orphanage and it became his home for 5 years until the orphanage cannot sustain them anymore.

The children in that orphanage was later sent to other orphanages, but the older ones were not accepted as they thought that they can support their own. Gab was one of them, without anyone to rely on he decided to work for a hunter group. Hunter groups accept children at the age of 15 and above to work for them as they needed someone to do menial works.

Gab was given a Normal Rune by the Hunter group he works for, he thought that it will be chance for him to join them and earn more for himself but what he didn't know was that it was only a Rune for him to do more menial works.

Life was so cruel for him, he met unfortunate events time after time again. Sometimes he thought that he will live like this for the rest of his life. 'Maybe there will come a day that the world will also be kind to him' this was the only hope that he holds to survive everyday.

Gab only needs to work for the Hunter group for a month until the contract expires, he never planned anything after this but for the time he spent working for them earned him enough money to code his genes with stronger Normal Runes that will help him fight some unranked monsters keeping his stomach full.

Dinner finally arrived and all the veteran hunters got a full bowl of food that the cook for the night. Food in the camp was also distributed based on their strength and the stronger you are the more privilege you will get.

When it was Gab and his friends' turn they only got half full of food and it was not enough for their stomach to replenish their lost energy from working for a whole day. They only looked down and walk away afraid that they will irritate someone with their sorry faces.

Tomorrow will be another hunting day for them and they needed to rest for the day to last long with their work. This night will be a long night to remember and another day will come but it will not be the same like the other.


I'am Gabriel Angelus and this will be my story