

A trumpet was blown together with the first ray of the sun, signifying that all people at the camp should wake up and proceed to their corresponding jobs. More and more people started to walk out of their tents and welcome the shine of the sun.

Gab was already preparing the fire before the trumpet sounded as it was their job to prepare the necessities of the hunters before they go to the hunting grounds.

Sounds of footsteps are heard from different directions of the camp, as they are preparing for a big hunt today, many of them are excited and nervous. The atmosphere of the whole camp was becoming heavy as many hunters releases their battle instincts. What made the hunters like this is because while they were hunting yesterday at the border between the Middle region and Inner region of the Forest of Galala they heard roars of two creatures in battle. While these two creatures were in battle, the group quietly stayed at the borders and waited for the outcome of the battle to look for any opportunity to get some leftovers.

The monsters that fought yesterday was a Level 5 Mortal Realm Fire Mantis and a Level 5 Mortal Realm Wyvern. The battle lasted for 3 hours with the Wyvern as the winner of the fight. When the group confirmed the fight was already done, they sent a scout to monitor the situation and what they found gave excitement to the whole group as it was reported back that the Wyvern who won the fight was seriously injured and it was estimated that it needed to recuperate for a week to be back to its optimal condition. With its injuries it can only manifest a strength of Level 3 Mortal Realm and worst half the strength of Level 4 Mortal Realm.

The news brought smiles to the hunters as their captain was a peak Level 3 Mortal Realm Warrior with an Earth Grade Rune imbedded in his genes which is Lightning Ability a very powerful Genecode in terms of speed and power nearing the level of Heaven Grade Rune. Their captain Hawks was still very young at the age of 28 and they can see his potential in the future.

Although based from his strength and age he is not considered a genius, he can still be placed in the middle bracket in case of talent. With the emergence of Genecoding, the life expectancy of humans increases from a hundred years to thousands and increases as their strength also increases until they can reach immortality.


The morning routine of every individual in the camp was already done and they are now preparing to depart to the Inner region of the forest. Gab together with his labor friends started packing their respective supplies to carry was still looking gloomy despite the fortuitous event that they will later encounter. This was expected of them because they will only stay at the back of the line an carry heavy things all the time watching and protecting themselves from any danger that will unexpectedly come their way.

"Hawk Eye Hunterssss! Move out!" It was the shout of their captain Hawk that woke up every soul, a signal that they will embark a road that will forever be imbedded in their minds.

"Ahhhhhhh wooooohhhh ahhhhh woooohhhh!" All hunters chanted as they carried their weapons looking at their captain that will lead them to glory and honor.


A large cave can be seen 1km away from the group, its entrance was so wide that it can fit a 3-story building. It was the shelter of the injured Wyvern that they will hunt today and will be their first trophy of being a Hunter.

"Jules! Go and scout the area, see if there are any monsters around or other hunters. Lastly check the condition of the Wyvern, be careful not to alarm it." Captain Hawks called for his best scout with the best stealth ability in their group to inspect the condition of their battle area. He is very careful for this hunt as it will be the cost of his life if they fail.

"Yes captain, I will be back in an hour. If I'am not back in an hour, it means that something bad happened to me" Jules know the danger of his mission and he is afraid of what will he face in this scouting mission, but he cannot do anything as he was the best scout in the group and the best choice for the job.

"Good, good luck to you Jules" Captain Hawks nodded to Jules with a look of care in his eyes. Looking in his eyes, Jules felt the warmth of the captain's care for him. He nodded to his captain with a serious expression and turned around, disappearing instantly.


It was an hour after Jules left when he suddenly appeared in front of Captain Hawks. His eyes has a look of glee and confidence signifying a good news from his scouting mission.

"Reporting to Captain! I have already scouted the 5 kilometer radius of the cave and found that there are no other activities in that area and no other evidence of recent visits in that place. What excites me the most is that, when I was looking inside the cave, I have confirmed that the Wyvern was seriously injured that its strength extremely dropped from Level 5 Mortal to mid Level 3 Mortal. It will be an easy hunting for us. I also discovered that the reason why the Wyvern didn't leave its place was because it was guarding 5 eggs. That Wyvern is a mother!" Jules was so excited that he even shouted in front of his captain forgetting that he was his superior.

"Hahahahah, today will be our lucky day hunters. After this hunt we will be rich, hurry up everyone for tonight it will be a feast!" Captain Hawks mood was elated that he didn't mind the behavior of Jules in front of him awhile ago.


The group arrived at the entrance of the cave when the Wyvern felt the presence of the people outside. Without even seeing what is it, the Wyvern already knew that there are hunters that wanted its life. The Wyvern looked at its eggs with sadness as it stood up mightily gaining some strength to its feet. When it feels that it can no longer gain any momentum, it suddenly stomped the ground creating cracks.

The cracks traveled so deep that no one can see the depth of it because it was so dark to look. The crack travelled a long way going through the whole group of hunters and laborers.

There was so much shaking, making the nearby trees to fall and the ground to be obliterated. Many hunters were not prepared for the attack and resulted to a dozen of hunters to fall into the deep abyss.

Gab was at the end of the line when it happened so he was not included to the people who fall. The trembling immediately stopped and Gab sighed in relief for he again survived the tragedy.

It was then that at this moment the ground trembled and to everyone's surprise it was the ground that Gab was standing. The ground opened and a hole appeared and swallowed him.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Gab shouted in despair as he fall. Tears appeared in his eyes while thinking 'Ah maybe the heavens hated me so much that it wanted for me to suffer and disappear. Maybe this is for the best as my life is already useless'. He closed his eyes and smiled while his co-laborers looked at him helplessly.