
Minutes have passed after the fall of Gab into the ground. He can feel that he is still falling and as he goes deeper and deeper the temperature is also decreasing.

Moments of his life flash through his mind, his childhood, his parents, the tragedies in his life, his future plans and now the last moments of his life on this world. He has a lot of regrets as he was still so young, he can still reclaim his path as long as he works hard, but all of it will be gone by the time he landed in his fall.

28 minutes later Gab felt that the impact between him and the ground will happen soon and he will be in the afterlife.


He expected that he will hit a hard ground and his bones will be broken into pieces, but what he discovered was he fell into an underground spring. Not expecting that he would be hit by water, he didn't prepare himself into a diving position resulting to a multiple dislocated bones. Calming himself, he started to use his movable limbs to propel himself up into the surface of the water. It was hard for him to move up because he can only use his right arm and left leg to swim up.

He used all his might to reach the surface of the water and tried to float to take a short rest and relax his sore muscles. "Gasp!" Gab inhaled deeply for air, he look so exhausted from his effort the reach the surface.

"I need to look for a place to land, if I cannot see a land maybe I will sink down from exhaustion. I cannot give up this last hope for me to live" He told himself to persevere one last time and see if the heavens still has some mercy on him.

He kept on turning around and looking for any sign of a land until he saw at the corner of his eye that there were some vines growing. He was elated by this discovery and he immediately swim into that area.

Minutes later he reach the location where he saw the vines, after reaching the vine he slump his body as he breathe a sigh of relief. Gab started using his gene ability to heat his body and to dry his clothes so that he will not catch a cold.

Growl! Gab heard the rumbling of his stomach telling him that he needed something to eat to replenish his body. Thinking that there might be some small animals in the cave, he sat up and looked at his dislocated bones. It was horrible to look at but luckily it was not broken and he can still locate them in the right position. "Gulp. Gab you can do it, you need to survive and this pain is nothing compare to your life." He gulped and told himself to brace his teeth from the pain that he will experience.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Soon the whole underground was filled with the sound of his scream of pain. It took a couple of minutes before it was replaced by the sound of panting signifying that Gab's situation was already fixed.

After gaining some strength to walk around, Gab started his search for something to eat, whether it was a plant or an animal he will pick it up. Desperate times calls for desperate measure, being picky was not an option in his situation to survive.

The surrounding was damp and moist, there are some insects that are edible and Gab picked them without even thinking of their appearance. He kept walking deeper, he can see that there are no other signs of human so are other big animals. Growwl! His stomach keeps on rumbling and he needed to immediately gather enough food.

Gab increased the pace of his steps as he went deeper and deeper underground. It was after 30 minutes that he finished gathering enough food that consisted of some insects and plants that can be considered edible and not poisonous.

With his power, he started to cook his harvest using his hands. Soon Gab can smell the steam of the insects and plants, it was not that bad but it was also not that good. With this he started eating them and his face showed a funny expression of discomfort, he didn't like the taste but he endured all of it to see the light of tomorrow.

Burp! With extreme perseverance, Gab finally ate all his food without vomiting them all. "I think it was still early to sleep so I'll just scout the area while digesting the food before going to sleep" After gaining some strength with the food he ate, Gab decided to scout the area and walk deeper to see if there are any danger or a way out of this place. He cannot be forever stuck in this place as it will be a challenge for Gab's mental health to endure the loneliness.

Time pass by and it was already night on the surface of the planet and Gab's body clock started sending signal to him that he needed to sleep. He started gathering some vines to be a makeshift bed, the place where he decided to sleep was a safe corner he found while scouting. Soon snoring sound started to reverberate everywhere, Gab was already asleep.

While he was sleeping, not far away from him, a slight tremble happen as if noticing Gab's presence it immediately stopped and something unexpected appeared waiting to be discovered.


Although there was no sunlight or cackles of chickens that can be heard, Gab started to open his eyes as if it was programmed for him to wake up at this time. It was a daily routine for him to wake up early because for almost a year it was his job to prepare the fire that is used to cook breakfast for the hunters. "Yawn. I should have slept a little longer as I have nothing to do today besides looking after myself. Sigh" He sighed thinking that it was a habit for him to serve others before himself. Rubbing his eyes to adjust his sight, he started to open and looked around. While looking around he suddenly stopped at one corner and was shocked by what he saw.

There was a door at that corner that was not supposed to be there yesterday.