
Gab observed the door for a few seconds wondering how can a door appear in this place with lots of stone walls. He slowly got near the door and saw a clear view of what is in front of him. The door was from an unknown material, it was not a stone, a wood nor a steel but a solid material with engravings on it. He cannot understand the words written on it and he can feel that it was not a character used by other races but an ancient one that was not yet discovered by the experts.

Gab had a sudden curiosity to push open the door, so he slowly and carefully reach out for it. A few seconds later, his finger touched the door, with a small push, the door instantly opened as if it was paper blown by wind. Gab was surprised with this as he didn't even needed to exert so much effort to open the door.

On the other side of the door was a hall, but no one can see what was inside it because it was so dark. "Hello is anyone there?" Gab had not yet entered the other side as he was afraid that something is dangerous inside. He started to pry for anything suspicious inside by calling.

"...." What answered Gab was silence, not even a drop of a needle can be heard inside. Despite hearing nothing, Gab was still afraid to walk inside and as time passes his heart beats faster and faster. Although he feared the unknown, his curiosity is killing him so much that he didn't even notice that he already took a step forward and his right foot already entered inside.


As if it was a trigger, the whole room suddenly brighten up. Gab was startled and he immediately walk back taking him outside the room, with this move, the light suddenly turned off. "Weird. Is it playing a joke with me? Let me try again." It was so weird that only by entering the room the the lights will be on. Gab's fear lessen with this situation so he again tried to enter his foot inside and immediately the lights turned on. When he took out his foot the lights turned off, he repeated the action for several times until his fear was gone. "Hahaha this is a weird trigger you got there, might as well enter to see what is inside." He was like a child who found an interesting toy to play with.

He entered the room and saw that it was empty and nothing to be noteworthy aside from a stone table in the middle of the room. There was also a tablet at the front wall with unknown engravings on it. He didn't even inspect the details of the tablet as he walk directly to the table to see if there are anything for him to scavenge.

When he was in front of the table, what he saw was a blue cube and nothing else. Gab has no idea of what the cube's use and it seems like a toy to him. "This place was so secretive but what they hid here was just a toy and a tablet with unknown engravings on it. The one who created this place was so weird. HAHAHA" Gab laughed at the idea that he thought and even called the creator of this place weird. If that person heard him say these things, maybe he might get some spankings.

With nothing to do, Gab left the cube on the table to look around if there are any hidden trigger around to open a secret room full of treasure and some heritage of ancient experts. He started looking around and knocking on every corner to see if it moves or not. He kept doing this for an hour until he heard the rumbling of his stomach.

GROWL. "This looking around seems to tire me out, I'm hungry now, might as well grab that toy and leave this place to look for something to eat. I can still look around later after I finish eating." Gab decided to halt his activity and walk near the table to pick up the cube.

When he was about to lift the cube, he felt that he could not lift it up. "Weird, this little thing was so small but it was heavy." Gab use both of his hands to lift the cube. With both of his hands holding the cube he use all of his strength and effort but nothing happened.

"I don't think that I cannot lift you up with your small size. GRAAAHHHHHH!" With full force and with his muscles in full effort. The veins in his forehead started to appear but still the cube didn't even budge a little.

He stopped for a moment and look angrily at the cube. He started to tighten the grip on the cube and clamp both of his feet to the base of the table. The position he was in was like a Koala embracing a trunk but his limbs were stretched forward.

He pulled so hard until every veins in his body was showing, he gritted his teeth so much that it seems to fall out from his gums. His body was becoming more arched that it looks like to break in half. Beads of sweat can be seen on his face as he reach his limit.

A minute has passed and he cannot take it anymore so his hands slip from his grip and his right pointer finger was cut by the sharp edge of the cube. He fell down from where he is and his butt hurts so much that he cannot stand up.

"GRRRH! What kind of thing is that it seems like it is not designed to be moved. I hate it, I'll just leave it here." He angrily stood up when his butt was not hurting anymore, he looked at the cube one last time before he decided to disappointedly leave the room.

"UGH! That cube even cut my finger, now its bleeding. I hope it doesn't get infected by anything, I cannot find any cure here. I need to find my way out soon." He saw that his finger was bleeding and felt a little nervous that it may contact some infections.

SHINNNG! There was a sudden burst of light that brought Gab out of his thought and blinded him not giving him the chance to see what was happening.