
The light was hurting his eyes blinding him to see everything around. He closed his eyes to minimize the effect of the light but at the same time disabling his ability to see, though it has no use opening his eyes at this moment. Gab was confused to what was happening, the only thing that he knew was that he cannot pull out the cube so he left it there, but it suddenly shone brightly.

After 3 minutes of shining, light finally receded and it was back to normal. It took a minute for Gab to adjust his sight, what he saw after was so weird because when he looked at the cause of that light, it was already gone. "Gone!? Just like that, after spending my time pulling it out. The owner of this place is playing a prank on me. How hateful!" He shouted in anger as he recounted the moments that the cube is playing a prank on him.

[Rune successfully imbedded..

Analyzing Personal Data.....

Analyzing Complete....

Showing Personal Data...]

There was a weird sound that suddenly resounded in Gab's mind. "Who is it? Is anyone there? Don't scare me like this, please come out." He was frightened by this sudden situation that his hands were sweating a lot and it was also shaking slightly. He looked around to see where the sound was coming, but there was none. He was puzzled by this, but the more he think about it there seems to be no one around as it was only him for the past day who was in this place.

It was at this moment that a notification appeared in front of him. It was a holographic image that was shown to him by a technological device. He followed the source of the light to see where it was coming, and to his surprise it was from his right wrist. He looked carefully and saw that there was a device placed on his wrist that was no there a moment ago. "Where did this thing come from. This thing looks like those used by Gene Warriors who has strong Gene Runes in their body. This thing will only be useless for me as I don't even have strong Gene Runes to use the full ability of this thing" Even though that he obtained something that only strong warriors use, he was still sad about it as he will not be able to use it as long as he doesn't have Heaven Rank Rune in his genes.


[Name: Gabriel Angelus

Power Rank: Half-step Level 1 Mortal

Gene Grade: Barely G

Rune Rank: Normal- Lowest quality

Imbedded Runes: Burn

Origin Runes: Creation (not included in the assessment)

Combined Runes: None

Chaos Energy Bank: Empty

Assessment: So weak, not worthy of my comment. Don't even bother me.]

"My own Personal Data was so pitiful that even this thing considered me as something not worthy. Sigh. What a shame. Ehhh? What is this Creation thing? and it said to be an Origin Rune. What is that?"

Gab was surprised to see something that was not even seen in other's Gene Watches. When he thought of it, suddenly there was an additional tab at the top of the holographic screen. "Creation" was written on it so Gab thought that it was related to what is written in his Personal Data. Gab clicked the tab to see what was this thing all about.

[Rune Bank: Burn (N)

Skill: Gene Extract- can only be used to creatures killed by the user and two levels higher than him. The Gene Extract can only extract gene runes from organisms who were dead for 2 hours maximum from the time it was killed by the user, beyond that, the skill will not work.

1. Normal Rune- 100% extraction rate

2. Earth Rune- 80% extraction rate

3. Heaven Rune- 60% extraction rate

4. Ancient Rune- 40% extraction rate

5. Origin Rune- 20% extraction rate

Gene Delete- deletes any genes or imbedded runes in the users body and also to others until 2 Levels above him. The skill can only be used to others if the user is in touch with the other for the whole process of deleting. Level difference can be dismissed if the target gave their consent to it.

Gene Scan- Scans Gene structure of any being 2 Levels above the user (scan ability can be upgraded as long as the users Gene Grade improves)

Gene Creation- Genes or collected can be studied by the user for creation of any genes according to what the user understands about the runes and genes.]

The data about Creation was shown in front of him in an instant. After reading what was written in it, Gab's jaw dropped on the ground and even his eyes became wide that makes his eyeballs seems to fall down.

It was a huge surprise for him that an ability so powerful fell in front of him. It was as if the whole laboratory of Genecoders was inserted inside his body. It was so convenient that he can move around to study different genes from different places in the universe.

Gab again looked at his own Gene Watch and noticed that it was different from what he saw on the Gene Network. His own watch when looked closely was printed with a lot of runes that he cannot understand. He tried to remove it but he cannot, he tried playing with it and noticed that it was so flexible and weightless as if it was his own skin or it was only a tattoo. "Gene Watches are so expensive and I cannot afford to protect this thing with my current ability. How should I hide this thing" With this speech of him, the watch suddenly sinked inside his skin and it cannot be seen anymore.

"What? It can even hide under my skin? What kind of person created this thing? Where did this thing even come from?" He asked himself but even him have no answer to his question so he threw the thought at the back of his head.

Gab looked at the table and saw that the cube was gone and sure enough it was that cube that became his own Gene Watch. "How can that cube become my watch, it didn't even move when I touched it awhile ago?" He thought for a minute for the reason and was surprised to what he came in conclusion. He looked at the cut on his finger and he became sure that it needed blood signature to work.

With nothing else to do anymore in the room, Gab was about to leave when at the corner of his eye he saw something that he could not comprehend awhile ago that he can now understand. He turned to that thing and sure enough he can understand what was written on it. It was the tablet that seems to be nothing in the first place now it told something that Gab cannot comprehend.

' The Origin lies beyond what you can see. The Origin lies is above everything else.' it said as Gab thought what is the importance of this word to what he obtained. Because he cannot comprehend it now, he decided to just memorize it for the time being.