Find a Way

A week has passed when he obtained his new ability. Even though Gab obtained a great ability, he still has no way out. The whole week was spent on venturing underground, finding insects and using his skills on them. Since it was only insects that appear underground, he didn't find any worthy gene that he can use for himself, but he still extracted anyway and keep it in his Rune Bank thinking that it might be of use someday.

It was already pass lunch time that he decided to look at the new information in his status to see if he can manipulate it to something useful for him. A holographic image suddenly appeared in front of him and with it, he studied what was written in it.

[Rune Bank: Burn (N), Venom (Nx), Hundred legs (Nx), Horn (Nx), Bat Wings (Nx), Supersonic (Nx)

Skill: Gene Extract, Gene Delete, Gene Scan, Gene Creation]

Gab experimented on the insects that he caught for his meal and got some traits from these insects but he didn't imbed the gene runes inside his body because he didn't want to look like a monster. The Runes that is not yet imbedded in him had a letter "x" after the Rune rank. All of the Runes are just normal because it only came from normal animals found underground.

A few days ago, while he was looking for a way out, he went back to the underground spring where he fell to see if there was a way above. Looking up, he saw that there was a tiny light coming above that gave him a sign that there was indeed a way out.

He thought of ways on how he can move up, he already formulated a lot of ideas in his head but he just denied all of them. The reason why he didn't use those ideas was because the way up was too far and he needed to much energy. If he used bat wings for it, he will be too heavy to last long while flying and if he used hundred legs like a centipede he will need to endure the way up. Gab was not a warrior to begin with so his endurance was like a normal teenager. He needed to rest once in a while to continue his climb. What he needed was a foothold when he was up there to rest and get some energy.

For the past few days, Gab was looking up to see if there are foothold that he can use, fortunately there was some near him but he cannot see what is beyond that point. He cannot go up there and look if there are footholds up ahead because if there aren't any he will only waste his time and strength and he doesn't know if he can gather some food there. He needed to plan and prepare for necessary necessities if he wanted to go up and survive without dying from exhaustion and starvation.

His time was spent for looking another way out and also an insect that has good eyesight for him to see what lies ahead of that hole.

"It was already a week when I obtain my ability, but I still haven't got any useful gene runes that will help my eyesight. This ability will be useless if I cannot improve my strength" with determination, Gab once again explored the area to see if he can find something that will help him with his problem.


5 hours already pass and Gab was still looking around very tired when suddenly he heard some flapping sounds. The flapping sound was so fast like a the wings of a fly. Gab taught that maybe there was an insect like a fly around, but he dismissed that idea immediately because the sound was so loud that it seems to come from a big animal.

"The days that I spent walking around I didn't even found a single animal that is big enough like a dog, but this sound literally sounds like an animal that is not small and not too big either." puzzled by what is happening, Gab slowly followed the source of the noise. At one corner there he can see that a small room was present, so he slowly went to the side of the entrance peek at what was inside as there was the place that he heard the noise.

With an eye looking inside the cave he was surprised by what he saw and also trembled by what was inside of that small room.

'What is it doing here?! A Monster at the level of Level 1 Mortal was living in this place all along. This thing looks like a Viridescent Dragonfly, a wind-type monster and a very common one above ground. If a warrior was present, he or she can easily defeat this one, but as for me I don't even have a chance to hit it.

'Eh?!' While looking at the Dragonfly he suddenly noticed that it was drinking something energetically. Under it was a small pond with a diameter of 1 meter, the water in the pond didn't look clear but it was pearl white in color and it seems to be shining lightly without even having a source of light anywhere.

'This liquid smells so nice too, it is sweet. What is this liquid anyway?' pondering what it was, he forgot that it was already guarded by a monster that he cannot defeat and might also be able to kill him.

The noise of the flapping of its wings awake him from his thought and again he was back to thinking about the dangers of the monster present drinking the thing that attracted him awhile ago.

'How will I kill this monster anyway, it might go after me if it finishes its job. I need to think of a way to attack it before it did. I also think that the traits of its eyesight will help me escape this place.' he thought.