Next Step

After 10 minutes of intense pain and suffering, Gab finally relaxed as the torture finally subsided.

He panted for a couple of minutes before his breathing became normal, he looked like a soaked chick at the moment even though it didn't rain or anything.

He was lying on the floor when he looked at the ceiling of the room, he felt like he will fall to an endless pit but he seems to like the feeling. It was as if he was the only one in the world without any worries and emotions. The moment didn't last long as he heard a sound of a notification.

Gab knew where it came from so he thought that his stats might show something new. He slowly lifted his right arm and placed his wrist in front of his face to get a clear view of his Gene Watch.

He tapped the watch and a pop-up notification appeared, he prompt the system to show what's inside the notification and finally saw the new updates on his stats.

[Name: Gabriel Angelus

Power Rank: Half-step Level 1 Mortal

Gene Grade: G

Rune Rank: Normal-Earth (Half-step Earth)

Imbedded Runes: Burn, Venomous burning claws

Origin Runes: Creation (not included in the assessment)

Combined Runes: None

Chaos Energy Bank: Empty

Assessment: Still weak, not worthy of my comment. Get out of my face]

[Rune Bank: Burn (N), Venom (Nx), Hundred legs (Nx), Horn (Nx), Bat Wings (Nx), Supersonic (Nx), Claws (N), Venomous burning claws (NE)

Skill: Gene Extract

Gene Delete

Gene Scan

Gene Creation]

Gab was delighted to see that the Gene Rune that he created was a half-step Earth Rank Rune a rank that is good for him at the moment and at his level.

"This Gene was not what I expect it to be, I thought it would only be at the Normal Rank, but guess what, It was a half-step Earth. A good start for my Gene Creation. But still this system has quite the attitude, it's still as harsh as ever." Gab was satisfied of his progress that he didn't mind what the system's assessment.

"My Gene also became G from half-step G. Hahaha nothing to be proud of but I think it's enough for now as I can consider myself being a beginner Gene Warrior at this moment. Take one step at a time." He assured himself to walk slowly but surely in his path.

Gab stood up after checking his personal stats

He felt sticky all over his body as he was covered with sweat so he decided to wash his body and clothes in the underground spring.


"AHHH! It's so refreshing, Taking a bath is always the best after doing a lot of work. But I still prefer a warm bath though." he commented.

After washing his clothes and body he started to draw his next plan for his assault to kill the Dragonfly monster and get its Genes in order for him to integrate it to himself.

With his clothes dried up, he started to walk to where he found that monster to look what it is doing.

His walking pace became slower and quiet. With caution he peeked what was inside that small cave with a pond. He first saw that the pond with pearl white liquid in it was already 1/4 consumed but there was no Dragonfly drinking it. He was confused that he thought that it already gone away, but when he think about it again it was not possible as the liquid in that pond was so good to walk away and leave it.

He looked around to see if it was only doing something at the moment. "Hmm?" Yes, he was right! The Dragonfly was only doing something but that something greatly delighted him because it was sleeping at the corner.

It was a heaven-sent opportunity for him and he cannot dare to lose it.

His heart was pounding hard as if it wanted to burst out from his chest. He slowly and quietly walked near the sleeping Dragonfly as his heart beats faster and faster. Gab immediately activated his Venomous burning claws and positioned it in a way that he can defend himself if something goes wrong. Even though he seems to be focused to what he was doing, his hands were still shaking and beads of sweat are appearing on his forehead.

To him, his approach seems to last a long time, but in reality it was only a minute from the time he noticed the sleeping Dragonfly. He steeled his mind that he needed to be calm in order for him to finish the task flawlessly. Heat started to accumulate from his claws as the heat was nearing the boiling point that it only stopped increasing in temperature.

A minute has passed and he was already standing in front of the Dragonfly looking at it to find a place to strike that will fatally kill or injure it. He raised his right fist with its claws activated, it was positioned to strike down the joint connecting its head from its body. He thought that because it was a joint it will be easy to kill it and disconnect its head from its body.

He put all of his strength to his right arm to his claws, he readied his attack and when he reached the peak, he proceeded to attack the point he confirmed to attack. His claws was moving closer and closer to the joint, but when he was about to succeed, the dragonfly sensed his attack but it was too late to dodge it. Even though it was impossible to dodge the attack, it can still deviate the attack to the other part of its body so it adjusted its body to meet the attack with his left back side to lessen the effect of the attack that it will receive.

Gab became nervous when he saw what the dragonfly did, but he cannot stop his attack as he already taken the action and backing down will only harm him. He proceeded the attack and his claws hit the left back of the dragonfly and his claws started to heat its flesh.

This infuriated the Dragonfly so it started to move around to get rid the claws inserted on his back. Gab gritted his teeth and increase his grip on the Dragonfly.