Just Die!

As Gab inserted his claws deeper into the back of the Dragonfly, it was becoming more angry that it wanted to rip Gab into thousand of pieces but it needed first to get rid of him.

Gab was very persistent on holding on to the monster as if he let go of his grip, he will be the one who will die. He cannot accept it when that time happens because first he was still too young to die and second, the heavens finally had a chance to give him a miracle and he didn't want to end it here without even reaching the full potential of his new ability.

With a new leash in life, he gritted his teeth and poured out all of his strength into his claws that was inserted into the dragonfly. The pain was felt by the monster and it flew up in the air and started to circle around. It will sometimes fly upwards at a fast speed and immediately stopped midair and with this motion, Gab will feel the inertia of the sudden stop from acceleration and he will instantly move forward. Even though he was forced to move forward, Gab still insisted on holding onto the monster as if his whole future depended on it. Well it was really his future that depended on it because without killing the Dragonfly he cannot get its Gene and move out from the underground and also he will die from its attack never seeing what tomorrow is.

When the Dragonfly knew that Gab didn't give up his grip with the action that it was doing, it started to level up its movement from moving upward and stopping midway to circling around so that he can make Gab dizzy.

Veins started to pop-up on Gab's forehead as he endures the feeling of dizziness. He was not even bothered when there were times he vomited on his own face, he only thought that whatever happens he needs to kill the monster before it kills him.

With the new perseverance that Gab was showing, the Dragonfly was so irritated that it again started to think what will it do next that will surely make Gab give up and die in despair. While thinking of what it will do next, its eyes suddenly lit up as he looked on to the walls of the cave. Gab obviously notice the gaze of the monster because it suddenly stopped to look at the wall and he also looked at what it was looking. He suddenly have a bad premonition that the thing that the monster was thinking will surely injure him severely. It didn't even last long for it to confirm the hunch of Gab as the monster started to accelerate its movement towards the wall. Gab immediately panicked that he miraculously gained some strength to deepen his claws inside the body of the monster. Gab also used his other hand to activate his claws on it and begin to insert it to the neck of the Dragonfly. He started to insert his left hand to the neck of the Dragonfly, but because he was in the state of panic and he lack the proper preparation for the attack, the claws only inserted 3 inches deep. "SCREECH!" The Dragonfly felt it and it started to scream in anger and increased its speed and use its back with Gab on it to hit the wall.

When Gab saw that he was going to hit the wall, he positioned his back properly in a way that will minimize the damage on his back and distribute the impact and not to focus on one point only. In this way he will still have the endurance to endure more hits before the Dragonfly will die.

The fight between the two is a matter of who will last till the end, the result will be only one will die and the other will live but severely injured. Injury was not a problem because it can still be healed if the injuries were only on the flesh and bones but if they die, they cannot pursue strength anymore.


"Cough!" Gab coughed up mouthful of blood when he hit the wall, luckily he distributed the point of impact to his whole body and his spinal chord was still safe and only a few ribs were broken.

"Screech!" the monster was not satisfied with the result of the impact as it expected that Gab will die in just a single hit. Then again it moves away from the wall to gain some momentum and this time it goes farther away from the wall to increase the damage of the impact.

Gab noticed that the Dragonfly was going to get its momentum from a position farther from the wall and farther than the last hit. Fear hit him as he felt like giving up, but then he cast out that thought and persevered. Gaining his focus, he concentrated his strength to his left hand to increase the damage of his claw. From the 3 inches deep insertion of his claws, he now deepened it to 9 inches causing the monster to twitch and lag on its momentum.

"Screech!" It was hurt even more and so it continued its advance to hit Gab to the wall. Seeing that the Dragonfly still has some strength to hit him to the wall with great momentum, he began to feel despair.

"Huh?" Halfway through the path going to the wall, Gab felt that the Dragonfly was losing its speed. Although it can help him lessen the damage of the impact, he was still very cautious of this sudden event, he is making sure not to let his guard down if the monster was planning something hideous. Gab checked the condition of the monster and found that it was losing its concentration. Thinking of what was happening, a thought immediately came inside his mind. "Isn't it my ability called Venomous burning claws? It has a Venom on its name! Hahahaha how can I forget about that" Gab was reminded that his gene ability has the poison property, he didn't notice it at first because the monster was still okay and has a lot of strength. Now that the monster was losing its concentration that Gab finally noticed that he has venom on his claws.

With the newly found hope, Gab started to power up the venom content on his claws. The venom from his claws started to increase and some can be seen to be excreted from the tips of the claws and directly attacking the organs of the Dragonfly.

The Dragonfly was losing its momentum but still it was already close to the wall and the speed it was showing was enough to kill Gab.

"Tsk! This thing still has some strength in it. Just die already!" Gab was angered of his possible death and shouted wishing the Dragonfly to die immediately.