
The Dragonfly was so close to the wall and was about to use Gab on its back to hit the wall. Gab saw that his life was about to end and just like a match stick that was only left with a little portion of wood that's not yet burned.

Gab closed his eyes thinking that it may lessen the pain he will feel before he died. 'Sigh. At the end the heavens still hated me and even played a joke on me by giving me false hope. I just hope that I have used all my bad luck in this life so that in my next life, I will be full of luck.' This was Gab's thought thinking that maybe he was only a tiny part of this universe to fulfill its flow and when it didn't need him anymore, the universe finally decided to throw him away.

The Dragonfly was getting closer and closer to the wall and will only need to turn so that Gab will hit the wall and die.

5 meters... 4 meters... 3 meters... 2 meters... 1 meter. A turn was all it needed to end the current situation between the two and the one who will survive will now be known.

Gab was only a meter away from his death but he seem to not mind what was happening around him and his eyes were still closed. Gab felt that his surroundings were quiet and he seems to float in a void where nothing is around and sound is not present. 'This seems to be the feeling when a person was about to die' Gab wondered as he was immersed in that feeling of tranquility.

The Dragonfly was half-a-meter away from the wall and the time for turning around was right when suddenly its flapping wings froze as if time stopped it and its eyed was devoid of life. With this situation, it was impossible for it to turn around so the result was already obvious. Yes! it went straight to the wall head first that became the reason that it died and Gab survived.

Bang! A loud bang was heard and a monster with a lad on its back was seen falling down from midair to the floor.

Thud! The two finally fell and by this time Gab was already detached from the Dragonfly.

"Huh?" Gab was stunned to see that he didn't see his death but what he saw puzzled him. As the one that should have died was still alive and the one that should have survived was lying next to him dead.

" Just what is happening? I thought that I will hit the wall in a few seconds and die from the collision, but instead of me colliding and dying it was this Dragonfly that smashed its head and died." He questioned the situation as it was weird for the Viridescent Dragonfly to kill itself as it was focused on killing Gab awhile ago.

Gab started to stand up to get closer to the body of the Viridescent Dragonfly and inspect the cause of its "suicide". "Argghh!" Gab only moved his one limb when he immediately fell on his bottom because he felt pain due to his injuries.

Without having the capacity to stand up, he cannot closely inspect the corpse to know what happened because he didn't think that a miracle happened and it was not something the heavens intervened to save him.

Thinking that it will have to be some time before he can recover, he first started to use his skill Gene Extract to gain the gene of the Viridescent Dragonfly and the very purpose that he attacked it.

He touched the body of the Viridescent Dragonfly and started to activate his skill.

A voice was heard when he used the skill signifying that it was already on the process of extracting.

[Gene Extracting..... Process will last for 10 minutes, do not break connection on the target while in the process of extracting.]

The extraction lasted for 10 minutes as it was half-step higher than his level and it needed to time to identify the genes that can be extracted. Gab have nothing to do at this moment except to keep in touch with the corpse. He close his eyes to rest and relax his body as he needed to tend to it later to avoid permanent injuries from neglecting to heal them.

10 minutes later the notification sounded again bringing Gab to open his eyes to see what it extracted for him.

[Gene Extraction complete, showing genes extracted...

Viridescent Dragonfly wings (Nx)

Thousand-lenses Eyes (Nx)

Wind Element (Ex)]

"Eh!?" Gab's jaw almost dropped to the floor when he saw what the notification was showing him, it seems to be a dream for him to see that the Gene that he extracted included a Gene Rune Earth Rank on it. Remember that the chance of having an Earth Rank Gene Rune was 80%, and even though it was high enough to extract an Earth Rank Gene Rune, what we are talking here was a Level 1 Mortal Realm monster and a common at that. It was rare for a monster that level to have an Earth Rank Gene as they are only food to some monsters who are higher level than them. This reason causes them not to develop their genes using through the natural process of cultivation.

Gab woke up from his stunned situation and started to think of other possibility on how it developed its Gene Rank.

While thinking of a reason, he suddenly noticed a pearl white liquid at the corner of his eyes and remembered that there was this pond with that kind of liquid that the Viridescent Dragonfly liked to drink. He turned to look at it and suddenly there was a conclusion that struck him.

"Could it be?" He don't want to believe the thought he came up with, but he cannot think of other reason why a common Level 1 Mortal Realm monster would have an Earth Rank. "Is it even possible?" He asked in disbelief.