It's Time

Ten hours have passed when Gab finally woke up. He slowly opened his eyes to adjust his sight to his surroundings.


Gab inspected his body to know the rate of his recovery, thankfully he was eighty percent healed and only broken bones remained but it will not hinder him to move.

Gab first started to look at his Rune bank to start integrating genes that will help him improve and get out from this underground.

Ting.. A light screen appeared in front of him and Gab directly went to see the contents of his Rune Bank to start the Gene Creation and Integration.

[Rune Bank:

Integrated: Burn (N), Venomous burning claws (NE)

Unintegrated: Venom (Nx), Hundred legs (Nx), Horn (Nx), Bat Wings (Nx), Supersonic (Nx), Claws (N), Viridescent Dragonfly Wings (Nx), Thousand-lenses Eyes (Nx), Wind Element (Ex)]

Seeing his Rune collection again, he was very delighted so he immediately started the process of Gene Creation for Hundred Legs, Supersonic, Thousand-lenses Eyes and Viridescent Dragonfly Wings.

The process for these runes that he needed will only be for them to become an active trait and not a passive one.

The process only lasted for 5 hours as he was already familiar with the process and less time is only needed to modify them. The Wind Element of course didn't need it because it will be responsible for controlling wind around and that ability will not have any additional parts in the body so it was included in the integration process as is.

Gab started the integration procedure for 5 Runes he selected.

[Initiating integration.... Rune Integration in process, requesting the host to wait until the process is complete]

Gab felt the changes inside him, he can feel that he gained something that he can control inside him like a new part of his body. The process of gene integration will also input some basic knowledge on any being about the gene that they acquire as if they are born with it and not the type like holding a gun for the first time and you need to know how to hold and aim.

Three hours later, the integration process succeeded and Gab can now feel the real part of his new gene. This was the advantage of having a gene integrated to the body because it makes the person familiar with it the first time obtain it.

With the new ability obtained, Gab decided to move to his next agenda, and that was examining what was the use of that liquid in the pond.

With a few steps, Gab was already in front of that liquid. That Viridescent Dragonfly already finished consuming 1/3 of the liquid in the pond but it was still too much for Gab to drink it all.

Gab bent down to scoop a handful of that liquid and brought it in front of his mouth for him to sip. The liquid smelled so sweet like strawberry milk and when Gab took a sip of it, his eyes went wide in delight and ecstasy.

"HMMM! This taste! It feels like tasting all sweet fruits but the taste doesn't go off. Wonderful! It can even change its taste to your preference. This thing will make millions of people out there crazy. HAHAHAHAH. Lucky me!" Gab was in high spirits that he didn't even knew that he was releasing a strong aura from his body.

Gab wanted to take another sip when suddenly he felt the urge to breakthrough from his realm. The energy inside him was too much that if he didn't feel the urge to breakthrough, he will not notice the energy.

Gab immediately sat crossed-leg and concentrated in advancing in his realm. He was already a half-step away from Mortal Level 1 so he didn't take too long to break free from his current realm.


Ten minutes later, Gab finished destroying the barrier between his former realm and Level 1 Mortal realm. He is officially a Mortal Realm Warrior and is now at the start of his path to supremacy.

"Such a good effect!. I just sipped a handful of this liquid and it gave me the necessary energy to breakthrough the next realm. How wonderful and mysterious." amazed by what he experience, he started to look at his stats for any changes.

Ting! A light screen appeared.

[Name: Gabriel Angelus

Power Rank: Level 1 Mortal

Gene Grade: F

Rune Rank: Earth Rank

Imbedded Runes: Burn, Hundred legs, Supersonic, Venomous Burning Claws, Viridescent Dragonfly Wings, Thousand-lenses Eyes, Wind Element

Origin Runes: Creation (not included in the assessment)

Combined Runes: None

Chaos Energy Bank: Empty

Assessment: Nothing new]

[Rune Bank:

Integrated: Burn (NE), Hundred legs (NE), Supersonic (NE), Venomous Burning Claws (E), Viridescent Dragonfly Wings (NE), Thousand-lenses Eyes (NE), Wind Element (E)

Unintegrated: Venom (Nx), Horn (Nx), Bat Wings (Nx), Claws (N)]

Gab's Gene Grade became F from G and his Rune Rank is now at Earth Rank because of his new gene being integrated.

What made Gab delighted was the upgrade in the grade of his integrated runes. They all upgraded half-step level from their previous level. This alone outweigh all other upgrades that happened to him. What he was disappointed about was that, it seems that the upgrade was capped at Earth Rank and nothing follows it.

"That was already enough, asking for more is already too much as it already helped me this much. Strength gained easily was not good as it will only hinder my future growth. Foundation is the key to keep moving forward. Anyway, this thing can also help me strengthen my Realm so I think I can increase a bit more before going out to increase my chances of survival out there." Satisfied with the outcome, Gab started to consume all of the liquid in the pond gradually as he move up in his realm.

Time passed by and it was the third day when Gab opened his eyes. His eyes contained vigor and confidence as it shined brightly. The liquid in the pond was already gone a day ago and Gab needed another day to use all of its energy in his cultivation.

Gab stretched his right arm forward like reaching for something and clenched his fist. He can feel the strength in his body like he can lift an adult elephant with one hand.

"I' am now at the peak stage of Level 2 Mortal Realm, it was already enough to protect myself up there. It's time for the world to see me again" Gab stood up and walked forward.