
Gab was back again at the place where he fell, he started to recount his experience in this place and how he got a chance to have a lucky encounter. It seems to be a dream but also not, the pain and sufferings were there but also unimaginable things are present. Gab looked up to see a small dot of light, it was fortunate that nothing happened above ground that covered the hole that he fell from.

"How many days have I been here already? Never mind, no one would care for me anyway because I'm on my own." He sighed and then activated his ability.

"Thousand-lenses Eyes!" He shouted in his mind as thousands of lenses appeared on both eyes, he seem to see the deepest parts of the underground and what lies above him.

What he saw made Gab somewhat stressed because he can see that it will take a long time for him to reach the top of the hole.

"I can see many footholds but they are far from each other, some are approximately five hundred meters away and some are even farther. I will need to stop at every footholds to rest and gain the lost strength that I used" He calculated his steps before he decided to start his journey.

Before he went on his way up, he first roam around underground to collect insects that can be eaten so that he will have enough supply of food when he went up. He also collected water using some carved stones using his claws so that he stayed hydrated along the way.

Two hours have passed when Gab appeared again in front of the small underground lake. Without any idle time, Gab activated his ability Viridescent Dragonfly Wings and flew upwards in a constant speed, not too fast and not too slow just the right speed to propel him up and reach the first foothold at five hundred meters within 5-10 minutes.

8 minutes later Gab reached the first foothold, it was two square meters wide, just enough for him to sit and meditate. He started to fill his body with spiritual energy to have the right amount of energy for his next ascent.


The process continued for 3 days straight, using his abilities to ascend and took small breaks every footholds to accumulate enough energy. Within this 3 days, Gab was already 1/3 away from the surface of the planet and it only needed 6 footholds to reach.

"I only needed a day to reach the top and I will be already out from this hole, freedom will be soon present in my eyes." with determination, Gab moved forward.

It seems that Gab got a lot of strength than the previous days he is climbing the hole, maybe it was because he was already on the last day of climbing and he will soon reach the top.


Gab looked up and saw that the sun was already at its highest, this only means that Gab arrived at the surface at noon of the planet.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Finally, I'm out! Now I only need to go out from this forest and gather some information regarding the time I spent underground and some news to the team that encountered that accident." Gab was so excited that he laughed loudly.

Gab moved with caution as he was still at the boundaries of outer forest and inner forest so it was still dangerous for him, a Level 2 Mortal Gene Warrior.

"Supersonic!" Gab activated his skill in his mind and spread sound waves in all directions. The waves he used was only radio waves so that he will not alert the monsters in the vicinity. The radio waves that he used was traveling in a radius of 1 kilometer from him as the center and sends signal with the information of what was around him.

3 minutes after, Radio waves that he sent away awhile ago came back to him and gave him information about the current situation around.

The waves told him that it was safe around with no other monster and only wild animals hiding in their nest or hunting for food.

With these information, Gab started to move to the direction he remembered going out of the forest. His speed was only 20 kph so that he will not alert other creatures and also to conserve energy so that he can adapt to any unexpected events.

Gab continued to scan the area once he reached the 1 km radius from where he was before to know where he should go and where he shouldn't. After having a knowledge of the vicinity, he will again move with his initial speed.

The process repeats over and over again until the Sun finally sets.


In a cliff, a silhouette of a youth can be seen looking down on a city that was under the protection of thick steel walls, if light was directed to the walls, it can be seen that it was covered with protection runes. This was the city located near the forest of Galala, this city was only used by hunters as it is near the forest of monsters and it would be dangerous for civilians to stay here as there will be monster raids that frequently happen.

The youth that was looking down on the city begun to jump down from the cliff. The youth looks like he will commit suicide by jumping but halfway from the ground, wings can be seen appeared on his back and without even a minute he landed safely on the ground.

Gab landed on the ground and deactivated his ability so that when someone pass by he will not catch to much attention from them.

Gab looked around if there are any witnesses to his descent, but after some time he didn't find anyone so he sighed in relief and proceeded towards the city.

Gab was standing in front of a tall wall that made him look like an ant in front of it. Gab looked at the small entrance at the bottom of the wall and saw that there was a small line of people, probably hunters that came from there hunt. Gab joined them and went at the end of the line.