
A young man was looking at himself in front of the mirror measuring every part of his looks. Even though he was looking at himself adorably, he was just outfitted with a simple attire of shirt and jeans. Though he was just wearing a simple clothing, many people are still looking at him specially the girls.

That young man was Gab, when you look at him now and the time he first entered the city you will not believe what you will see for their appearances are clearly miles apart from each other. The Gab today that was facing the mirror was so fit and tall, his face was like a sculpture that was so perfect that made him look like a man than a teenager.

" Hmmmm, this shirt looks good on me and very comfortable. Miss how much for this pair of clothing?" Gab looked at the saleslady at his side and asked for the price of the clothing that he is wearing and the previous clothing that he selected previously.

"Hm? Miss, are you okay?" Gab noticed that the lady was absent minded so he catch her attention again.

"Ah! I'm sorry sir. The price right? Uhmm can you please follow me to the counter so that we can give you the price and receipt of your purchase" The lady was startled from Gab's calling that made her out from her daydream.

Gab didn't mind it though for he was too innocent for the matters of sexual attraction. He followed the lady until they reached the cashier where the lady started to punch every barcode to the scanner.

After scanning his purchase, the lady showed him the price of the clothing that he selected. "Sir your purchase cost 5000 credits only, you can scan your holowatch here for your payment."

Gab placed his left hand above the holowatch scanner, the holowatch that he was using right now just an ordinary holowatch used by the masses for their daily lives. Gab didn't use his original holowatch as it will only catch the attention of some people who are after the wealth of others, so he bought a new one that has ordinary features after gaining a lot of money from his hunting.


Gab came out from the store with his new clothes and shoes and a bag full of other items needed for his daily living. He walked in a direction he previously came from with a normal pacing and gentleness. This action gained a lot of admiration from the ladies who saw him walking, his posture was like a prince charming trained to be a good swordsman, he seems to be releasing a gentle and bright aura while walking and when he smiled while looking at the sky, many girls feels like they were melting in adoration.

It was a 15 minute walk before he reached the building where his apartment was located. He rented a room at the third floor of the building where it was only big enough for him to eat, bath and sleep. Gab was not picky to the room where he can sleep as he already experience the worse possible place to sleep.

Gab placed the items he purchased today on the table near his bed and sat down to get some rest and think about what would be the next plan of his journey.

"Hmm, what other things do I need to prepare for me to get stronger? Some hunters say that in another planet that is more civilized than this one, their are academies for Gene Warriors starting at the age of 16 to attend and learn stuffs about Gene, I have the Rune Creation but I still lack the sufficient knowledge to explore all of its abilities. I need to have the sufficient strength and resources to get there as soon as possible" He pondered.

Gab opened his planner which he wrote days ago in his new holowatch. With a flash of light, a holographic image appeared in front of him, if you looked at it, there are things that were already checked and done and some are still in progress or not yet started.

Gab looked at the things he needed at present and easy to accomplish. After a few seconds of browsing, he selected two things that will greatly help him at his present situation, first was combat arts and second was weapon and armor. "In order for me to choose my preferred combat arts and weapon and armor, I need to know where my specialty is." Gab thought deeply. "There are strength related combat, speed, dexterity, intelligence and other specialization. What specialization will I choose? Almost all Gene Warriors give a lot of consideration when it comes to their own specialization because it will be with them all throughout their journey as a Gene Warrior. Changing of specialization along the way will be a difficult task to do as you need to destroy your combat foundation and start from zero allover again" he continued.

"Sigh, this problem will only be solved after I battled with monsters my own level and observe how I fight. I better prepare now to enter the forest again, but this time I will be fighting Peak stage Lvl. 2 Mortal Realm monsters rather than those Lvl. 1 monsters." Gab stood up from where he was seated and went to the door.

"Ahhhh! I forgot to change my clothes into combat clothes, this clothe will be ruined by the time I finish my hunt." If the ladies outside saw this side of Gab they will surely laugh and blush due to Gab's cute reaction.

"Better remind myself every time I went hunting so that I will not ruin my clothes that are already few in number" Gab commented.