Fire Lion

Inside the middle region of the forest of Galala, Gab was seating on top of a tall tree quietly and looking straight at a cave meters away from him. Gab concentrated on activating his ability. With full concentration and stillness like a calm lake, Gab received a signal from his ability Supersonic that there is a monster living inside which has the strength of Peak stage Level 2 Mortal Realm Monster. Gab concentrated more and more with his ability, his brows became knitted and beads of sweat can be seen appearing on his forehead, it lasted for a minute before Gab finally breath a sigh of relief as he slowly relaxed his brows and wiped away the sweat on his forehead. Gab pondered for a while, looking so serious thinking of what he detected inside the cave. Some time later Gab finally moved a muscle after a while of pondering and recognized that it was a Fire Lion that was busy eating its meal. The Lion was busy munching its lunch biting every fiber of the meat, pulling its tendons apart and licking it to the bone, not noticing a person 605 meters away from it looking for a chance to take away its life forever.

Gab kept releasing radio waves to monitor the condition of the Lion, and when he notices that the Lion relaxed his attention to its surroundings, he started to use wind element on his legs and feet in order to increase his speed and also he started activating his venomous burning claws. He straightened his fingers in order to form a sword-like appearance with his claws.

24 minutes later, the Fire Lion was already done with what it was eating and it was already planning to take its nap. The Fire Lion laid its head comfortably on the ground and slowly closed its eyes. Some time later, it can be heard that it was already snoring. Even though the Fire Lion was already fallen asleep, never underestimate the alertness of these monsters as they have survived the wilderness where the law of the jungle is the supreme rule. Every minute is a battle for them for which they need to be on guard on every movement around them and if not for their alertness they will already eaten by other monsters.

Gab was already in preparation of attacking the Fire Lion, with his bent that was ready to push him to where the target was and with his hands behind his back ready to unleash a lethal blow when he gets near the Lion. With a full concentration, Gab seems to be one with the nature, with all seriousness with what he was going to do from hearing his own heartbeat that was so calm and it seems that the surrounding became silent. The time was ticking every second but Gab was still on his same position and concentration, then with a sudden drop of water dew from some random leaf, Gab instantly disappeared from where he was and when he appeared again he was already 300 meters away from the Lion, and with another movement he again appeared in front of the sleeping target. With all his strength put to his hands, Gab started to slice vertically the neck area of the Lion. His hands were as swift as the wind and fluid as the water that anyone who sees Gab attacking will be dumbfounded because he will only see a blur in his movements.

As his claws were already 3 inches away from the neck of the Lion, it suddenly opened its eyes in alert and when he saw what was happening it already started to dodge the attack that will take away its life. With a single twist of its body, the Lion averted the area where it should be attacked to its hinds creating a deep cut on its right hind leg.

Gab saw that his attack missed its original target, but it was already good enough that he hurt the Lion as there was blood gashing out from the cut he created. Remember that it was not just an ordinary cut but a cut which contains venom from the claws of Gab.

Although the effect of the venom was not yet seen to the Lion as it was still standing with great vigor, it was still a great start for Gab in hunting a monster with the same level as him.

As Gab averted his gaze from the Lion's hind leg, he shifted his position into attacking mode while looking at the eyes of the Lion which was also scrutinizing him as if it met an opponent which is equal to it.

The two started to circle around the cave with both of them at the opposite sides facing each other. The atmosphere became tense that even when a pin was dropped it will reverberate inside the whole cave. The situation was still continuing after a minute of staring contest as both of them never let their guard down for just a second. Once one of them started showing signs of letting their guard down, it was already the time that they will at a great disadvantage.