
Fire Element

Without anyone of them showing signs of having their guard down, they decided to stop their motion and started to look to each other's eyes intensely. The wind is blowing, insects are buzzing and leaves are rustling, but the two of them are like statues that will never move without anyone touching them. The world became so silent for them and in their eyes, it was only the two of them who is present and nothing else.

5 minutes have past when their eyes started to look sharp like swords of the gods that can cut planets. At this moment, their muscles started to strengthen and with a single pounce to each other, they were already at each other's face and an attack of both claws where already approaches to their vital organs.

With the danger approaching to their lives, they immediately used their other claws to defend the attack of each other. With both their right claws attacking and their left claws defending, they were pushing each other with all of their strength. They decided to push each other with all their might and they immediately separated from each other causing them to move backwards with 3 steps each.

They looked at each other with a smile on their faces as they knew that this fight will became exciting. This fight will not be a fight between a hunter and a prey anymore, but a fight between rival warriors to contend with their power.

The two just looked at each other for a second and they suddenly disappeared from where they are. The clash of claws have already started, they alternate from attacking to defending, no one wanted to be outmatch by the other. Sparks can be seen with the clash of their claws, although there was no lethal injury that can be seen in their bodies, there are still countless scratch that is appearing on their bodies as the time goes by.

Blood splattered on the ground and on the walls of the cave, no one knew whose blood it belong to. The cave was already quiet after 3 hours of constant noise and clanking of claws and at the center of the cave was a boy and a lion that was bleeding continuously without life can be seen.

Their bodies were covered with claws marks and the blood stains were already dry and sticked to their bodies. Gab was already lying on the ground with his chest moving up and down heavily, a sign that he was already exhausted from the fight.

He looked at his side and saw the dead lion with a satisfied smirk on its face, leaving no regrets in its life for finding a worthy opponent before it breathes its last air.

While waiting for his body to recuperate from the battle earlier, Gab stretch his arm to the body of the dead lion and used his skill Gene Extract. The system showed a notification bar of the extraction.

[Ding. Extraction complete] With a couple of seconds, the extraction was done and Gab looked at the extracted gene he received from the lion

Gene Extracted: Fire Element- Earth rank.

Gab only got one gene rune from the lion but it was already a great harvest as it is already at the Earth rank.

Gab got a new elemental rune again aside from his wind element rune. Due to it being higher than his burn rune, he deleted his burn rune and started to integrate with the fire element rune.

[Integrating Fire Element Rune... Ding integration completed]

Gabriel looked at his system panel and browsed at his integrated gene and saw that his burn rune was already gone from the integrated rune and it was replaced by the fire element rune.

[Rune Bank:

Integrated:Hundred legs (NE), Supersonic (NE), Venomous Burning Claws (E), Viridescent Dragonfly Wings (NE), Thousand-lenses Eyes (NE), Wind Element (E), Fire Element (E)

Unintegrated: Venom (Nx), Horn (Nx), Bat Wings (Nx), Claws (Nx), Burn (Nx)]

Looking at his stats, a smile begin to form on his lips and he was satisfied with his gain today and he was looking forward to the things that he can do in the future.


It was already night when Gabriel returned to the city and many people looked at him weirdly. He was wondering why are they looking at him that way when he heard a child talking while pointing at him.

"Mom look at that mister over there, his clothes are tattered and covered with blood. What happened to him? Is he attending a Halloween party?" The child was holding his mom's hand urging her to answer his question.

When the mother finally saw what the her son was pointing, she immediately carried him and went to the other direction before the child angered the man.

Hearing what the child had said, he looked at himself and found out that he was already half naked and covered with blood. Seeing his body in this state, he immediately went to the hospital to tend to his wounds and change his clothes.