Gorgeous Man

"I will protect you", a cold voice reverberated inside her making her heart tremble.

Skyla snapped her eyes open in shock. She felt her body halt in midair making her eyebrows knit together.

She stammered as she asked in a low voice, "W-What?"

Skyla pursed her lips when she failed to receive a response. Letting out a sigh, she realized the fact that she was suspended in the air making her eyes widen. She could feel the cold wind caress her body startling her.

Immediately, she sprung up and turned around in fright. There was no one behind her and yet she could have sworn she felt someone holding her up moments ago.

Biting her lips, she looked around cautiously when she felt a gust of cold wind attack her making her close her eyes instinctively. The wind tossed her hair and the coldness made her clutch her clothes tightly.

"I will protect you from them"

Skyla opened her eyes slowly when she heard him speak with resolution. A gasp escaped from her lips when she saw the sight before her.

The rumoured mysterious mansion stood not so far away from her making her breath hitch.

'I-It was t-true?'

Skyla furrowed her brows when she saw the huge mansion surrounded by woods giving off a very eerie feeling. At one minute, there was nothing in front of her and yet in the next minute, a mansion appeared in front of her, scaring the wits out of her.

'Was it magic?', she wondered as she dragged her tired body towards the mansion.

As she approached the mansion, she couldn't help notice how the surroundings have turned utterly quiet. The moonlight fell on the mansion, brightening the path in front of her. Her jaw fell open when she noticed the lawn in front of the mansion.

"Just who the heck are you?"

The words fell from her lips involuntarily. But all she got in reply was the silence.

Her eyes drifted from the lawn to the abandoned old mansion. Skyla rubbed her chest when she felt a strong desire to enter the building as if something inside was waiting for her.

Inhaling deeply, she raised her head and walked towards the front door. Skyla furrowed her brows when she saw the cobwebs on the door. Removing all the cobwebs, she held the handle and hesitated a little before pushing the door open.

Darkness greeted her, making her weaken her resolve. She took a step back, preparing to go back when she felt a strong pull and the next second, she felt her body flying across the door.


The door bang shut making her heart trepidate in fear. Skyla squinted her eyes as she tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness.Gulping in fear, Skyla shakily moved towards the wall, searching for the switch. When her fingers made contact with something, her heart relaxed as she clicked it.

Immediately lights descended inside the mansion making her close her eyes in relief. Leaning her forehead against the wall, she took a minute to compose herself before turning around to face a figure.


She fell back on her feet screaming loudly as she faced the figure. After a minute she realized that it was just a sculpture making her exhale loudly. Her heart thundered inside her chest making her curse the voice inside her head.

'Damn it'

She could count the number of times she had received heart attacks in one night making her shake her head in exasperation. Standing up from the ground, she dusted herself before turning around to look at the mansion.

All the furniture was covered in white blankets like those in horror movies. She noticed the wide long hall making her wonder whether this was a ballroom when the mansion was lively. Right in the middle of the hall was a huge chandelier making her gape in astonishment. She blinked her eyes before it fell on the bifurcated stairs at the end of the hall.

Skyla narrowed her eyes when she felt the strong pull towards the second floor of the mansion. Pursing her lips, she walked towards the end of the hall. She climbed the stairs as her fingers traced the dusty rails.

The second floor mainly had numerous rooms to her left and right, with an open balcony at the end of the hallway on her left. She guessed that this was the open balcony she saw from outside. Turning to her right, she saw the single room at the end of the hallway making her squint.

Clenching her fists, she walked urgently towards the single room as the strong tugging inside her grew stronger. Her brows furrowed when she realized that whatever laid behind the door was the one responsible for summoning her.

Skyla stopped by the door as she tried to control her anxiety.Taking a deep breath, she opened the door to only realize that it was a study room.

A long dusty table with all sorts of paper was in the middle of the room along with a black chair. Behind the chair laid a picture frame and a bookshelf laid across the table with all sorts of books neatly placed. On her right was an open balcony door with red curtains.

Skyla moved towards the table and scrunched her brows when she couldn't understand the scribbles on the paper. Shaking her head, she gave up on reading and moved towards the balcony when she felt the annoying tug inside her making her pause.

Knitting her brows, she looked around the room before her eyes fell on the frame on the wall. She stood in front of the frame and felt her heart relax making her scrutinize the frame in front of her closely.

Her eyebrows rose in surprise when she saw a gorgeous man on the frame. The man was holding a red jewel on his hand while his lips were curved into a smile. His black eyes held a mischievousness, increasing his charm.

Skyla blinked at the frame as she thought, 'He must have been a heartbreaker when he was alive'

She didn't even want to think about the number of women falling for him and getting their heart broken. Her eyebrows furrowed when she noticed something on the edge of the frame. Looking closely, she noticed the symbol of a jewel carved on the frame making her frown.

Skyla traced her fingers along the symbol and instantly felt electricity course through her body making her widen her eyes. She moved back from the frame in surprise as she looked at her fingers which still held a warm tingling. Her eyes moved back towards the frame in doubt.

Moving closer, she touched the frame once more when a blinding white light emerged from the frame making her eyes widen in horror.Instantly the closed balcony door opened and a strong gust of wind entered the room blowing all the papers inside the room. A scream escaped her lips as she watched the white light swallow her entire body.

Skyla squeezed her eyes shut as she waited for death but instead, she heard a curious yet menacing voice behind her.

"And, who might this young lady be?"