Welcome to Defrox

"And, who might this young lady be?"

Skyla froze for a second before she turned around stiffly. She forced her eyes to focus on the ground until two shoes came into view. Gulping in fear, Skyla slowly lifted her eyes to glance at the two unfamiliar strangers, looking at her curiously.

Her body trembled as she instinctively took a step back, "W-Who are y-you?"

On hearing her question, one of the strangers narrowed his eyes as he asked, "Don't you know us?"

Skyla clutched her vest tight as she took a couple of steps back and shook her head. Her eyelashes trembled when she heard them chuckle evilly, sending shivers down her spine. Skyla licked her lips as her eyes wandered between the two strangers standing in the dark.

She could hear her heartbeat loud in her ears as her mind swirled in a frenzy.

As she took another step back, her blood froze when her back made contact with the cold wall. She heard a surprised gasp escape their mouth as the streetlight fell upon her.

"Well well, are we in luck today?"

Skyla's heart trembled involuntarily upon hearing the hidden danger in their voice. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw the two strangers step out of the dark into the light.

She couldn't believe it…

Right in front of her, stood two strangers with blood red eyes looking at her excitedly. Their fangs were exposed among the neat row of white teeth as they smirked. Their pale faces appeared ghastly under the light making her breath hitch.

"Vampires", she mumbled under her breath, making the two vampires raise their eyebrows in surprise.

"So, you do know about us", the blonde vampire chuckled.


Weren't they supposed to be a myth?

Skyla swallowed as her mind swirled making her dizzy. She could feel her heart hammering against her chest as she argued with her thoughts.


She raised her eyes to look at the vampires as their presence cleared her messed up thoughts.

The blonde one moved closer to her, his cold breath falling on her skin making her shiver.

"How did you come here, darling?"

Skyla bit her lips as she plastered herself against the wall, trying her best to move away from the fangs.

Her voice shook as she said, "I-I don't-t know-w"

The blonde vampire narrowed his eyes as he turned back and said, "Reynold, I guess it is another curious human crossing the boundaries."

Skyla looked behind the blonde vampire and saw a disheveled brown haired vampire leaning against the wall. He wore a choker around his neck while his red eyes focused on her.

Reynold nodded at his friend's words while he looked at the little lamb intensely. He opened his mouth as he remarked, "Her smell…"

William who was leaning towards Skyla nodded his head as he moved his nose closer to her face. Skyla closed her eyes when she felt the vampire sniff her.

"Her blood smells so divine.. I wonder how it would taste", he mumbled ecstatically.

Skyla's heart stopped for a second, surprising William that he moved back to glance at her quickly. He didn't want his prey to die so quickly.

Skyla's eyes flickered as she remembered her appearance. She was bleeding all over.

Her hands clutched her vest tight when she realized that she was the meat laid in front of the hungry vampires. Her heart started beating after a second making the vampires glance at each other.

"You scared us there, little lamb"

Skyla turned her head slowly towards William making him smile widely.

"You look so divine." William took her strand and smelled her hair happily. Upon seeing his smile, she doubted whether he meant her beauty or blood and she was willing to bet on the latter.

His red eyes bored into her as he said, "We will remember you for some nights." making her purse her lips.

Reynold suddenly appeared beside her, startling Skyla. He caught her arms making her hiss in pain. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw the glass shards in her arm.

"Looks like you had a tough night" he murmured before he raised his eyes to look at her, "Don't worry, we will relieve you"

Skyla's eyes widened in fear as she very much wanted to reject their offer. But she couldn't move as they held her in a tight grip.

She let out a cry when she felt William lick her bleeding arm. She heard him sigh contently making her clench her fists.

Turning her head away, her eyes fell upon the trash can beside her. Her hand wrapped around the lid before she looked at the vampires who were distracted by her blood.

When she felt Reynold's fangs near her neck, she raised the lid and slammed it against them. The vampires who were in the midst of their feeding were taken aback when a sudden lid slammed against them.

Skyla panted as she threw the lid on the ground noisily and turned around to run. Her eyes brightened when she saw the exit in front of her. Running outside the alley, her footsteps halted when her sight fell upon unfamiliar surroundings.

'Where the hell was she?'

Skyla stood in the middle of the brick road glancing at the houses on both sides. Silence washed over her as her eyes strayed around the secluded place. Skyla blinked her eyes before she glanced at the starless sky.

'What the hell-'

A gasp escaped her lips when she saw the moon peeking out from the dark clouds. It wasn't the moon which startled her but the colour of the moon.

It was blood red in colour much like the eyes of those vampires she had met back in the alley.

She mumbled, "Just what is this place"

"Defrox, little lamb"

A cold voice whispered in her ear making the hair stand up on her neck. She whirled her head around and saw William and Reynold smirking at her.

William cracked his neck as he said, "Now, that was a very bad move, little lamb"

Skyla blinked as she glanced at the vampires warily. She looked around hoping for anyone to rescue her when Reynold poured cold water on her hopes, "No one will help you much less save you from us."

"This is the Vampire City"

He narrowed his eyes as his lips curled up into a smirk, "They might join us in eating you"

Skyla let out a shaky breath as her legs gave out. She fell on her knees, dispirited as her body gave up on fighting as dizziness and tiredness seeped into her. Her eyes blurred as her body swayed in the middle of the road making the vampires chuckle.

Reynold shook his head sadly, "I guess this is the end of the chase, little lamb"

Skyla couldn't muster anymore strength as the vampires in front of her blurred. Before she fell to the ground, she heard the cocky vampires curse suddenly.

She frowned and was about to close her eyes when she heard it.

She heard noises along the secluded street making her frown. She turned around and saw a blurry thing appear in her sights. Knitting her brows together, her sight cleared up as the carriage appeared in her view.

Immediately, without wasting another second, Skyla got on her feet and ran towards the carriage shocking the vampires behind her.

She didn't care whether the person inside the carriage was an important figure or a vampire or anything. She only knew that this was her chance for survival.

She stood in the middle of the road with her hands stretched out in hopes of the carriage stopping. Luckily, it stopped making her exhale in relief.

Her body swayed in the cold wind as her sight blurred. She could feel the cold sweat trickle down her face as the pain of her injuries settle turning her face pale.

Raising her eyes, she saw a figure get off of the carriage wearing a black attire with black boots. She looked at the figure's face and frowned when she couldn't get a clear picture of him through her blurriness.

Drawing the last bit of her strength, she tried to focus her eyes on him as she whispered softly, "Help me" before darkness consumed her.