Blink of an Eye

The sound of the tires against the brick road echoed in the night as the black carriage flew across the path.

"When will we reach?", a cold voice spoke inside the carriage.

"In an hour utmost" Casper looked at the slight crease on his forehead and sighed.

Ezekiel pursed his lips as he racked his fingers through his silver hair irritatedly, destroying the hard work of his hairdresser. He was dressed in black vest and black pants with a long black vintage coat.

The crease on his forehead increased when he thought of the banquet held tonight. He hated it when he was forced to attend some events where he had to hear the people bootlick the king.

Casper noticed the frown and sighed, "Don't show your dislike openly, Ezekiel"

Ezekiel ignored his words as he glanced outside the window into the dark quiet night. He glanced at Casper when he heard him tutt under his breath.

"But I have to agree" Looking at Ezekiel, he pointed at the carriage in frustration and asked, "Why must we travel in this when we could reach the castle normally?"

Ezekiel curved his lips as he remarked, "Blame Alistair"

Alistair, the King of Vampires, loved the idea of arriving in a carriage at his castle for the banquet.He stuck to his old beliefs and made his people follow them much to the dismay of the vampires.

Casper rolled his eyes in response. He never understood why the vampire king loved the idea of travelling in carriages.

'Crazy old man'

Ezekiel looked outside as he mumbled softly, "The city is quiet tonight" Too quiet for his taste

Casper nodded his head nonchalantly as he said, "It's the banquet night after all"

It is widely known how Alistair hated trouble brewing in the city on the night of his banquet. Since all the noble and royal vampires gathered at the castle, it was only the peasants who roamed in the city.

"And that must be why they dared to carry out their plan," Ezekiel said coldly, making Casper purse his lips.

They had just received news from the guild that one of the noble families was using devious ways to procure blood. They never thought that one of the nobles would dare to use this under their king's nose.

Suddenly, the carriage took an abrupt turn from the path to the castle throwing the people inside aside. Ezekiel frowned when he glanced outside and noticed the carriage whizzed past the houses. They were moving in a direction opposite to the castle.

Casper widened his eyes as he asked, "What happened?"

"Blood" a soft melodic voice uttered, astounding the men.

Casper looked at the woman, who was sleeping, beside him and complained, "Finally you decided to open your eyes, Elena"

Elena ignored him as she sat up straight with a grave look. She closed her eyes and sniffed the air before she turned to Ezekiel, who adorned the same look.

Casper looked at their grave countenance and asked confusedly, "What's wrong?"

Elena pursed her lips as she turned towards Casper in disdain.

"Use your nose, idiot"

Casper frowned as he closed his eyes and sniffed the air slowly. Instantly he opened his eyes wide as he remarked, "So divine… why does the blood smell so appetizing?"

He could feel his throat rumble, as a sudden hunger attacked him senselessly. His fangs protruded instinctively as the divine smell of blood lingered inside the carriage.

"There seems to be a human blocking our path, Ezekiel," Elena spoke as she swifty left the cabin to stop the carriage from crashing onto the human.

Without another word, Ezekiel pushed open the door to alight from the carriage followed by an excited Casper who was ready for some action.

Standing before them was a black-haired human wearing a strange attire. Her vest was torn while her white shirt underneath was sticking to her body. There were injuries all over her legs and arms making Ezekiel knit his brows.

When his black eyes met with her brown ones, he was slightly taken aback. He didn't know why but he felt his blood boil under her gaze making him uncomfortable.

"Help me…. please"

Her soft voice drifted to his ears as she fainted in the middle of the road. Before anyone could react, Ezekiel had already reached out his arms to the unconscious girl, shocking his friends.

Casper looked at the pale girl in a curious manner as he asked, "Where did this girl come from?"

Ezekiel pursed his lips as he looked down at the pale girl who had her eyes closed.The smell of her blood wafted to his nose turning his eyes blood red. He held the girl tightly as he lifted his eyes to glare at the petrified vampires in front of him.

William and Reynold trembled under his cold gaze. Before they could turn around to scatter, they heard him inquire, "Did you forget the rules?"

Who hasn't heard of the Grim Reaper? He is the strongest royal vampire in centuries, who rebelled against the royalty and walked his own path. Even then, the king never dared to cross him nor force him to come back in fear of his retaliation.

His cold voice sent chills down their spines, as they fell on their knees in fear and stuttered, "N-No"

Ezekiel shifted his eyes from these ingrates as he stood up and said calmly, "Since they violated the rules" he threw a glance at his companions and continued, "Show them the consequences for their actions"

Casper grinned as he cracked his knuckles while looking at the frightened vampires and said, "With pleasure"

Elena nodded her head calmly before her eyes fell on the ingrates. Instantly a creepy smile formed on her face as she took out her whip and walked towards the trembling vampires.

Ezekiel ignored their screams and cries as he observed the girl in his arms. On noticing the scale of her injuries, he furrowed his brows as he controlled his breath and held onto her tightly. With another glance at his excited companions, he vanished into the darkness.