Frozen Tension

Ezekiel frowned as he surveyed the situation. When he had received the news that the noble family had brought in another human to kick start their ploy tonight, they were already stationed nearby waiting for the right time to enter.

But never did he expect to see the human fight against a horde of vampires without a single care for her life. Looking at her closely, he furrowed his brows as he wondered, 'Why does she look familiar?'

Aurelia pursed her lips angrily as she instinctively tightened her grip around Skyla making her protest. She threw a glance at Skyla who was struggling under her grip, clawing at her hands.

How she would love to see her struggle desperately as she begged for her life…

Too bad that she had to take care of things here first…

Turning back to Ezekiel, Aurelia smirked, "I didn't know that I would have esteemed guests tonight"

Ezekiel calmly stood up and dusted himself as he answered, "Why? Would you have tried to clean yourself up before you met with us?"

Aurelia raised her eyebrows as she laughed, "No.. I would have brought more humans"

His eyes turned instantly cold as he remarked, "The king would be offended if he hears this"

Aurelia tutted under her breath as she sauntered forward, blood colouring her path as she pulled Skyla along with her, "When did you start to care about the king?" She stopped a couple of steps from him and tilted her head, " Grim Reaper"

Shaking her head, she said nauseatingly, "How did he even think that the blood banks would be enough to satisfy our hunger?" Looking at the stoic cold man in front of her, she asked with a smile on her face hoping for him to agree with her, "Wouldn't you agree with me?"

Yet what she received was his cold silence slowly changing her face.

Aurelia snarled angrily as she pulled Skyla in front of her, making her face Ezekiel as Aurelia slowly traced her hands from her neck towards her chin. She turned her head aside and inhaled the divine lovely scent which was coming off from her neck. Her fangs itching to burrow inside her snow white neck. Her lips moved close to her neck making Skyla tremble in fear as she felt the sharp edges of her fangs prickling her skin.

Skyla shuddered in fear as she looked at the black figure desperately but all she was met with was silence.

Looking at her hopeful eyes, Ezekiel felt something strange brewing inside of him… something urging him to rush in to save her yet he stood in his spot watching the human look at him desperately.

'Well, at this point, anyone would look at their saviour desperately,' he said in his mind, yet he couldn't find it in him to turn his eyes away from her.

"Wouldn't you love to bite her and see what her blood tastes like?"

Ezekiel furrowed his brows as he snapped his eyes back to the vampire who was looking at him eagerly. He scoffed in disdain, "If I fall for this temptation then all my years of training would have gone to waste"

Aurelia let out a low snarl as she watched the black figure stand nonchalantly as if nothing could temp him. When she saw him looking at her pathetically, something snapped inside her as she clenched Skyla's cheek making the latter protest.

"Let's see if you would be able to keep your calm after I eat her, " Aurelia growled as she opened her mouth to bite her.

Skyla widened her eyes as she struggled in her tight grip yet she couldn't move an inch. Her chest heaved as she turned her eyes towards the black figure who now had a frown on his face. She clenched her jaw which was held tightly by the woman behind her.

Skyla didn't know how or what got into her but when she felt her cold breath coming closer to her neck. She raised her hand and banged it against her face earning Aurelia's angry snarl.

Skyla's eyes brightened in joy when she felt the grip around her face loosen. Yet before she could rejoice, she saw the black figure widen his eyes as horror flashed through his face… for her?

Skyla was confused yet she found out why in the next second.

She felt the pain before it came as her body crashed against the wall. A loud sharp bang echoed in the room as she fell from the wall to the ground and, Aurelia standing in her spot, snarling at her.

But in the next second, she saw Aurelia's expression convulse as she stared at her in shock which slowly changed into hunger.

Skyla furrowed her brows in confusion as she turned her eyes to the black figure who shared the same contour as the woman yet she seemed to have seen something different in his black eyes.

Was it fear?

Her thoughts came to a stop when she felt something trickling down her forehead making her freeze. She lifted her hand slowly and touched her forehead all the while praying for it to be not what she thinks.

Her heart thundered in her chest as she stared at her pale white hand which was now smeared in bright red...her blood.

'No wonder,' she thought.

Now she understands… The smell of her blood would be driving them crazy.

'It drove humans crazy so it should be the same or more for these monsters'

"Damn" she muttered as her head throbbed and her mind turned dizzy. From the corner of her eyes, she saw the number of shoes inside the room increase making her curse inside.

It seemed like she wouldn't escape death this time.

Skyla watched the vampires warily until she felt something cold and soft touch her face. Startled, she turned her head and saw the black figure crouching near her, his brows furrowed as he checked her wound.

Skyla sat there frozen, not knowing why she wasn't thwarting his hand away. Yet her heart skyrocketed when she heard him sigh in relief, "You will be fine"

Instantly their eyes met as they gazed at each other deeply. Skyla gulped as she felt the tension brew between them and she was damn sure that he could feel it as well, as she saw him frown slightly.

Ezekiel was about to open his mouth when a sharp shrill voice broke the tension between them, "You can't steal my prey, Grim Reaper"