Promise for Lifetime

Ezekiel turned to throw an annoyed glance at Aurelia, completely ignoring her words before he turned to Skyla and continued what he wanted to say, "Why is it you again?"

'Huh?' Skyla blinked ridiculously, 'Is this what someone says to an injured person?'

Ezekiel furrowed his brows as he complained, "You always seem to find trouble"

Skyla pursed her lips annoyed as she slapped his hand away from her face and retorted, "I'm sorry for being a trouble magnet"

Ezekiel rubbed his palm in disbelief as he glanced at the human who dared to slap his hand away and yet argue with him childishly. He pursed his lips when he saw her fatigued face even though she was trying her best to hide it. He blamed himself for not arriving early to save her.

The moment her blood spilled…the moment he was hit with that familiar scent, he had recognized her. No wonder he felt he had seen her before… She was the strange woman in a strange attire the other night.

And before he became aware of his actions, he was already crouching down beside her, checking her wound.

He shook his head in disbelief. Never had he thought that there would be a human who would make him impulsive yet, here she was, looking at him with her eyes full of accusation making his lips curl slightly.

Even though her scent was making his body crave for her blood, he suppressed his urge to bite and ravage her as he checked her wound. He clenched his fists tight making his veins protrude on his knuckles as he tried to stay in control. His eyes flickered between red and black continuously before finally stopping at black.

Ezekiel panted heavily as he stared at the delicious human who was completely oblivious to the danger around her. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples when he felt his body behave strangely…he couldn't pinpoint exactly what was wrong with him - he desired for her blood yet he couldn't bear to lift his finger to hurt her.

Exhaling heavily, Ezekiel slowly controlled his thoughts and glanced at the human, a frown quickly making way to his face.

'How the hell did she come here?'

Didn't he hand her over to Xavier? Yet why was she here of all the places?

Frustrated by the events, he ran his fingers through his hair as he muttered under his breath, "Trouble-magnet"

"What?" Skyla frowned as she didn't hear his words clearly but she could somewhat make it out that he was insulting her.

His eyes shifted back to her pondering silently before shaking his head, "It seems like I have no other choice"

Skyla tilted her head confusedly. She couldn't understand his words… yet she also couldn't explain why she felt secure and safe around him. She was bewildered by her emotions that she almost missed his next words.

"I will protect you"

Skyla whipped her head so fast that he thought she would break her neck. She gaped at him as she heard those familiar words… words that brought her to this hell.

A gasp left her lips when her eyes collided with his black eyes.

"How is it possible?" she mumbled under her breath as her eyes took in his appearance.

The image of that person collided with the man in front of her leaving her baffled.

'Is it him?' But in the next second, she shook her head, 'Impossible'

'But he shares the same eyes,' her mind argued.

Skyla bit her lips as she clenched her fists tight. She wasn't sure… because all she felt from him was protection - the complete opposite of what she felt in her nightmares.

She gulped as her heart screamed at her to rely on him… to trust him and she chose to follow her heart again because she wanted to.

She wanted to take the risk again…

And, she hoped she was right this time.

Instinctively she reached out to clutch his shirt taking Ezekiel aback. He glanced from her hand to her eyes and sighed when he saw the fear within those beautiful pair of eyes. He didn't know what was wrong with him tonight or what this human had done to him but for the first time in his life, he heard those sacred words escape his lips… words which he never thought he would utter in his life.

"Don't worry…I am here," Ezekiel said not realizing the promise underlying in his words - A promise of a lifetime.

A huge smile blossomed on her face as Skyla closed her eyes in relief and sagged against him. Maybe he will never know how much his words meant to her… how desperate she was to know that she was right this time.

Ezekiel panicked as he hurriedly held her against him to only find her sleeping. His breathing slowed as a helpless smile appeared on his face.

'She probably was trying her best to hold on…'

But when his eyes landed on the reddish bruises around her neck, he narrowed his eyes coldly. Instantly he became aware of the vampires forming a circle around them making him scoff in disdain.He didn't even have to lift his finger to deal with these rogues.

Since they wanted to meet their death so eagerly then don't blame him for being gracious.

A cold glint passed through his eyes as he shifted Skyla to a comfortable place to rest while terrifying shouts echoed around him. After checking on Skyla, Ezekiel stood up and turned around to face his enemies who were glaring at him in fury as they swayed in the air.

Black veins erupted from the walls as it wrapped around their feet and hands holding the vampires captive as they dangled in the air. Ezekiel smirked at them faintly before glancing at Aurelia, who was on ground, watching everything in shock.

He couldn't let the woman who hurt her die so easily, right?

"Why are you doing this?" Aurelia snarled as she backed away from the monster.

Ezekiel's lips curled up coldly as he said, "She is mine." Tilting his head, he smirked, "Yet you hurt her."

"So what shall I do with you?" He mused out loud as he kept his eyes on her.

Right after his words, blood sprayed all across the room as the black veins crushed the vampires in the air into smithereens. Ezekiel sauntered as a smile played on his lips, "Just a small payback"

Aurelia widened her eyes as her body trembled furiously.The fear within her was threatening to burst as she looked at the man in front of her in apprehension. She had heard the tales of the Grim Reaper on how cold, merciless and ruthless he was to his enemies. Still, standing before him, she shuddered under his cold gaze as she finally experienced what others felt...

Death… It was like Death standing before you, waiting to devour your soul.

Immediately footsteps sounded outside the room wiping the terror off her face. She frantically called out, "Hurry up" right when the door to the room burst open and in came dozens of vampires.

Aurelia looked as if she was saved as she straightened herself and stood in the middle of the vampires. She looked at Ezekiel, sneering as she ordered haughtily, "Kill him"

Ezekiel pursed his lips as he faced the horde of vampires who dashed towards him.