Scarlet Legions

"Hurry up, Casper"

Skyla urged him to walk in front of her, making him shake his head helplessly. He understood that she was scared to go downstairs after her encounter with Fred and for once, he was glad that she was aware of her situation.

He walked ahead of her and noticed Skyla following behind in tow with him making his lips curl.

Skyla almost grasped his shirt when she was greeted with the familiar hall but to her relief, the hall was almost emptied with only a few tables occupied. Her eyes quickly skimmed across the occupied tables and patted her chest in comfort when she noticed the absence of the vampire named Fred as well as the cute kid.

Though she noticed how the remaining vampires paid small attention to her movements whilst enjoying their drink.

Now that she thinks about it, she hadn't taken a good look at where she was. Things kept happening all around her that she forgot to ask where she was. But when her eyes landed on the room, she was left speechless.

The huge hall room looked simple with tables scattered here and there from the entrance to the other end of the room. At the end was a small tavern which held many bottles which she assumed to be wine. Her eyes stopped at Casper who had already taken his seat in the tavern and was beckoning her to come.

Skyla snapped out of her thoughts instantly and realized that she had unknowingly stopped in her tracks in the process of admiring the room. She walked quickly towards him and took a seat while asking him, at last, "What is this place?"

Suddenly, a glass of wine was put in front of her with a small thud followed by an amused voice, "Oh my… you haven't told her about the guild, Casper?"


Skyla shifted her eyes to the silver haired lady, standing behind the counter, observing her with a thoughtful expression. Her eyes widened when she noticed the dark red eyes of the silver haired lady who had her hair in a half ponytail.

Melinda noticed her keen observation and flashed her a smile, exposing her fangs, "Hello...I'm Melinda… It's nice to meet a human after so long"

Skyla awkwardly laughed as she leaned backward making Melinda utter in a teasing manner, "Don't worry… even if its been a long time since I drank human blood, I won't bite you"

On seeing the human exhale in relief, she added, "At least not yet" and laughed when she saw the horror on her face.

Humans are so fun to tease...

Even if half of her mind knew that she was just joking… Skyla couldn't completely suppress her horror shown on her face.

She tactically moved closer to Casper in hopes that he would protect her. Casper, who was about to take a sip of the dark red wine, paused slightly and raised an eyebrow at her. When he met with her shaky gaze, he shook his head and continued to drink the wine, savoring its taste.

Skyla ignored the colour of the wine which had a strong resemblance to blood and stared at the crowd which was beginning to form to her far left.

Casper put down his glass and answered her earlier question, "Welcome to our guild, Scarlet Legions, Skyla"

Skyla parted her lips in an O shape, 'Guild? As in like those assassin guilds she used to read?'

It was as if Casper read her mind, he answered, "We are called the rebels… Rebels of the empire"


Casper chuckled and was about to answer her when the sound of fighting floated to their ears. They quickly turned towards the people who had gathered around the board and saw two vampires arguing fiercely against each other, just seconds away from attacking.

Casper chuckled and shook his head, "Fools""

Skyla looked shocked when she saw Casper chuckle and turn around to continue drinking. She couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you going to stop them?"

"Stop?" A smirk grew on his face as he whirled the wine in the glass and said, "Don't worry, it will be over in a minute"

Skyla looked confused but before she could ask him, a glass slammed in front of her in a loud thud, making her flinch subconsciously.

The loud thud seemed to do the trick as the fight came to a stand still. Skyla lifted her eyes and saw Melinda glare at the group. She cracked her knuckles and growled, "No fighting"

Instantly the vampires let go of each other and put some distance between them even though unwillingness was written all over their face. Both of them threw the paper they were fighting for aside, and took two different pieces of paper from the board and disappeared quietly.

Skyla snapped out of her trance when Casper's chuckle made way to her ears, "See, I told you, didn't I?"

Skyla blinked and turned to Melinda in awe. She raised her two thumbs up and praised her, "You are so cool"

Melinda's lips twitched before she closed her eyes and sighed. She placed the drink in front of her and said, "Lemonade for the human"

Skyla flashed her a grin as she twirled the straw and mused out loud, "Why did they even fight for a paper anyway? So foolish"

Melinda and Casper exchanged stunned glances before they fell in a fit of laughter making Skyla knit her brows.

"Why are you guys laughing?"

Melinda heaved as she clutched her chest and said, "You are so funny, Skyla"

Skyla pursed her lips disapprovingly, making Melinda smile helplessly. She pointed at the board and said, "That's the guild mission board… members of the guild are required to accept tasks from the board and solve them."

"The paper you mentioned has the details of the mission they want to take up as well as the bounty of the mission"

Casper laughed, "Maybe the mission they were fighting for was a very easy one with a huge bounty as reward. But since they fought over it, they were forced to give up the mission and look for another"

"But why?" Skyla asked curiously

Casper shrugged, "Guild rules"

Skyla had an astonished and curious expression on her face as she leaned forward to ask more but was hit by a card on her face. She removed the card from her face and glared at the vampire who motioned with his eyes, "Go on… order what you want to eat"'