
Skyla let out a deep sigh as she gazed outside and watched her surroundings whistle past her. She leaned her head against the window as she lost herself in her dreamworld.

It's been half an hour since they started their silent journey towards Winter Peaks but from the moment they entered the carriage, no one had spoken much less emitted a sound that her breathing seemed loud in her ears.

Skyla peeked at Ezekiel who sat right opposite to her with his legs crossed and a hand under his cheek. He had closed his eyes as soon as he sat inside the carriage without even glancing at her making her scowl.

'Since he doesn't want to talk… I don't want to either'

Skyla snorted as she turned her head away from him, 'Who does he think he is'

Regardless, she found herself noticing his tiny movements from the corner of her eyes, making her want to pull her hair out badly.

'This is torture…'

She was inside a carriage with two gorgeous men and she was forced to ignore them… She couldn't…

Her body, her blood were wrestling against her resolve, weakening it slowly until she could no longer thrive. She surrendered to her inner desire and peeked at Ezekiel who seemed oblivious to her inner struggle.

'It is fine if he didn't notice it...right?'

So she dared to sneak glances at him every now and then. Shortly right after her sneaking game, she figured that he didn't notice her actions that slowly she started studying him in detail.

She became lost observing his facial features that she didn't notice the slight twitch of his lips.

Unbeknownst to Skyla, Ezekiel was completely aware of his surroundings and naturally noticed her sneaking glances at him.

His lips twitched when he felt a rather strong burning gaze on him which made him eventually open his eyes.

But the next second, he saw her whisk her head away so fast that he blinked in amusement.

Skyla pressed her lips as she closed her eyes in embarrassment. She clenched her fists on her lap as she scolded herself internally, 'Damn it, Skyla… it was meant to be a glance.. A glance?! Not a damn study…'

Taking a deep breath, Skyla opened her eyes and glanced outside as if nothing amusing happened seconds ago. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest when she felt his gaze on her making sweat bullets form on her forehead.

"Skyla" Casper called out softly

"Yes"she shouted instantly, startling Casper while Ezekiel pressed his lips to suppress his smile.

Skyla closed her eyes and sagged her shoulders in defeat, 'Well done, Skyla… you have not only proved that proved that you are useless but also a complete joke'

Casper titled his head and asked worriedly, "Are you okay, Skyla?"

Skyla waved her hand in front of her indicating she was fine. She was just hopeless.

Why was she awkward with vampire guys while she was completely alright in front of human guys?

'Really?' her mind asked skeptically

She rolled her eyes, 'Well okay… she become a little lost when it comes to handsome guys'

Skyla couldn't help but shudder when she remembered Daniel. Even though she knew it was her fault, she also knew fully well that she couldn't see the guy like before.

It would just bring out new nightmares and she doesn't simply have enough time to add new ones to the already existing ones.

"Are you cold?" Casper asked, making Skyla lift her face in daze.

Casper looked outside and noticed that they were approaching Misty Woods. He shook his head as he stood up and removed his jacket.

"Here...wear this. It will be a little cold from here on out" he smiled and put the jacket around her shoulders.

But, as soon as his hand made contact with her shoulder, he felt a cold chill down his spine.

Casper jumped with spikes on his hands and looked outside in alert.

'Who is it? Who is attacking?'

His eyes searched the passing scenery and found nothing dangerous making him frown, 'Did he imagine it?'

"Is everything okay, Casper?"

Skyla's voice interrupted his thoughts that he put back his spikes and smiled down at her.

"It's nothing... " He wanted to rub her head but when he reached out to touch her hair, he felt the same yet strange chill. It was as if someone would eat him alive if he touched a strand of her hair.

Casper frowned as he turned around and looked at Ezekiel who had his eyes closed. Feeling his determined gaze, Ezekiel opened his eyes and looked at him nonchalantly, "What is it?"

Casper squinted his eyes as he asked, "Why do I -"

He was cut off by the sound of hooves approaching them, instantly making everyone sit upright in alarm.

"Who is it?" Ezekiel's cold voice reverberated inside the carriage making Skyla bury herself within Casper's huge jacket.

Elena tutted under her breath, "Tsk… it's Alistair's stray dogs"

Casper snorted, "I guess they would never stop unless they die by our hands"

It was not the first time Alistair sent out people to track them down… He has been constantly sending his elite soldiers since the night Ezekiel missed the banquet. Even though Alistair hated Ezekiel to the core, he never dared to strike against him only because he couldn't afford the consequences.

But that didn't mean that he wouldn't make things hard for him from time to time…

How Alistair wished he could skin this man down… but he could only wish because there's no existing person who can defeat the Grim Reaper.

"Annoying" Ezekiel snorted as he glanced at Elena, who was waiting for his orders, and said, "You can deal with him as you wish"

Elena chuckled eerily, making Skyla's skin crawl.

"Aw..I wanted to clean those bastards up," Casper pouted, making Skyla blink her eyes in astonishment.

'Why did his character shift all of a sudden?'

"No can do" Elena laughed as she jumped out of the running carriage instantly making Skyla almost jump out of her seat.

Casper held her shoulders as he pushed her back on her seat and smiled, "Don't worry.. She might look small and weak but believe me, she's crazy when it comes to fighting"

Skyla bit her lips and nodded her head slowly. But she couldn't help but glance outside the window and to her relief, she saw Elena cracking her joints as she prepared for the fight.

Sensing someone's gaze, Elena turned around and saw Skyla's head out of the window making her lips curl. She waved her hand cheerily and said, "Wait for me at the woods"

Skyla nodded and shouted, "Please be careful"

Elena looked taken aback as she watched the carriage disappear from her view.

'Careful? That was the first time someone mentioned it. She's really stupid, isn't she?' Elena chuckled as a bloody grin appeared on her face as she faced the approaching dogs.

Meanwhile, a similar thing happened to the vampires inside the carriage as they stared at Skyla dumbfoundedly.

Skyla turned around to meet their stunned gaze which startled her. She tilted her head in confusion, "What?"

Ezekiel pursed his lips as he turned his head away instead of answering her, making her scowl while Casper laughed freely, "Gosh… you really are…" he didn't continue his words and fell into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

"I am what?" she asked deeply annoyed by his laughter.

Casper wiped the tears off his face and said, "No.. it's just you are too cute" His smile widened when he saw her frown as if she didn't believe his words.

Well, he did lie but she really was too naive…

He leaned forward and scratched her tiny nose, which turned red instantly making his smile widen in amusement.

But immediately he felt the temperature within the carriage fall to pits making him knit his brows. He turned around to look at Ezekiel who had his eyes focused outside and thought, 'Did he imagine it again?'

"Look, we have reached the entrance" Ezekiel announced all of a sudden attracting everyone's attention towards the front of the carriage.