Kensington city, one of the biggest city with all the things you need in the world and also one of the richest city... Sports cars and bikes adorn's the traffic of the city... The tallest building ends above the clouds... this was not achieved in one day... It's all due to the Hamilton groups which bought every international business into the city and made it the capital of business world, for more than four generations...

               Speaking of Hamilton group's,   Ian Hamilton is definitely not the only heir to the throne of the business Empire but he surely made it to the throne at the early age of 26 astonishing everyone... Some of the tactics he used when he was just a vice President in the company left the veterans in the business world in Awe... Surely they supported him to become the CEO of the full Empire... But that wasn't enough for the Grandpa Hamilton... He surely has confidence in his grand child Ian but he didn't like the choices of the girls he dated, yes Girls! Grandpa Hamilton refused to accept them as woman... And also they are not suitable, particularly as a woman for his favourite grandson...

                 That's how Ian ended up at Willson's house... His grandfather has politely threatened him to marry Jessica Willson or he will give part of the company to his cousin Gabriel Parkinson and the other part to charity not even leaving a trust fund for Ian... Well it's not about the money for Ian he could definitely earn the money he lost within years but the thought that he should work under the idiot like Gabriel was what made him to accept the not so generous offer by his grandpa..

             Ian was a man of taste, he appreciates the beauty and he was single too at that time as his last girlfriend became too clingy to his taste..... That's why he agreed to meet the girl when his grandpa pestered him.. as he appreciates beauty and art, he was satisfied at the look of the mansion that Willson's resided in.. atleast they are not some gold digger.... as he entered the hall he could hear the beautiful noise of someone's laughter.... He didn't know he would be captivated by such a beautiful laugh... Ofcourse those who laugh whole heartedly will definitely be a beautiful creature on the world... And he was correct when two girls walked down the spiral stairs... The girl was such a beauty long legs, the dress that hugged her curves and a full lips, a little tanned but smooth skin... And she was holding a familiar law book in her hands, definitely knowledgeable and might be sensible too...

     Ian's eyes landed on the wierd creature next to this beauty, a fatty... Hmmmm definitely not that fat just a plus size girl short legs wearing sweatshirt which was even bigger than her and three fourth tracks and her brown hair in the bun.. definitely not his cup of tea added fact she looked older ald also with a comic book on her hands made Ian to mentally note that he should tell his fiancee-to-be to avoid this girl....

     Both the girls didn't acknowledge his presence and went out of the house so he just talked to Mr.Willson for a while and left the mansion.... Atleast his grandpa had a taste, he appreciated the efforts and immediately called his grandfather to arrange for the marriage...

     But nothing is as simple as that... It was only after a week when the marriage date was fixed and invitations were about to send out Ian found out that Jessica Willson is that plus size girl he wanted to avoid... and the long legged beauty is Karen Smith a lawyer who was Jessica's school friend... he mentally slapped himself for not checking the picture before proceeding... But that didn't stop him from trying to pull all sort of stunts to stop the marriage... But then the Grandpa pulled the heart attack card on him.. finally Ian agreed for the marriage on the condition that it should be only within families and not to be announced to the world and a simpler marriage meaning they both will register the marriage in city hall and a small house party, which was fine for Willson's family too...

But that was all... After that Ian left the country stating he is busy in business... It's been almost a year that Ian hasn't set foot in Kensington city.. but his grandfather really got the heart attack and was in death bed that's why Ian came back... And unfortunately after his arrival Grandpa has died...

Jessica Willson a 29year old girl, only child of the Willson's family, she knew something was wrong when Ian agreed to marry her.. she never expected that such a handsome man and a number one sort after eligible bachelor would agree to marry her... Well she is proud of how she looks there is no self pity in there but she knows her limit that's why she never believed untill the day the marriage was registered that Ian really wanted to marry her.. but sooner she realised that Ian mistook her friend as Jessica and agreed to the marriage, she was unfortunate to over hear the argument between Ian and his grandfather that day...

"How could I marry that short legged fat whatever that creature is?"

Was the exact words Ian told to his grandfather...

That's why Jessica also wanted to stop the marriage at once but then his father told that a agreement was signed and thier "Willson toy company" was merged with Hamilton groups in exchange for the marriage to the hier...

"So it was just a business marriage" it was neither a statement nor a question as tears dropped down her chubby cheeks..

          The marriage was below simple, Ian just sent his Assistant to take care of legalities and at the evening reception at his parents Mansion he only stayed for half an hour and went out stating that a emergency happened at the company... That was last Jessica say of Ian in person, she would read about him in new articles though business sessions were adorned by his portraits, gossip section too sometimes with a Italian model and sometimes with a Russian model.. oh there was a big deal on the newspaper stating that the present Miss world was his wife... Jessica's heart painfully constricted in her chest on reading that, she knew that he was ashamed of her body to stand next to her to take pic that's why there was no picture of them together and that's why no one knew she was Ian's wife..

     Ian did come back for his grandfather, but he didn't come home to her... He gave her a mansion in the city which is pretty big with housemaids, car and driver for her to go anywhere she needed.. and the platinum card with unlimited access to his money, isn't that what she needed? Money to help her family's sinking business? Well whatever it is Ian is willing to give anything for her just so she can divorce him at this point... And that's what he wanted to talk to his Father today... It's been one month after his grandfather's death and he is staying at his penthouse near the office building...  hasn't seen his fat wife for almost a year but who cares he didn't want to see her anyway and he is going to divorce her...

He was coming down the 150th floor of his office with his trusted assistant Davis and the assistant of assistant Miss.Mel... on reaching the ground floor he saw the receptionist struggling with a customer...

Receptionist: miss you cannot see our CEO without prior appointments...

Ian's stopped around the corner and eyed the girl, who was asking for him... She was in her ragged jeans with a shirt that was bigger than her plus size and in a not so matching to the outfit Converse shoes.. her long hair was loose and unkempt, sticking in every directions....

"It's an urgent matter, you can called your CEO and tell him my name"

Reception: miss we cannot do that, we don't talk directly to the CEO maybe I could ask his Assistant but now they wouldn't be in the office ma'am... You can tell your name we would fix appointment for you through proper channel

Ian smirked at the reply from his receptionist.. he noted he should give some rise to the person and also whoever trained her... But his train of thoughts were disturbed when his assistant and his assistant walked past him to the lady that was standing there and bowed to her..

That's when Ian saw the woman's face, chubby just like a new born baby, looking at her face anyone could say that she is innocent and can get away with murder...

Davis: madam what are you doing here?

Madam? Ian couldn't comprehend who is the women

" I just want to speak to Ian about something important, Davis... I know I wouldn't able to get an appointment with him, that's why I came at this hour here"

Davis looked behind him slightly as the women eyes also traveled along and landed on Ian.. he was dashing as always as her heart skipped a beat looking at him standing tall, but her palms also started to sweat due to nervousness and her legs felt wobly...

'Jessica' Ian thought to himself the only fat girl in this world who could dare to call him by his name!! He walked briskly towards the short girl, 'what is she here for? Will she demand him to be a proper husband and make a scene?' were his thoughts when he neared her..

"What?" He more of spat the word towards her...

"Hu~h" nothing came out of Jessica's mouth..

"Don't waste my time, miss" Ian raised his voice a little and stricter making Jessica to snap out of her thoughts...

"Ian I want to discuss something with you, can we go somewhere"

Ian: you can tell whatever you want here.

Jessica: Ian I know you don't want us to be seen together.. but this cannot be discussed outside in the open..

Ian: then get an appointment! I don't have time to talk with you..

Jessica fisted her hand and looked above to meet the eyes of the tall man that's standing in front of her... It's now or never for her.. she had to mentally prepare herself a lot to stand in front of him today so she is not gonna back out now...

Jessica: let's get divorce Ian..

Ian's eye widened for a fraction of second, doubting whether he heard it right....


Guys please tell how it is! It's my first attempt in writing such story 🙏 so please give me some confidence

And also sorry if anyone felt bad because of body shaming.. it will get better soon 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏