Jessica: let's get divorce Ian..

Ian's eye widened for a fraction of second, doubting whether he heard it right....

Ian doubted whether he heard it right!!! Because this was the first time in his life he is seeing any girl in the right mind asked to be not associated with him... 'Ya may be Jessica was not in her right mind' was the first thought that entered his mind...

Ian: what did you ask me?

Jessica stood there looking at Ian then rolled her eyes..

Jessica: are you deaf now?

Ian glared at her, Jessica lowered her head, the glare was intimidating to a point that it burnt her bones, she shifted little to her right to avoid the gaze of the most powerful man in this city, her legs shivered a little..

Jessica: let's talk somewhere private..

Ian looked around to notice all his workers stopped what they were doing and were looking at them with curiosity..

Ian: come...

He walked fast leaving Jessica there confused..

"Ma'am, sir has asked you to come with him" Davis uttered the words and walked fast to catch up with his boss...

It took few moments for Jessica to process what happened and walked towards the exist of the tallest building in the Kensington city.. There on the parking he was sitting in his Rolls Royce Phantom reading something on his iPad... As Davis waited near the door of the other side of the car.. Jessica hurried to the other side while Davis opened the the car's back seat door for her... But Jessica opened the passanger seat door in the front and sat in the car..

Davis: madam

Jessica: I will get headache if I sit in back seat Davis... No problem it's comfortable in here...

Davis just stood there not knowing what to do... Neither Ian nor Jessica spoke, they just sat there minding thier own business.. sighing Davis got to the driver seat as he himself drove the car, usually it was not his work description to drive the car but it was a personal important matter so he decided to drive the car, he knows his boss would have wanted it that way... within few minutes they were out on the bustling streets of the city...

"I know, this marriage was against your will, Ian" Jessica spook looking ahead, not turning to look into Ian.. it was a pin drop silence in the car but she know that Ian would be listening to her every word

"Let's get divorce. This way I can carry on with my life and you can take any sluts you want anywhere"

Davis choked a little on his own saliva on hearing that.

"Anyway I prepared the divorce documents with my lawyer, feel free to go through it with your legal team and send me your feedback. We will try to settle"

As Jessica turned to hand over the documents Ian snickered, she wanted to settle huh? money is what that matters to them, She is also the same as every other females he has come in contact with, well she did marry him on a business deal..

"Before you go thinking millions, I don't want money neither shares nor my company that was merged with your's... I have seen some of your accomplishments so I trust our company will do under you.. that being said I want a job, I need a decent job to take care of me and my parents at our old Willson's Toy company"

Again it was silence in the car... As if a sudden thought has hit her, Jessica rummaged through her handbag till he found a pouch.. she turned back for the first time to look at Ian, who was looking at her intensely..

Jessica: this pouch has the platinum card that you gave me, I have never used a penny from it, and also the key to the mansion you provided for me, which I won't be living in from today also the car keys are in it..

Ian: I gave it to you, for our marriage.

Jessica: and our marriage ended, well not technically but it ended. my hands are paining take it..

She tried to shove the pouch towards Ian..

Ian: I don't want it

Jessica: neither do I

She dropped the pouch she was holding as it landed on the car floor.

Ian: Jessica Willson, behave..

Jessica: who are you to order me?

Ian: I still haven't signed the divorce

Jessica: yet you called me Jessica Willson..

She didn't turn back to look at him, just sat there looking ahead on the road..

"Drop me here, Davis"

"Madam I can drop you in the house"

"Just drop me here itself, Davis"

"Yes Madam"

As the car stopped, Jessica got out of it, walked towards the nearby bus stand putting on her headphones and sat on the passenger waiting bench, looking stern.. only relaxing when she found that last empty seat on the bus and letting the pent up tear drops to fall on her chubby cheeks.. she liked Ian... How can she not? Ok she wouldn't say like after hearing the conversation of Ian and his Grandpa...she has a crush on him but who wouldn't! Ian was the heart throb and the most sort after bachelor and every female in the city wanted to be his wife...and she was his wife. Though they hadn't seen eye to eye she had hope that one day he may have an eye for her.

No one... No one in this city nor in the whole world has behaved like that in front of him, she just dropped the platinum card at his feet and left... It's was always the other way around, he was the one who just throws the card and others had to catch that, it frustrated him.

"I don't want to attend the meeting", though he said in the calm voice he crushed the divorce documents in his hands.

Davis: to the penthouse, sir?

Ian looked out through the window. For a few moments with Jessica he felt like she was the one who was controlling him, which he hated the most.. he is the one who should be in control.. he wants to be in control...

Ian: take me to Lara's house...

Ian jerked forward as the car came to a sudden halt..

Ian: DAVIS..

Davis: I need to take a turn here sir.

Davis said calmly but Ian know's that Davis hated Lara.. well he hated all the women.. come to think of it he wouldn't even respect his stepmother, well who would that women married his father only for the money and the trust fund he set up for her. But what amazed Ian is the geniune wording of 'madam' that came out of Davis towards Jessica..

He was again jerked back and hit himself in the seat as Davis suddenly started the car..

Ian: Davis..

Davis: the roads are not good sir, bear with me..

But Ian know's that's not the case here...