
During the night, various changes occurred in the forest, the most important was the theft of the eggs of the giant crow that lived in that region.

Spreading its wings, the crow soared into the sky looking for the trail left by the thief in its nest.

At the northern end of the forest, a spotted snake with a body as thick as a horse's torso escaped, leaving behind a trail of shattered trees.

On her belly, several bumps were being digested by her stomach acids, trying to assimilate the essence of the eggs to improve her strength. Although the snake was aware of the danger of stealing the crow's eggs, she believed that if it could improve its strength, the crow would pose no problem.

The two wolves that stalked Sven's refuge, feeling the distortion in the environment by the enraged cries of the raven, were wondering whether to continue their hunt or retreat to avoid being involved in the fight that would soon begin.

Inside the shelter, Sven was unaware of the changes outside. Although the first time Sven woke up to hear the screams of the raven, this time his own body was undergoing changes that blocked all connection with the outside.

Inside him, the energy contained in the boar's flesh was releasing light beams of energy that ran through each of his muscles. Faced with this stimulus, hundreds of muscle fibers were strengthened every second, not increasing in size, but rather increasing the ability to release energy.

Between the most extreme changes, below his hundred, small veins protruded releasing a stream of dark vapor with impurities that stained the ground.

After several hours of changes, the wolves had decided to retreat to their burrow, like them, most of the animals decided to hide from the crow.

Those who did not retreat were torn to pieces by the raven's hardened claws leaving only a bloodstain on the ground.

In the north of the forest, the snake had managed to digest the inside of the eggs, at this moment it was trying to assimilate as much energy into its body before the enraged bird arrived for its eggs.

Although the raven was capable of destroying a beast in a matter of seconds, the amount that still haunted the forest was too much to eliminate them all, that added to the degree of madness that it expressed with its screams.

After two hours, the spotted snake was able to absorb all the essence and began to improve its body. Copper colored energy beams covered every cell in her body creating an exotic sight.

In the distance, the raven could see the changes in the forest, including several bolts of energy cutting through the trees around it.

Widening its beak, the crow released a squawk that chilled everyone's blood, then lunged in the direction of the snake.

Upon arrival, the raven could see the elusive thief in the middle of an evolution. Although the transformation of the snake was not complete, two horns more than 1 meter long extended over the head of the animal.

Without waiting for its evolution to finish, the raven like a shadow in the sky, flapped its wings creating two gusts of wind that knocked down all the trees around it.

The snake, sensing the danger, caught several trees with its tail and threw them against the bird, to then escape and hide in the shadows, but the crow avoided its attack and pounced on the snake, where its claws extended, catching the tail. of the reptile throwing to the ground creating a crater of more than 20 meters.

What the snake needed most was time, thinking about that the reptile focused its energy between its horns creating a platinum-colored layer on its body.

Feeling that the snake was changing, the raven continued to attack the reptile's body creating fatal wounds on its skin, but over time a light covered the wound, regenerating the lost skin.

Although the snake's regeneration was high, it was not able to keep up with the raven's attacks, but she was confident due to its fangs penetrating the bird's skin, allowing its venom to spread throughout its entire body.

The most curious beasts approached the place where the battle was taking place, the explosions that echoed every time both beasts collided reaching every corner to the north of the forest.

In the morning, two beasts covered in blood stood in the center of a well hundreds of meters long.

Both figures were found with less than half of their flesh on their bones, but the one that looked better of the two was the snake.

Along with two horns, a five-meter-long pair of wings spanned the snake's body, which now had four muscular legs ending in sharp claws. With it his scales had increased in size, taking a dark blue tone giving him the appearance of a dragon from ancient legends.

On the raven's body, it could be seen that the venom had already spread leaving dark spots all over its skin, paralyzing its movements.

Seeing that the raven could no longer move, the spotted serpent, now called the young dragon, opened its jaws and released a distorted voice.

— Old friend, thank you for leaving your essence in your young. Now, after hundreds of years I was able to awaken the lineage of my ancestors—

The raven could only express his hatred through his eyes, but he could only see a mocking smile on the young dragon's face.

—Don't worry friend, I won't extend your suffering. Just remember, you will be the nutrient that will feed my new generations—

Spreading its wings, the dragon raised its body over twenty meters long for the first time.

— Goodbye, old friend—

Closing its jaws, the dragon parted the raven's head, swallowing it in one bite. Feeling that he should save the rest for his young, he coldly pierced the raven's body with his claws and carried it through the air looking for a place to establish his new lair.

After the dragon left the place, hundreds of smaller creatures began searching all over the place for the pieces of meat that the beasts had lost in the fight.

Some of them were lucky to get more than one piece, but those who did not get anything looked at those who left the place.

With a vicious look, hundreds of them formed groups and began to attack the weakest taking their lives and the pieces of meat they got. This was repeated leaving the ground full of corpses with only a dozen of the strongest standing, the latter taking as much as they could and leaving the place.

The luckiest beasts were the pair of wolves that wanted to hunt Sven, both had obtained more than a hundred kilograms in meat taking them to their lair.

Unaware of the battle that had happened in the night, Sven woke up feeling a foul odor in the room.

Searching for the source of the scent, he found that his body was covered in impurities that spread all over his bed.

— I must get water soon, otherwise I will die from the infections that this can create—

Throwing all the contaminated things out of his shelter, Sven crushed some leaves that had a good scent and cleaned most of his body.

— I don't understand anything anymore, how this happened at night—

Holding his throat, he felt that he was quite parched. Looking at the fruits he had, I look for a small pot, where he squeezed the juiciest fruits that he then drank to moisten his throat.

He hadn't noticed how easily he squeezed most things out and assumed it was normal.

At night, his body in addition to improving his muscles, increased his height from one meter seventy centimeters, to one meter eighty five centimeters.

After ordering his shelter, he ate part of the wild boar that was left the night before.

Sorting out his ideas, Sven decided to unlock the other entrance to his shelter, he needed fluids to maintain his health, and if possible, some weapon to defend himself.

The locked door had a solid steel frame, but several of its latches were broken and it had some long cracks on its surface.

Holding two metal pipes, Sven walked to the door and inserted the pipes into one of the openings for prying.

With the force that he gained, after a few minutes the door began to sound as if something on the other side had broken.

Changing places, the applied force on the other hand generating that the cracks of the door will increase. He failed to notice that the place where he was holding the tubes had his finger marks embedded in them.

Working all day, after clearing some of the plants that had penetrated the adjoining room, he was able to see inside the place.