
At the entrance to the city, groups of soldiers patrolled the walls in total order, ensuring that no spies entered.

When the caravan arrived at the guard post, two patrols were in charge of verifying each of the carts while a team of hogoblins were in charge of verifying the status of each person.

Although the situation could be strange for the inhabitants of the kingdom of Asturias, the goblins did not present a problem and allowed themselves to be checked by the guards.

Since the goblin lord appeared, he implemented many novel ideas causing the goblin village to grow from occupying two square kilometers to over a hundred kilometers controlled by the most trusted officers of his lord.

In the streets, people of all kinds of races walked through the stores that had all kinds of products.

After Sonia's group reached the main street of the city, a patrol of special soldiers stopped her.

— Fargo, how dare you stop me while I'm on a special mission for our lord—

From the group of soldiers, a white half-orc of more than two meters stood in front of Sonia stretching her arms trying to grab her body.

Sonia seeing that Fargo was going to grab her, she took her two swords from her cutting towards the front of her, but her attacks were blocked by a worn spear in the hands of the half-orc.

— Interesting, you haven't lost your technique girl, but you lack the strength to face me—

At one point Fargo's image dispersed and he appeared on Sonia's back. Without fear she crossed her swords blocking the attack, but an outstretched arm slammed into her stomach throwing him a few feet back.

— You see, you still have a long way to go, girl, if you agree to be my wife, I am sure you will be stronger—

Spitting a mouthful of blood at Fargo, Sonia taunted her half orc causing Fargo to try to attack her again.

— Stop Fargo, I don't want to see a talent like you feed my pets—

The half-orc was surprised to see the withered goblin resting on the wagon, lowering the spear from him and kneeling as a bead of sweat ran down his forehead.

— I did not know that a scholar like you was present, please consider that nothing happened today—

Although Fargo had no respect for Petro, he was aware that if the goblin told the goblin lord what happened today, his life would be over.

Glaring at the elf, he held back his anger and ordered his patrol to advance, unblocking the way.

— Don't think I appreciate your help Petro. Advance towards the lord's palace—

Without taking the elf's words seriously, Petro was more concerned for her well-being, if something had happened to her while he was present, his death would be the best reward for what would happen to him.

In the streets of the city, children of all ages and races ran without concern and were in good health. Those left orphaned were taken by the army and trained until they could wield a weapon in battle.

— Surely you are surprised at the capacity of our lord, if we had never been forced to hide, everything in more than thousands of kilometers would belong to him—

— Don't be a boot-licker, we've almost reached our lord's palace, it's better that you stay silent—

When looking at the walls of the inner palace, jade towers protected the entrance that led to a garden full of multicolored flowers, inside the most beautiful maidens of each race were in charge of their care and with a smile they greeted the guests.

The interior of the corridors was covered by different artistic works protected by hogoblin guards dressed in sapphire armor.

While the group of goblins carried Petro on a stretcher, one of them tripped due to exhaustion and was going to fall near a statue.

Without realizing it, the gaze of one of the guards posted on the walls landed on him and extending a thin sword divided him in half while another guard launched a fireball that calcined all the remains.

Without releasing the slightest sigh, the goblins continued advancing until they reached the entrance of the main hall, at that moment two female knights in charge of guarding the entrance warned them.

— Beyond this point is the main residence of our king, for no reason do you dare to raise your face from him unless our king orders it. Those who violate this order only await death—

Sonia was used to hearing these words because she was constantly called to the main courtroom, yet those rules only applied to men and she was not concerned.

Lowering their heads, the goblins walked down a long red carpet adorned with images of gold-colored dragons.

When they advanced halfway, the voices of many women who were conversing with each other in some languages ​​they did not know could reach their ears.

Petro was another of the people who could not lift his head, but on one occasion the king gave him permission to express his words, being able to see for a second beauties of the caliber to start several wars, but he did not keep his eyes and hid the feeling of greed that was born in his heart.

— Stop there, you cannot advance further or you will be killed on the spot—

Frightened by the female voice, the goblins were frozen in place, until the female voice gave them the order to retreat, leaving Petro and Sonia in the living room.

— It's rare to see you in that state Petro, you think that with that appearance I'll let you talk to our king—

The female voice was a young woman who appeared to be twenty years old, but in reality she was a witch over five hundred years old, possessing an explosive body covered by only a purple sarong and her long golden hair covering her breasts.

— We have important information for our lord, I hope that the royal concubine does not care about my current state—

Wanting to give trouble to Petro, the female voice criticized her goblin, but behind her an imposing voice echoed in the hall.

— Farys is enough, I would like to hear what our senior scholar has to say—

Although the king's words were calm, Petro knew that he had to be careful in what he said or one of the concubines in the hall would take his life.

— Our lord, after hundreds of years of being forced to hide, follow his orders and we headed to the other end of the forest looking for more towns to absorb—

Between his words, the goblin added many phrases praising the king, gaining the trust of the concubines who resumed their conversations forgetting about him. For Petro this was a great advance to preserve his life, but at no time did he realize that the king's gaze was only focused on the elf next to him.

— During our exploration through the south of the forest we found a small group of dark elves, which we attacked by killing five of them, but somehow they got help and we were surrounded by an army with several magic users in it—

— Oh, still that does not explain why you are in that state. Raise your face and tell us what happened, I don't want to hear any lies in your words or you will beg for death—

Complicated, the goblin looked up and could see the immortal beauty of Farys, but he did not keep his gaze on her and saw the young man next to her.

The goblin king was sitting on his throne, although he was the strongest goblin of the race he had lost the physical characteristics of a goblin. The king possessed a muscular body with tattoos only on his arms and two long horns on his head, his height of more than two meters together with his close-to-human appearance made him look like a man to follow.

Looking into the cold eyes of his king, the goblin explained his encounter with the army and the reason why he used that forbidden technique.

— When we were about to harvest all the lives of those creatures, a soldier appeared on our back looking at our being in a strange way —

— Why should you bother me talking about a dead soldier, you better explain yourself well—

Feeling that the concubines had stopped talking, Petro's skin felt like thousands of needles sting him at the same time. Without waiting for his life to be reaped he continued.

— My lord, you ordered me that if you seemed an unusual creature I should report to you as a priority, so come back. That soldier did not die, he was somehow able to absorb our forbidden ability forcing us to flee—

After those words, a silence flooded the place. Worried the goblin did not dare to breathe waiting for the words of the king of him.

— You said that a dark elf was able to find you through a spell, are you sure she can't find you right now? —

— Yes sir, when I was transferred to the city I got rid of everything I had—

When he looked into his king's eyes, the goblin noticed various lights moving within them.

— It seems that you did not do your job well, Sonia cut off her right arm —

Not believing what he heard, the goblin felt fear and instinctively wanted to flee, but the elf next to him had long since drawn her swords, severing the withered arm.

When his arm fell to the ground, an intangible rope of light rose into the air and she tried to flee, but a shadow moved beside her and encased her in an ice cube.

— My king, what do you want me to do with this rope—

The woman who spoke had pale skin, but her red lips and long legs could take any man's breath away.

— If you can no longer reveal our location you can dispose of it as you want Minerva—

Minerva upon hearing these words was happy and blew her king a kiss and then opened her lips and absorbed all the magic that was left in the rope.

— Petro, you know our rules and I should kill you right now because you could have revealed our location—

To Sonia these words meant that it was possible that she could kill the pesky goblin, but the king's words brought her out of her thoughts.

— But due to the information you have brought from the town of dark elves and the soldier capable of canceling your forbidden magic, you can maintain your status and your belongings, but you will no longer participate in anything related to the army—

The slightly disgruntled goblin wanted to thank the king for him, but Farys stepped in front of the king and ordered the guards to take Petro away.

When only Sonia remained, the royal concubines stopped talking and looked jealously at the elf while Farys left the throne.

— My lord, I have not seen my mother for a month, could her grace allow me to see her? —

— Raise your face Sonia, thanks to your help I was able to hear very important information for me. If what you want is to see your mother, I will not deny it, but you only have two days, after that you will return to your duties in the army—

— Thank you, thank you very much my lord—

Farys could not stand while in a low voice he said "bitch", she did not like the favoritism that her king gave to the elf and if she had the opportunity she would kill her on the spot.

While mother and daughter had a joyous reunion in the inner courtyards of the palace, with a glass of wine in his hand, King Abbadon thought about the information that Petro gave him.

— It seems that after hundreds of years another one has reappeared, I just hope that he is able to entertain me for a while—