Rumors are just Rumors

The door closed, making Hilda's head snap to its direction. "Who's there? I have a weapon!"

"It's just me," a low scruffy voice spoke right by the counter. The lady sighed after seeing that it was The Wandering Trader.

"It's you," Hilda smiled. "Finally, you're here. There I thought you got caught by cops."

"They can't catch me that easily," Allen said, walking close to the woman. "How was business here?"

"Booming," Hilda grinned. She ran to the counter and openes the drawer. "I sold all of the Codes and I'm expecting more orders to come."

She placed a folder, a notebook, a pen, and a calculator on the counter. "I have the receipts here in the folder. We can discuss how we'll split the money and what you'd like me to do next."

"I don't have much for you to do except do well with your business," Allen said. "Once your son notices how your life improved, he will come back."

"Right," Hilda nodded.