Matthew Gray

Donald's hands were ignited with a bright purple flames. The fire traveled down to the bald man's body, seemingly burning him.

"Don't worry," Jack said. "That's only part of the Code. "A dramatic flames of warmth that is used to wake anyone up."

"Oh," Allen calmed himself down. He heard a series of chuckles behind him, but it wasn't offensive type of chuckle. It was more of a playful type, when Jack's men found his actions amusing. "Why did it have to involve that bright flame? For a moment there, I thought you'd burn him alive."

"Allen, my boy, this man is our only way to find out what Chen has been up to," Jack said. "We can't possibly lose him."

"Right," Allen said with a nod as they refocused their attention on Donald.

'New feature unlocked.'

Allen heard the voice of his interface out of the blue. He looked around to see if his surprise was obvious, and when no one noticed, he read the description of the feature.