
The plan was simple. Bernard would attack the beast to lure its attention. On the other side of the giant lizard, Allen would attack the open wound and activate their effects all at once.

"Open it," Bernard said, telling Sebastian to create a hole in the bubble so they could exit through it.

"Wait a minute," Sebastian placed two of his fingers on Allen's forehead. He hummed and a gentle blue light lit up from his fingertips.

On Allen's mask appeared a water droplet symbol. It was glowing on the mask like a LED light. After seeing this, Bernard sighed and exited the bubble. "I'll start distracting it."

"This should keep the heat out," Sebastian said. "Now go. Defeat that monster."

Allen nodded at the blind man and followed Bernard out of the bubble. Just like he said, he couldn't feel the heat that was radiating from the Fire Dragon. The building was melting, but his skin still felt normal.