Body Creator

Type: Skill

Grade: Grand (Evolvable)

Effect/s: (1) Active - The user can create a faux human with the physical appearance and attributes to their will. Max number of Bodies = 3.

(2) Passive - Created Bodies will gain 30% of the user's attributes. This would increase when the Body gains experience with the user, gaining more attributes as they level up.

Three people burst out of the light from Allen. The light died down and he smirked at Hilda who had a clear perplexed look on her face. 

"W-What are those?" She asked as she looked at the three figures that were currently standing still, all unmoving.

"These are my clones," Allen introduce. One by one, he pointed at the clones he made from his new Code. "Stacey, Oliver, and Vince."