Black Gate

Dark and cold alley. It was nighttime and the curfew for the Hunters was still enforced, making it even more quieter in the streets.

Allen didn't need to hide himself under his disguise this time. He was meeting Jake, who may or may not have any idea who the man behind the Wandering Trader was. But since Allen didn't want to take any risk, he just went there as Dante. If he ever gets caught, he'll just excuse himself by saying that he's trying to find the Wandering Trader.

He walked into the alley and waited for a couple of seconds before a man walked out of the darkness. It was a man his age and had the same build as him, tall and muscled. They both share the same sharp features and their striking blue eyes.

The only difference was that Allen currently had a natural blonde hair while the man had bleached hair. He knew the moment he saw the black colored roots from the man that was starting to grow into half an inch from his scalp.