A New Enemy

Sebastian calmly waved his hand and shoot a bubble towards Bernard's lifeless body. When the bubble popped, a bright blue light covered Bernard's entire body, the light spinning around his body three times before vanishing.

"Penalty," Sebastian said. He kneeled in front of Bernard and tapped his friend's chest. "Wake up, man."

"You mean the Penalty for the other Celestums?" Allen asked, looking at Scorpio who was frozen into a stone. "They turn to stone when they hurt a successing Celstum?"

"Yes," Sebastian said. "One more of these Zodiacs contacted us. The Zodiac does not want to disclose any more information, but it was basically it. We got a heads up from what could happen sooner or later."

"But why did they sent someone if they know that they couldn't hurt a succeeding Celestum?" Jeremy thought out loud. "Did they use Scorpio as a bait? And what happened to Bernard? He literally died moments ago."