After everyone paid their last respect to the departed soul, the priest chanted the last prayers. The casket was put into the pit, and the soil was thrown on it.

Ruth felt so many things at that moment, but her face refused to let them come on it. Edwin had never met Mr Payne in person, but during his stalking of Ruth, he had seen how beautiful their bond was- just like a father and daughter.

He could only imagine what Ruth was going through. Edwin waited to hide from the crowd. He saw people meeting and paying their condolences to Ruth.

He tried focusing only on her heartbeat, and it was crying in pain.

"Edwin, we should get back to 'the great manor'. Lord Augsutus must want to see you after this news." Lester said.

Edwin did not want to leave Ruth in that state. "Lester, please. I want to stay here some more. I am following every instruction of you. Please give me some more time."