"Do you know what is more difficult than losing your loved ones?" Edwin asked.

Ruth shook her head, looking at his handsome face. He turned to match her gaze and said, "staying away from the ones you love!"

The intensity of his burning gaze and the genuineness of his words had Ruth gasping for more air. She felt a shiver ran down her spine as she looked into his beautiful eyes.

"But you have to endure that pain, Miss Moore. Because life and time do not stop for anyone. People come into our lives to play certain roles. Some teach us, while some punish us. But they all leave memories behind.

And that is the reason why you should not give up on your life. Their memories! After people leave this mortal world what can be the best way of paying them a tribute by cherishing their memories in your heart?"

Sucking a deep breath, Ruth tore her gaze from his. "And what about the pain? It does not let you move on. It keeps you dragging down till you fall."