Edwin sat on the bed, staring at Ruth. He sensed her anxiousness and was worried about what she might have seen in her dream last night.

In Edwin's opinion, it was not only a boon but also a curse. Knowing the future that couldn't be altered or changed was frustrating. If he could, then he would have taken that power from Ruth.

He didn't like how she felt stressed after every such dream.

"Ruth" He called her name only to see her shut her eyes close.

Edwin reached for her hands and held them in his bigger ones. Rubbing mindless patterns on her knuckles, he heard how frantically her heart was beating.

"Please talk to me, love! I cannot read your mind unless you voice out your thoughts. Let me help you, Ruth. Let me calm you." He said in the gentlest voice, which made Ruth relax a bit.

She slowly opened her eyes to look straight into his worried ones.

"It's going to happen again, Edwin." She whispered without any context.