Raynold's feet carried him to Lester's chamber at a fast pace early in the morning. The deep frown that settled on his face gave him that fierce appearance that nobody dared to come in his way.

The werewolves caught on the tension radiating out of his body though they didn't know the reason for it. Some thought the warriors he had invited from all the packs must have gotten on his nerves to set his mood foul.

They only hoped that he would not turn out to be like his cousin and would handle the situation patiently because Alpha Edwin was never popular for being a patient man.

Without knocking on the door, Raynold strode through the open doors only to find Lester flirting with Elsie while the latter mock glared at him.

Raynold rolled his eyes in annoyance before he grumbled distastefully, announcing his arrival.

"Stop humming around my little cousin like a bee or I will chop off your wings!"