Game Over
Yes No
Lukas stared at the screen for what seemed like an eternity, his mind still trying to process what had happened to him. He knew that he was about to get in the shower, he knew that he was standing at the sink, and he knew that he was dead.
What most people don't realize is that even when you get shot in the head your mind still processes sights and sounds for about half a second to a full second after it's been blown to bits, then your sight vanishes. This is all due to the fact that your full brain hasn't been damaged. Well, unless your head has been completely blown off.
Lukas did see the hole that had blown through one side of his head and the blood splatter against the mirror. He was more amazed because he couldn't see any bags under his eyes anymore, and he had been trying to get rid of them for months. 'So, all it takes is a bullet to the head' was his last thought before he blacked out.
When he mysteriously opened his eyes and began to stare into the empty blackness of nothing, his mind couldn't wrap around what was going on. So, he just stood there… staring at the screen…
His brain finally started working again and he realized that the screen in front of him was exactly like the menu screen for Proelium. 'Hrm. That's weird. I wonder why it's like that. Maybe it's pulled from my memories.' He looked around him and nothing else besides that one screen could be seen in this void. His attention turned back to the screen.
'Okay, so obviously game over is my life. I mean, that part is pretty apparent. But, what about this restart? Is it like restarting a new life as a whole new person with a brand new life, or am I going back to being a baby in my own life? I mean, I guess there's a possibility of it being like a save point too…Like, what the hell is going on?'
Lukas looked at the options once again before finally making up his mind. 'If I answer no, I'm just gonna go to whatever is after death. But, if I answer yes. I get to keep living.' A slight grin covered his face for the first time in many years. 'Well, you'll never miss the shots you don't take, so here goes.' He shut his eyes, as he pressed the "Yes" option, and for the third time today, the world went black.