AN: This Chapter Has taken awhile because I'm building an entire world history in one chapter. Also, this chapter won't be told in a POV. It will just be him reading the book. This is skippable. Also, made a mistake in the stats and went back and changed it.)
Aurelia was founded in 1660 when an explorer from a tiny country in the South Western Hemisphere, Terrack (Tear-rack) accidentally stumbled upon it on a journey to figure out what was on the other side of the vast Stalian (Stal-ean) Sea. Portia Direc wasn't looking for anything in general, it was just a simple discovery mission. What she found there ended up changing the worldview entirely though. As soon as it was discovered, the 3 major superpowers in the world at the time sent huge missions and fleets over to Aurelia trying to claim the unknown land for themselves. Precia (Pre-sh-ea), Talios (Ta-lios), and Kharva (Carve-a) fought war after war trying to claim the precious resources having a new unexplored territory would bring.
This state of conflict lasted over 100 years, eventually becoming known as the TriCent era. Eventually, Talios claimed most of the country for its own with Precia holding most of the west coast and Kharva holding parts of the South. Each area boasted plentiful natural resources that hadn't been touched by man for thousands of years. The small native tribes that existed near the large bodies of water were friendly and made deals with the new countries for them to keep the land they owned for as long as their families wanted to live in that area. They were still governed by Talios mainly, but they kept their autonomy within themselves existing quite like their own state. Talios formed a capital city inside the colony states called Scetre. (Se-tr-eh) Roughly 100 years later, the colonies couldn't take being ruled over anymore, and gained their Independence through a series of long grueling battles with Talios. Talios accepted their independence as long as they could develop a trade relation with Aurelia. Aurelia soon made deals with Kharva and Precia to gain the land they owned, and to set up more trade routes for themselves. The next 250 years or so, passed by without much incident. The year now was 2025