Chapter 1

On a storm chilly morning, two sisters were born. One was white as snow, the other black and dark brown. Hidden from the darkness and was pure of heart. Their father wasn't their father, but of another. He was oblivious until now, none of them inherit his brown speckled coat, he felt deceived. Three-months before they would be married to merge two packs, their mother was in love with another, she was beautiful grey and black wolf with golden soul piercing eyes. Her name was Everest. Everest fell for the compassionate beta of her pack, he was white with splashed grey and red run down his coat, with green eyes. Her father was not pleased with Everest, because her father had a secret, that he was not ready to tell her.

Xerces: [He snapped his jaws shut bearing his teeth, at the young up start beta.] "Everest it's time u leave this ruffian alone."

Everest: [Didn't fight with her father, yet she was oblivious to where they were going and what was going to happen.] They eventually did make it to their destination. At the end of the woods at the edge of their boarder stood two massive wolves. Their odor was not of them.

 Everest: [Walked beside her father.] "Who are they father? They don't smell of us."

Xerces: [Her father smiled.] "These strangers are our future associates."

Everest: [Looked clueless.]

 as they moved forward. The walk, that appeared as if it will never end.

            The Alpha of the Saw-tooth Mountain pack: [Spoke with a rugged chill tone in his voice.] "Welcome, Xerces and Everest to our side of the field."

The young male: [By his side stood up trying to impress Everest.]

Everest: [She pays no attention to him.]

Xerces: "Thank you." Xerces and the alpha of Saw-tooth Mountain pack spoke.

Xerces: [Glanced at his daughter, then cleared his throat, getting the attention of Everest and the young male.] "My sweet daughter, take a good look at the young male ahead of you."

Everest: [She looks at him.]

Xerces: "This will be your mate, Everest you will betrothed to him within a week, I advise you to get to know him better--."

Everest: "Father what do you mean, I will be engaged to this male, I don't love him, let alone do I know him father."

Xerces: "Everest you must understand the circumstance we are in, you will be doing this to prevent war and, hunger between two packs--."

Sharp: [Cut him off and spoke with his cold voice.] "Look young she-wolf, you have no choice, ever alpha before you, have pick their children mates, it is traditions and our customs, which in doing so, keeps the packs at peace."

Everest: [Lowers her head, made no sound.]

Sharp: [Smiles.] "They have a week before they are married." They walked away, retreated into their territories.

 Everest: [Went running to her lover, upset and in tears.]

Ash:" What's wrong, my love, I've never seen you in so much pain before." [He snuggles around her to comfort her.]

Everest: "I'm engaged to another, Ash, we can no longer be together."

Ash: [Ears twitched.] "Let's leave, and start our own family, never return."

Everest: [Put ears back.] "I can't, if I do, the pack will get harmed, they have tough hunting bison wolves."

 Everest: [She looks into his eyes and put paw on his.]" I'm Pregnant Ash, from when we got frisky, I was going to tell my father, so I can marry you, but this happened."

Xerces: [Out of nowhere, her father roared and slammed Ash to the ground.]

 Ash: [Gets the air Knocked out of him.]

Everest: "Father stopped it! You're hurting him!"

Xerces: [He through him into a nearby rock.] "Leave and Never Return." [Her father snarled]

Ash: [Gets up, limps away he, looks back gazing into Everest eyes, then continued on his way.]

Everest: [A tear trickles down her cheeks.] "Father please."

Xerces: "We will not speak of this Everest!" [He stormed away.]

 Everest: [Cried over Ash departure.]

Ash: [Was found dead half way out of the pack's territory succumbed to his injuries the next morning.]