Chapter 2

Everest and Dawn: [Six days later, got married.]

 Everest: [Holding the secret of her lost mate with her. Until now.]

Dawn: "How could you, Everest?" [He spoke with a broken voice.]

Everest: "Dawn please, let me keep my daughters, I know they're not yours, but all they have left is you. My father killed their biological father."

 Dawn: "If I refuse?" [ Aggressive tone.]

Everest: "Look at them Dawn, they can still be yours train them up as they grow."

Dawn:" Fine, they can live, since they are not my offspring, they will not inherit the thrown, Everest:" But, Dawn they are of my blood—."  

Dawn: "But, not of mine he snarled!" [His voice gets louder.]

Everest: [Put her ears back, as she watches Dawn storm out of the den.]

            Everest: [Gazed lovingly and attentively at her two daughters, Everest smiled.] "White as snow and rosy pink paws, I redeem your name to be Vitalis, and your beautiful sister a spinning image of her mother and father I redeem your name to be Asciayl."   [ Three- weeks later.] The pups go from out of the darkness of the protection of the den, into the brightness of the great unknown. They are tad bit wobbly on their feet, as the sun shines through the canopies of the wood lands creating perfect temperature on the right day for three- weeks of age pups to adventure, and pick up new sounds and smells, feel the wind blow against their fur. As the weeks went on the pups became more adventures and stronger. Soon, it was time for the pups to be introduced to the pack, they are bright spunky four- month old pups loving to explore.

Everest: [Worried that her two daughters will not be accepted by the pack, they look nothing like their father.]   

Vitalis: [ Looked on joyfully, looking at the new flora and catching new smells, besides her sister.] "Ma'am, where are we going?"   

Everest: [ Smiled.] "Sweetheart we are going to see the rest of the family."

Vitalis: O—

Asciayl: [ She cuts off her sister]. "But ma'am, I thought it was just us, who else is there."

Everest: [Spoke calmly to her little with a loving gaze.] "You have a father, name Dawn, have two grandpas, name Sharp and Xerces, etc."

Everest: "Yet, there are so many pack members I can't name them all." [ She giggles.]

Vitalis and Asciayl: [Giggles with their mother.]

They eventually arrived at the pack's camp. Everyone stared at the new arrivals and smiled.

Dawn: [Greets his step daughters and his mate.] "Hello, my beautiful family."

Xerces and Sharp: [ Appeared on the scene.]

Sharp: [Looked displeased at the offspring, but he drops it and assume that's their mother gene's dominate.]  "Oh, they are so adorable."

Xerces: [ Put ears back knowing the dark truth about the girls but put them back up not to give Sharp any conclusions.]" I agree, Sharp, they are the cutest things, I have ever seen."

Everest: [Smiled.]

The pack start crowding around the little girls and the rest of the royal family. After things clam down, the girls became full members of the pack, and started to learn the rolls in the pack. [Two- years went by.] Everest was pregnant once more. Yet, Xerces died in a bison hunt a year ago. Sharp looking older now rely on the pack to feed him and bring him water.

Dawn: [ Put his ears back.] "Everest, its time the girls knew that I'm not their real father."

Everest: [Eyes widen.] "No, I refuse to tell them you're not their father and--."

Dawn: "Please, they need to know, and you know that, Everest."

Everest: [Goes silent.] "Your much as their father as Ash would have been to them, Dawn."

Dawn: [Put ears back.] "I'm thinking about making a peace offering to Southern Ridge pack, for peace."

Everest: [Looked suspicious at Dawn.] "What is that exactly."

Dawn: "I'm thinking about giving our daughters paws in marriage, too the Southern Ridge pack two eldest sons."

Everest: [Looking angry.] "What! [She snarled.], what do you mean, my daughter will stay here with me."

Dawn: "They are of age, also not of mine, either they leave, or I force them in paw engagement."

Everest: "You can't –."

Vitalis: [ A fallen leaf crackled under her paws giving her away, getting the attention of her parents.]

Dawn and Everest looked and at their youngest daughter eyes started to water up.