Chapter 3

Vitalis: [ She runs away and out of sight of her parents.]

Vitalis: [Finds her sister.] "Asciayl, we need to go." [ She said with tears running down her cheeks.]

Asciayl: [ Looks concerned.] "Why are you crying, and why do we have to leave?"

Vitalis: "we are no longer welcome here sis."

Asciayl: "What!" [ Look of shock.]

                Vitalis: [ She told her sister everything she overheard of what mother and father was say.]

Asciayl: [Fire in her eyes, shown her anger.] "Let's go sis!"

Both sisters made their way out of their home they once knew and loved, without looking back. The girls travel far from home becoming nomads, they bumped into a young she- wolf a few months behind them, her name is Kaliska. [ She is a beautiful black and white wolf with dark green/brown eyes.] At first the girls were hostile to one another.

Kaliska: [Watches the sunset above the horizon.]

Vitalis: [Falls to sleep next to her sister, curled up into a fur ball.]

Asciayl: [Was already sleeping.]

Yet, this wasn't permanent home, when morning arose the girls stretched and yawn, struggling to get up from their nice comfy spot. 

Vitalis: "We should hunt for breakfast." [She stands up and walks away and started to sniff around.]

Kaliska: [Wags her tail and smiled.] "Hey! I found deer sent."

Asciayl: [Looked up and smiled.]

Vitalis: "Perfect." [She walks over to Kaliska.] The girls followed the sent trail, found a lone buck grazing on some fallen fruit.

Asciayl: "We should come up with a plan."

Vitalis: [Wasn't paying attention to Asciayl, sneaks away into the thickest.]

Kaliska: "Um…, Asciayl Vitalis is gone." [Looks puzzled, to where Vitalis went.]

Asciayl: [Looked dazed and looked around.] "Ugh…!"

[All of sudden all they heard is the trot of the deer rushing their way.]

Asciayl: "Ah!!" [ She dashes out of the way.]

Kaliska: [ Eyes get big, and duck.] "Holy Moose!"