It has been two days since they fought and I was having lunch outside in the school yard with Paisely and two animals.
"Please leave." Said Viv with a deathly tone.
"Listen, you have no right to tell me what to do. I'm simply here to spend some time to get to know the two ladies behind you." Said David Cross, one of this kingdom's dukes.
I haven't said a word to him, but he seems to be here for Viv and not us. Otherwise, he would pay more attention to us rather than arguing with her.
"They don't want to spend time to get to know you."
"That can't be true. I am a duke. I am a great person to get to know." I simply sipped my tea and watched them argue with each other. He introduced himself to us yesterday, and today, he seems to be pushing to get to know Viv.
"Paisely, did you finish your homework from yesterday? I found it a bit hard and had to ask for help." Well I asked Cera for help since she does my homework with me and showers me with hugs while we do it.
"Yeah, it wasn't too bad. I did it this morning." Seems Paisely is good at writing runes.
I heard Viv pull out her sword and swing at the David.
"That was rude, what if you had cut me?" He nonchalantly stepped back as she swung her sword.
"Then it would have been a wonderful day." Viv replied.
I let Viv do what she wanted and didn't bother because I honestly didn't care about the duke. As long as he doesn't get in my way, I don't have any issues with him sticking around. Besides, I think Paisely likes him. She keeps looking his way and is paying extra attention to him.
"Would you like to sit down, duke Cross?" Asked Paisely.
"It would be an honor, but I doubt this one will let me." he responded.
"You're right. I won't let you. You do not have permission to sit next to or share the same table as my lady." Viv was being headstrong. She was definitely ordered by Cera, so I decided to pay it no mind. Cera said she wanted me to make friends, but there's probably a restriction she didn't tell me about.
I love how she cares for me and issues commands like that without telling me. Makes me feel loved whenever I find out what she's doing for me.
They kept fighting and arguing next to me and I simply kept talking to Paisely about our classes. I didn't want to deal with their animal fight. They seemed like cats and dogs. Speaking of, I should Cera if she wants pets.
I think I definitely want a cat. They remind me so much of Cera.
"Paisely would you prefer a cat or a dog?" I asked.
"Probably a dog." She does seem like a dog person.
"I'm going to go pet shopping today, would you like to come?"
"I can't today. I have some stuff to do at home with my family." She said.
"Okay, no problem." Well, it's not a big deal and this way I can actually have a date with Cera!
Afterschool finally came and I went home happily with Viv, ready to ask Cera to go on a pet shopping date.
"Viv, do you prefer cats or dogs?"
"I prefer dogs. More specifically wolves." A pet wolf would be cool too.
We went inside and I should have waited for Cera to finish her paperwork, but I was too excited.
"Ceraa! Let's go pet shopping!" I yelled as I jumped on her.
Cera quickly stood up and caught me with her hands on my thighs.
I looked at her and she looked at me, my stomach feeling nervous. Butterflies coming alive and roaming around.
"Can we go pet shopping today?" I asked while hugging her by the neck and looking at her blue eyes.
"What would you like to get?" She asked me with an alluring smile.
"I'm not sure yet, maybe a cat."
"Let's get changed and we can go." She carried me to our room and I got out of my uniform. Putting on a white one piece dress with flower flutters and sandals.
I helped Cera dress up in a pink dress with blue flower patterns.
"You look so beautiful." I said.
"No, you're the beautiful one here." She pushed me onto the bed, putting her knee between my knees, slowly reaching for a kiss.
"W-wait, you're gonna scrunch up my dress."
"That's alright. We'll just change you into a new one." She didn't relent.
Kissing me and leaving a bit of saliva on my lips. Unable to move from the bed.
"Let's go." She said after casually leaving me vulnerable.
"O-one more. Please" I was still laying on the bed, my hair and dress becoming disheveled.
Cera smile at me and pounced on top of me. Putting one hand on my cheek and the other covering my eyes while her knees were on each side of mine to avoid scrunching up the dress even more.
She got close enough to my lips, but never kissed me. I put my hands around her waist.
Unable to see made me feel her presence even more. Her soft perfume and her warm breath were much more prominent and I couldn't help but remember what she did to me the other night. Feeling embarrassed, I let go of her waist and she quickly grabbed my hand again and put it back. My heart pounding. I love her.
We spent 30 minutes like that before leaving to the pet shop. My heart pounding with anticipation for our next kiss.
On our way there, I was hugging Cera inside the carriage and thinking about getting a small fire cat or a water one if they had any. Whichever one was cuter.
We arrived at a nice looking shop, painted with a variety of different bright colors and they had some cages set up outside with different animals and small beasts.
I quickly left the carriage because I really wanted to look at the little creatures.
While I was occupied looking at a wolf, Cera caught up to me and held my hand, making me feel a little shy for being in such a hurry.
I squeeze her hand tightly and dragged her around the cages outside, looking at all the pets. Quickly moving inside the store.
"Welcome." Said a brunette with a dirty uniform on.
"Hello, we're looking for felines." Cera told her.
"Please, follow me." We followed her into the side of the store, where there was a lot of little, different colored kittens.
I was quickly enchanted by their cuteness and reached to pet one.
"Please be careful, they bite sometimes." My skin was always protected by my Alm reinforcement, so I didn't worry about it.
The cat sniffed my hand and then bit me. Guess it doesn't like me.
I moved on to the next one and it did the same thing.
Then the next.
None of them seemed to like me.
"You have to discipline them." Said Cera.
She reached her hand in and started petting it without any trouble.
It was a black cat with red eyes.
It started purring and rubbing itself against Cera's hand.
"I guess we found one." I said happily.
It will be like our first child!
I was already excited to take care of it.
"Would you like to hold it?" She asked me, pulling it out of its cage without permission.
I carefully grabbed it and started petting it on the head. I made sure to hold it lightly and gently as to not hurt it.
I want this one.
It was biting me, but it soon started licking me instead. I was happy.
Suddenly, Cera pulled me by the hand and behind her. Losing my grip on the baby kitten.
An attack went straight to where I was standing, hitting the kitten and splattering it on the ground with great force, making it spread all over the ground.
My mind suddenly went blank as I watched the kitten that was just licking me, bleeding in pieces.
I bent down to touch it while Cera let go of me and grabbed the assailant by the throat and using a contract spell on him before he spoke.
"The first Prince ordered-" Then his head exploded.
I didn't feel the attacker. It was my fault. Had I noticed it earlier, this kitten wouldn't have had to die.
I gathered the leftover pieces of the kitten and put them in my arms. I released as much power as I could. I was angry. I wanted revenge, but he was already dead. I wanted this kitten to come back, but it was already gone. I started crying.
"Come back."
That was when the kitten started twisting and deforming and reshaping itself. Slowly turning back to what it looked like before. My tears getting mixed with the kitten.
"Zara, let go." I heard a stern voice behind me, and I let go of the kitten. Placing it on the ground where all the blood was.
The cat had been revived.
My head suddenly started hurting. Feeling like explosions were going off inside.
Then, I felt the world go black.